Whole milk


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
If you buy American milk, you get a hormone soup as they force their cows to produce more milk by pumping them up with drugs. You may not like homo milk but you might grow a pair of tits just the same.
Blackie is a Brit. They have their own milk supply. But from what I have heard, it is no better. Their cows are indoor cattle, plugged full of hormones and so on.


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
I wish I could get some raw milk. The Government here in Ontario is rabid about preventing any 'natural' food from being available.
I was raised on raw cow's milk as a child and the homemade butter, the whipped cream, cream for coffee and desserts was out of this world for flavour.
The milk we buy is tasteless and I suspect lacks nutrition. Can't even buy homogonized ,milk here.
Geeeez. :( I thought we were bad enough when our gov't started forcing small farmers to take their stock half a province away for inspection before slaughtering. One of our neighbours just simply quit farming. He said he made a small profit but if he had to transport his stock that far, he'd be losing money. The one we get our pork does stuff under the table now and he isn't the only one. I cheat with my chickens and eggs.
I really do hate nanny governments with a passion.

Some people get sick from something they've ingested and they feel that they've won the lottery and sue the manufacturer/producer.

It's bad enough how many people think they've gotten the flu but have in fact poisoned themselves from poor food handling practices...
True dat.

Cranberry juice is the way to go although it doesn't taste very good. I like the cranberry/pomegranate mix. Love milk but it doesn't like me.
I love cranraspberry. Cranapple isn't bad either. Yummy.


The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
The newest thing in this area is renting/leasing a cow from one of the smaller dairy farmers. Then you can take the raw milk and do as you please. I don't even have to go milk mine, part of the lease is he does it for me. It is an easy end-around of the current regulations about selling unpastuerized milk.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
I knew a woman many years ago who caught bovine tuberculosis from drinking unpasteurized milk in the 1930's as a little girl. It left her quite crippled and severely misshapen, I would add (nice lady, though). Now, bovine tuberculosis is almost certainly not around, anymore. Livestock are often healthier than we are and I'll bet that one can drink unpasteurized milk now without consequence. I just want to point out that your milk has been pasteurized for the last century because people got tired of burying their children. It was not a plot to debase your food in any way. When our antibiotics have lost their effectiveness (soon, apparently) we will have to continue pasteurizing milk. If you get it wrong, the consequences are positively ghastly. It's just that there is hardly anyone alive who remembers what the consequences of getting it wrong as after a century of being protected from them. We have the luxury of safely drinking raw milk for a little while yet. Our infant mortality rate is set to go up quite sharply when our antibiotics have run out of effect and simple prevention like pasteurization will save us from watching them regularly die, as our ancestors did a century and as bit ago.
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Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
Well, not everyone fell for the anti-biotic fad. Some people simply kept watch on their cattle and separated the ill ones. Their cows have sturdier immune systems.
Same can be said for humans, though. If you keep your house sterilised, your water sterilised, your kids sterilised, etc. your immune system becomes redundant and the genes controlling it shut off.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Cranberry juice is the way to go although it doesn't taste very good. I like the cranberry/pomegranate mix. Love milk but it doesn't like me.

I like cranberry juice, but apparently I'm not supposed to drink it as it's not compatible with one of my medications. That might be a myth as I had lots of cranberry sauce (love it) with turkey dinner and I'm still here.

Well, not everyone fell for the anti-biotic fad. Some people simply kept watch on their cattle and separated the ill ones. Their cows have sturdier immune systems.
Same can be said for humans, though. If you keep your house sterilised, your water sterilised, your kids sterilised, etc. your immune system becomes redundant and the genes controlling it shut off.

One of the main reasons we get sick so often is because we are OVER sanitized. Bathing and showering all the time is especially bad for you..............it dries out the skin. When we were kids and took a bath in the spring and the fall we were healthy.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 7, 2014
wherever i sit down my ars
I like cranberry juice, but apparently I'm not supposed to drink it as it's not compatible with one of my medications. That might be a myth as I had lots of cranberry sauce (love it) with turkey dinner and I'm still here.

One of the main reasons we get sick so often is because we are OVER sanitized. Bathing and showering all the time is especially bad for you..............it dries out the skin. When we were kids and took a bath in the spring and the fall we were healthy.
I've heard that about grapefruit. I love pink grapefruit with a little salt my friend had two huge trees in his yard use to get them for free.


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
I've heard that about grapefruit. I love pink grapefruit with a little salt my friend had two huge trees in his yard use to get them for free.
Yes, grapefruit and something like 100 meds can have deleterious effects. This grapefruit thing called "furanocoumarins" reacts with enzymes that metabolize meds magnifying effects or causing side-effects. About half those meds when combined with grapefruit can have very serious consequences. I think there are a few other fruits like that, too.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 7, 2014
wherever i sit down my ars
I like cranberry juice, but apparently I'm not supposed to drink it as it's not compatible with one of my medications. That might be a myth as I had lots of cranberry sauce (love it) with turkey dinner and I'm still here.

One of the main reasons we get sick so often is because we are OVER sanitized. Bathing and showering all the time is especially bad for you..............it dries out the skin. When we were kids and took a bath in the spring and the fall we were healthy.
Well if that was the case in the old days JLM I suppose the population was held to a minimum

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Well, not everyone fell for the anti-biotic fad. Some people simply kept watch on their cattle and separated the ill ones. Their cows have sturdier immune systems.
Same can be said for humans, though. If you keep your house sterilised, your water sterilised, your kids sterilised, etc. your immune system becomes redundant and the genes controlling it shut off.

