I never liked cows milk except on cereal. I had a goat and enjoyed fresh from the udder goats milk with all the fat and enjoyed that. But only warm.
I sure miss it.
The goat milk is not like the sheep milk or the cow milk; the goat milk we call it zephir i.e. it has some detestable taste and smell.
The sheep milk is nearer to human milk than the other kinds of milk, while the milk of cow contains much phosphorus and needs to be diluted with equal amount of water when giving it to infants, but to older children and to adults it is OK without dilution.
The buffalo milk is full of much cream and fat.
The camel milk is salty: its taste is salt, but of course it is very good and the diseases of camel are fewer than other cattle, because of its grazing on thorns and herbs in the desert and wilderness.