What should Obama do, to prevent ISIS from attacking the USA??


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
ISIS is NOT "extremism", but Islam in its purest form? :lol:

This is such a load of crap, about 99.3% pure bull patty, almost it's purest form. There is no purest form of any religion. Period. You can find verses where Muhammad commands that Muslims shall not act, well precisely like ISIS is right now towards Christians. That would make Muhammad the adversary of ISIS on the Day of Resurrection.

The fact that anyone could believe that there is a purest form of any religion is laughably stupid. All of these texts were written by men, and they are not logically consistent. So anyone who wants can pick through to find the bits they like best. That is what ISIS did.

Oh, and to answer B00Mer's thread, obviously the US should invade North Korea.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
How can anyone believe these savages aren't sponsored by a State or two?

Saudia Arabia just got bigger....for now.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
What should Obama do, to prevent ISIS from attacking the USA??

My answer: Obama should Resign, Apologize and go on a Pro-Golf Tour.

What's say you CC Members?

I suggest this and I nominate you for the ride. After all we need a US Citizen.
By this.
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Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Yep. And anybody who can drive a car can fly a fighter. Boom knows that from Star Wars.

And of course, a fighter can fly from Syria to the U.S., no problem.

I'm glad you just assume that all the ISIS militants are idiots, clearly relatives of yours. :lol:

Never underestimate your enemy..

So Islamic State possesses several dozen aging, but effective MIG-21 fighters, several helicopter gunships armed with anti-tank weapons, as well as an unknown number of tanks and a lot of ammunition. Certainly no match for American jets. Big Deal RIGHT?

They also have 500 million dollars stolen from Iraqi banks.

IS has proved itself to be resourceful. If they don’t have men who can fly the jets, they can hire people who can train them. The same goes for the helicopters. They can also hire fighter pilots sympathetic to their cause.

It does give them an edge against other countries in the region, and leaves open a door to capture more military bases and equipment.
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Senate Member
Jan 25, 2011
Santa Cruz, California
After the fall of Saddam and the democratic elections, the US forces were in Iraq at the behest of the Iraq Government subject to the rules set out in the Status of Forces Agreement. Al-Maliki, the Prime Minsiter would not grant immunity to US soldiers in Iraq. No US President would accept a SoFA that didn't protect its soldiers from domestic law. It's a deal-breaker.

There's some sepculation that al-Maliki may have risked the political capital invovled in granting immunity to American soldiers if teh US had offered more in the way of boots on the ground. I think the Pentagon wanted around 20,000, Obama originally wanted 10,000 but then that shrank to 5,000.

Obama could have easily finessed the disagreement. He was late in starting renegotiations. He has half hearted in renegotiations. Perhaps that's because he made his political name in the US by opposing the Iraq War. In any event he could have bought himself time by designating all of the garrison force as diplomats. That would have given them diplomatic immunity from Iraqi laws, and allowed a modus vivendi to be worked out without a drop dead date. Btw, Obama has recommitted several hundred US soldiers to Iraq in the absence of a Status of Forces Agreement or diplomatic immunity.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
I'm glad you just assume that all the ISIS militants are idiots, clearly relatives of yours. :lol:

Never underestimate your enemy..

So Islamic State possesses several dozen aging, but effective MIG-21 fighters, several helicopter gunships armed with anti-tank weapons, as well as an unknown number of tanks and a lot of ammunition. Certainly no match for American jets. Big Deal RIGHT?
Effective against what? We shot down MiG-21's regularly in Vietnam. With F-4s. A 21 would not have a prayer against an F-15, and F-16, a Tomcat, a Hornet, a Raptor, or an F-35. Even assuming a competent pilot, which is a long assumption. The Israelis beat MiG-25s with F-86s.

They also have 500 million dollars stolen from Iraqi banks.

IS has proved itself to be resourceful. If they don’t have men who can fly the jets, they can hire people who can train them. The same goes for the helicopters. They can also hire fighter pilots sympathetic to their cause.

It does give them an edge against other countries in the region, and leaves open a door to capture more military bases and equipment.
So what?

Here's the $64,000 question. Why should we fight ISIS in the first place? Second, why us? Why not the Saudis, the Jordanians, the Egyptians, and the Iranians? Near as I can tell, it's their problem, not ours. How 'bout the Europeans? ISIS is a bigger threat to them than to us.

By the way, Boom, you have no idea of the infrastructure needed to run an air force. Eagle has told you that, I have told you that. You are fantasising.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
It does give them an edge against other countries in the region, and leaves open a door to capture more military bases and equipment.
All lathered up aren't you. I hear they are going to take Russian on, head to head, Poor, poor Russia, whatever will they do?

The US is already taking credit for the demise of ISIS in all of Syria. lol

Administration officials said the United States did not intend to notify the Assad government of the planned flights. Mr. Obama, who has repeatedly called for the ouster of Mr. Assad, is loath to be seen as aiding the Syrian government, even inadvertently.