It doesn't matter if it was a fad or whatever. The truth is that in a couple of decades, if your children grow ill with something like tuberculosis, they will die because antibiotics that they are given will no longer kill the tuberculosis which will have evolved to be antibiotic resistant. Even if you, yourself have never used them, the damage will have been done. Bovine Tuberculosis is likely not around much due to clean farming practices and better stock but it could be lingering in the natural world. The British are murdering Badgers in large numbers because they are a TB vector. You are probably right that healthy, happy cows are less likely to get sick but so are we. That doesn't make us immune to killers like TB. It doesn't make our livestock immune, either. Milk Pasteurization was invented because children, mostly, were dying. We have forgotten what they died o because generations of pasteurization have made the diseases so rare. They are not gone, though.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 7, 2014
wherever i sit down my ars
This may be off center some but I've three daughters. My two oldest were not breast fed. My youngest was. When my girls would get sick, colds flu other virus's. the oldest two would have a tough time of it. Most of the time had to take them to the Doc for anti biotics etc. But my youngest little girl would get a raging fever, and be well the next day. She was always a little healthier it seemed to me than my older girls. They're all fine now but I wonder if breast fed kids have stronger immune systems than kids who are fed formula. I think they do.


The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
This may be off center some but I've three daughters. My two oldest were not breast fed. My youngest was. When my girls would get sick, colds flu other virus's. the oldest two would have a tough time of it. Most of the time had to take them to the Doc for anti biotics etc. But my youngest little girl would get a raging fever, and be well the next day. She was always a little healthier it seemed to me than my older girls. They're all fine now but I wonder if breast fed kids have stronger immune systems than kids who are fed formula. I think they do.


Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
I am almost sixty but I have it on good authority that I was breast fed (Mom was a university graduate and an all purpose activist ... a big "C" Conservative one, believe or or not). Anyway, I went from age 19 When I had raging toncilitis to age 55, when I got a bit of pneumonia without any antibiotics in between. You probably have a good point, there.


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
This may be off center some but I've three daughters. My two oldest were not breast fed. My youngest was. When my girls would get sick, colds flu other virus's. the oldest two would have a tough time of it. Most of the time had to take them to the Doc for anti biotics etc. But my youngest little girl would get a raging fever, and be well the next day. She was always a little healthier it seemed to me than my older girls. They're all fine now but I wonder if breast fed kids have stronger immune systems than kids who are fed formula. I think they do.

they do. The first "milk" that comes in is called colestrum. It's very important first food for all babies, not just human. I got the nit and gritty details from wiki below:

Newborns have very immature digestive systems, and colostrum delivers its nutrients in a very concentrated low-volume form. It has a mild laxative effect, encouraging the passing of the baby's first stool, which is called meconium. This clears excess bilirubin, a waste-product of dead red blood cells, which is produced in large quantities at birth due to blood volume reduction from the infant's body and helps prevent jaundice.

Colostrum is known to contain immune cells (as lymphocytes)[12] and many antibodies such as IgA, IgG, and IgM. These are some of the components of the adaptive immune system.

In preterm infants some IgA may be absorbed through the intestinal epithelium and enter the blood stream though there is very little uptake in full term babies.[13] This is due to the early "closure" of the intestinal epithelium to large molecule uptake in humans unlike the case in cattle which continue to uptake immunoglobulin from milk shortly after birth.

Other immune components of colostrum include the major components of the innate immune system, such as lactoferrin,[14] lysozyme,[15] lactoperoxidase,[16] complement,[17] and proline-rich polypeptides (PRP).[18] A number of cytokines (small messenger peptides that control the functioning of the immune system) are found in colostrum as well,[19] including interleukins,[19] tumor necrosis factor,[20] chemokines,[21] and others.

Colostrum also contains a number of growth factors, such as insulin-like growth factors I (IGF-1),[22] and II,[23] transforming growth factors alpha,[24] beta 1 and beta 2,[25][26] fibroblast growth factors,[27] epidermal growth factor,[28] granulocyte-macrophage-stimulating growth factor,[29] platelet-derived growth factor,[29] vascular endothelial growth factor,[30] and colony-stimulating factor-1.[31]

Colostrum is very rich in proteins, vitamin A, and sodium chloride, but contains lower amounts of carbohydrates, lipids, and potassium than mature milk. The most pertinent bioactive components in colostrum are growth factors and antimicrobial factors. The antibodies in colostrum provide passive immunity, while growth factors stimulate the development of the gut. They are passed to the neonate and provide the first protection against pathogens.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
It doesn't matter if it was a fad or whatever. The truth is that in a couple of decades, if your children grow ill with something like tuberculosis, they will die because antibiotics that they are given will no longer kill the tuberculosis which will have evolved to be antibiotic resistant. Even if you, yourself have never used them, the damage will have been done. Bovine Tuberculosis is likely not around much due to clean farming practices and better stock but it could be lingering in the natural world. The British are murdering Badgers in large numbers because they are a TB vector. You are probably right that healthy, happy cows are less likely to get sick but so are we. That doesn't make us immune to killers like TB. It doesn't make our livestock immune, either. Milk Pasteurization was invented because children, mostly, were dying. We have forgotten what they died o because generations of pasteurization have made the diseases so rare. They are not gone, though.

I kind of think that a good percentage of our health issues (maybe 50) have to do with our genes & another 49 have to do with our immune systems and maybe 1% has to do with hand washing. :) :)


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
I kind of think that a good percentage of our health issues (maybe 50) have to do with our genes & another 49 have to do with our immune systems and maybe 1% has to do with hand washing. :) :)
Then only wash yer hands every hundredth trip to the toilet.