Death knell for AGW


House Member
Oct 19, 2009
As an alarmist you're in the game.

we have a start here! So... "alarmists" are your "they". What's an alarmist to you? Just who/what do you collectively include in your "alarmist" labeling? You stated "outrageous demands" being made by your "they", by alarmists. What outrageous demands?

You are little and nothing.

why get testy and insulting? Aren't we having a civil exchange here?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
we have a start here! So... "alarmists" are your "they". What's an alarmist to you? Just who/what do you collectively include in your "alarmist" labeling? You stated "outrageous demands" being made by your "they", by alarmists. What outrageous demands?

why get testy and insulting? Aren't we having a civil exchange here?

Mostly our money. And economic well being.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
But what the hey, weren't you the guy a short while ago that stated you were proud of your denier position?

Not real good at reading comprehension, are you?

From my post below:

"I personally embrace the term as I refuse to be put off by Orwellian semantic games played by manipulative idiots and liars."


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
that's as broad as broad can be. Can ya tighten that up just a tad?

As I said read the thread from the beginning so we don't have to keep repeating facts for every johnny come lately.
But the readers digest version is tax the $hit out of first world countries and give it to third world countries so we can all be on equal footing economically.


House Member
Oct 19, 2009
But the readers digest version is tax the $hit out of first world countries and give it to third world countries so we can all be on equal footing economically.

well yes, there has been the establishment of a 'Green Climate Fund' to support projects, programmes, policies and other activities in developing countries; most particularly the adaptive needs and challenges of developing countries in addressing climate change... but in the overall, world government commitments to the fund are relatively "mice nuts" and pale to your implications of first-world "economic doom/collapse/armageddon".

can ya tighten this up just a tad... more?

Seriously? "Proudness?"

"Proud" has a noun form: pride.

you're right; I'll take note that the grammar police are active around here.

f-cking alarmists are as$holes when called out.

just answer your own callout; just respond to the request you're wildly deflecting from. Why let member 'taxslave' respond for you?


House Member
Oct 19, 2009
I generally let little things go, but poor language skills are often accompanied by poor education and general ignorance. Not all the time, but it is a warning sign.

bookmarked... in the miraculous circumstance that you might ever bring forward a grammar fail. Miraculous, cause apparently, along with being the board grammar monitor, your grammar is beyond reproach - yes?


Council Member
Jan 19, 2012
Van Isle
" well yes, there has been the establishment of a 'Green Climate Fund' to support projects, programmes, policies and other activities in developing countries; most particularly the adaptive needs and challenges of developing countries in addressing climate change... but in the overall, world government commitments to the fund are relatively "mice nuts" and pale to your implications of first-world "economic doom/collapse/armageddon". " So, in the real world you are a writer for the NDP platform. Interesting.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
bookmarked... in the miraculous circumstance that you might ever bring forward a grammar fail. Miraculous, cause apparently, along with being the board grammar monitor, your grammar is beyond reproach - yes?
Your entertainment value's running out pretty fast. We're gonna have to switch over from laughing at your hopeless flailing to baiting and taunting your lackwit belligerence.


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007

"... it gets even worse. Thirty percent of the temperatures USHCN reports, are completely fabricated, i.e. there is no underlying thermometer data at that station for that month."

Y2Kyoto: Decide The Incline - Small Dead Animals


House Member
Oct 19, 2009
"... it gets even worse. Thirty percent of the temperatures USHCN reports, are completely fabricated, i.e. there is no underlying thermometer data at that station for that month."

oh my... are there really some around here who question the surface temperature record? No legitimate skeptic does so any more! You guys are, uhhhh.... skeptics, right?

Steven Goddard!!! The guy... the denier blogger... who has never published anything in a scientific journal... that guy? The guy who used to be the favoured son on the denier's go-to blog, WTFIUWT... only to prove himself so idiotic and so woefully inept, even on that website, that Tony Willard Watts had to let the poor guy go! Imagine, how bad do you have to be for Watts to send you packing? :smile:

Goddard has been on this challenging USCHN path for over a year now... making absolutely stupendous claims... from the safety/isolation of his blog. But truly, this is "earth shattering"... if it had any legitimacy, it would over-turn so much legitimate science and truly call into question the U.S. surface temperature record.

hey Locutus, why do you think this Goddard wizardry doesn't get any mainstream coverage... cause it's Huuuuge! Hey Locutus, why do think Goddard hasn't... and will never... publish these incredible findings of his?

of course, it might have something to do with all the mistakes he makes... particularly his difficulty with absolutes versus anomolies! As just many examples of the failings of denier-blogger extraordinaire Steven Goddard: How not to calculate temperature