Steve Goddard @SteveSGoddard Experts at @ClimateCentral @HeidiCullen say global warming is making Great Lakes winters hot

It's the sun again stupid.
The blatantly obvious baffles the arrogants.
If you don't like the findings Change them.
jeezaz Locutus, your post gives the impression of a "wholesale" change/adjustment concern raised by your linked blogger(s)... surely you wouldn't have crafted your post in such an all-encompassing way instead of properly stating the raised concern was with respect to Iceland (and 8 stations within Iceland). Oh my, Locutus... is this you telling more porkies? :mrgreen:
Just you refusing to face facts. So how is your denial these days? There is therapy for that, also drugs.
February 2015 coldest in 115 years | CTV Ottawa News
Must be all that warming....the temperature is hiding in the