are you in a mega-flap to get some recent posts buried? Just how furious are you prepared to ply your bull**** here? You keep flapping your lips about inconsequential predictions made by a few scientists... of course you do! That allows you to ignore all the real information that's hurtin' your ears and messin' with your failed misconceptions! Of course, the real way to mess with you types is to simply let you flail away and in a page or two, resurrect the posts you're trying to bury! :mrgreen:
This is what I love about you flat-Earthers, the extreme microcosm in which you live is soooo simple. The big picture eludes you, or rather, the willful ignorance on your part prevents you from seeing the reality.
Sure, the hue and cry started with 'global cooling' and later morphed to '(anthropogenic) global warming' which promptly changed gears to 'climate change'..... Interestingly, what preceded each redirection was a raft of failed projections (substantiated by failed models) to rest on the final marketing device we know as
Climate Change.
(NB: I italicized the phrase to proffer the implied doom of the circumstance)
Possibly the most laughable element of
Climate Change is the implied suggestion that there is some form of climate stasis in which Mother Gaia must exist, otherwise, catastrophe and doom, right?
Here's the 411 for ya'll... Take a page from the remarkably obvious hints that Petros has offered and look into the global, historical (climate) experience that we have observed.... The word 'holocene' may be helpful in your potential (hopeful) enlightment.
Add to that the other various discussion points that you dismiss as unacceptable and you'll start to see a pattern, one in which your movement has been 180 degrees wrong each and every time.
With all the aforementioned in mind, your posts deserve the kind of responses that I have offered, namely
'how's that ice free North pole by 2013 treatin' ya?'... The beauty of the comment is in it's simplicity... Dire prediction followed up with catastrophic consequences, supported by pretty graphs, and here we are, yet
another failed projection backed up by yet
another failed model..
As per your flimsy excuse that the ice free North by 2013 was proffered by
'inconsequential predictions made by a few scientists', well, fact is, if we add up all of the failed predictions, models and commentary, there are no scientists of consequence remaining that have any legitimacy that can support your fantasies on
Climate Change