Just keeping the trolls online for our amusement.
yes; I clearly see that it takes little to nothing to keep you amused!
Just keeping the trolls online for our amusement.
As an alarmist you're in the game.
You are little and nothing.
we have a start here! So... "alarmists" are your "they". What's an alarmist to you? Just who/what do you collectively include in your "alarmist" labeling? You stated "outrageous demands" being made by your "they", by alarmists. What outrageous demands?
why get testy and insulting? Aren't we having a civil exchange here?
Mostly our money. And economic well being.
But what the hey, weren't you the guy a short while ago that stated you were proud of your denier position?
that's as broad as broad can be. Can ya tighten that up just a tad?
I personally embrace the term
Seriously? "Proudness?"my mistake; I interpreted your willing and enthusiastic acceptance of the denier label as a reflection on your proudness for it.
But the readers digest version is tax the $hit out of first world countries and give it to third world countries so we can all be on equal footing economically.
Seriously? "Proudness?"
"Proud" has a noun form: pride.
f-cking alarmists are as$holes when called out.
I generally let little things go, but poor language skills are often accompanied by poor education and general ignorance. Not all the time, but it is a warning sign.you're right; I'll take note that the grammar police are active around here.
I generally let little things go, but poor language skills are often accompanied by poor education and general ignorance. Not all the time, but it is a warning sign.
Your entertainment value's running out pretty fast. We're gonna have to switch over from laughing at your hopeless flailing to baiting and taunting your lackwit belligerence.bookmarked... in the miraculous circumstance that you might ever bring forward a grammar fail. Miraculous, cause apparently, along with being the board grammar monitor, your grammar is beyond reproach - yes?
Your entertainment value's running out pretty fast. We're gonna have to switch over from laughing at your hopeless flailing to baiting and taunting your lackwit belligerence.
"... it gets even worse. Thirty percent of the temperatures USHCN reports, are completely fabricated, i.e. there is no underlying thermometer data at that station for that month."
Y2Kyoto: Decide The Incline - Small Dead Animals
Just shut up! Don't you know BHO and Al Gore want to help us.The ends justify the means.
"... it gets even worse. Thirty percent of the temperatures USHCN reports, are completely fabricated, i.e. there is no underlying thermometer data at that station for that month."