What is normal? If you don't know what normal is you can't scream tragedy can you?
If the last ice-age ended 12,000 years ago and it was the 'norm' for 360,000 years and there have been a few mini cold snaps since that melting then big ice in the north and south might be the 'normal weather for the planet. Once the core cools we will have temps like the moon has.
Be interesting to see how much snow Italy gets if they ever get some lake effect snow off the Med once the wind patterns match that of North America, south winds reaching Alaska and then coming down the center of NA and then it should swing to being from the south and that warm air dumps lake effect snow along the east coast and then swing south across Finland and the UK. If Italy is getting snow then northern Africa will be getting rain (again).
If we are smarter than cattle we will recognize which way the weather will swing and move to take advantage of it, or die complaining about something we can't change.
The buffalo learned to migrate with the rain and the mastodon didn't, nuff said. Perhaps if we fed the muskox a ton of hay a day they would grow bigger naturally over a few 1,000 generations.
accept the things I cannot change;
change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.