As a result the Pentagon is drafting military options that would strike the militant Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, or ISIS, near the largely erased border between those two nations, as opposed to more deeply inside Syria. The administration is also moving to bolster American support for the moderate Syrian rebels who view Mr. Assad as their main foe.
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Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
I'm pretty sure Syrian troops know to 'flatten the tires', unlike Jordan and Iraq where they leave the keys in the hummers, and fill up the tanks with fuel and leave a hash pipe on the dash. What's that, I guess the Marine wants his pipe back.

Flatten the tires? I'm pretty sure ISIS knows how to use an air pump.

They're also pretty good at a least capturing Syrian AF Bases it would seem even if they can't fly the aircraft.

What a grind in Syria. You'd think that with a little pressure off the Syrians could take advantage. However they are Syrians so the slow grind goes on.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Yes but can the get the plastic off the seats and get rid of that new hummer smell. I'm thinking the shell that hit the tire was deflected as it exited the engine. They alreay know to turn off the transponders I hope, be a bitch to get your own missile up the ***.

Almost 200,000 civilian deaths and the most moral nations on earth would like to see that rise. No wonder the support wagon is getting lighter very quickly.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Yes but can the get the plastic off the seats and get rid of that new hummer smell.
I'm thinking the shell that hit the tire was deflected as it exited the engine. They alreay know to turn off the transponders I hope, be a bitch to get your own missile up the ***.



Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Short of wiping the ME off the map (yes yes, people like Colpy just got all happy-giddy-hard over that thought); nothing.

If the US does anything, overt or covert, the region will increase it's hatred of the US, spiking the likelihood of retaliation.

If the US does nothing, the region will blame the US for leaving them in the mess they're in, of somehow causing it to happen which will spike the likelihood of retaliation.

It's a lose-lose for the US; for anyone, really.

That being said, while I hate the idea of more war, I don't see this Caliphate as a good thing and it needs to be stopped, asap before it spreads further. The version of Islam they're using to justify their madness and forcing on people will only help spur on those outside of the ME who feel the same and want to help make sure the spread is moved to other countries. IS is anti-human, anti-rights and anti - well, everything. I hate to say it cause it sounds friggin' elitist, but anyone who hands out literature and such in support of the IS, in a western country, should be held for inciting crimes against humanity, if not treason.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Short of wiping the ME off the map (yes yes, people like Colpy just got all happy-giddy-hard over that thought); nothing.

If the US does anything, overt or covert, the region will increase it's hatred of the US, spiking the likelihood of retaliation.

If the US does nothing, the region will blame the US for leaving them in the mess they're in, of somehow causing it to happen which will spike the likelihood of retaliation.

It's a lose-lose for the US; for anyone, really.
Precisely. And doing nothing is cheaper.

That being said, while I hate the idea of more war, I don't see this Caliphate as a good thing and it needs to be stopped, asap before it spreads further. The version of Islam they're using to justify their madness and forcing on people will only help spur on those outside of the ME who feel the same and want to help make sure the spread is moved to other countries. IS is anti-human, anti-rights and anti - well, everything. I hate to say it cause it sounds friggin' elitist, but anyone who hands out literature and such in support of the IS, in a western country, should be held for inciting crimes against humanity, if not treason.
How is that different from most of the Middle East now? Syria and Iraq, parts of which are now the Caliphate, were not considered gardens of human rights before ISIS. We spent a trillion dollars trying to turn Iraq into something resembling a Western democracy, and look how that turned out. The current borders of the ME are entirely artificial, imposed by those masters of cultural sensitivity, the Brits. Now the Arabs are readjusting those borders. I say let 'em get on with it.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Perhaps Iraq was always mean to resemble Iran from 1953-1979, meaning it and Libya turned out just like intended dispite the Press saying something different.

Syria would let the US feed it intel just to show how bogus the offer was.


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Effective against what? We shot down MiG-21's regularly in Vietnam. With F-4s. A 21 would not have a prayer against an F-15, and F-16, a Tomcat, a Hornet, a Raptor, or an F-35. Even assuming a competent pilot, which is a long assumption. The Israelis beat MiG-25s with F-86s.

Quit reading between the line T-Bones.. I said it Migs were not effective against US air power, then you go into a spiel about American Airpower.. a little flag waiving??

So what?

Here's the $64,000 question. Why should we fight ISIS in the first place? Second, why us? Why not the Saudis, the Jordanians, the Egyptians, and the Iranians? Near as I can tell, it's their problem, not ours. How 'bout the Europeans? ISIS is a bigger threat to them than to us.

By the way, Boom, you have no idea of the infrastructure needed to run an air force. Eagle has told you that, I have told you that. You are fantasising.

1. if you're going to pretend to be a US citizen, at least spell like one. fantasizing

2. I don't think the USA should go in their alone.. they are not in our back yard.. yet. If they do go in, there should be as Bush called in, "the coalition of the willing."

3. How well trained were the pilots of 9/11.. just say'in

4. I said the capture of the fighter jets gives them an edge against other countries in the region, that's it, that's all.. It enables them to capture more territory, and more arms.

5. I'm waiting for the ISIS video game.. taking over regions, decapitating your enemy.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
4. I said the capture of the fighter jets gives them an edge against other countries in the region, that's it, that's all.. It enables them to capture more territory, and more arms.


What edge is it going to give ISIS? They aren't going to fly them. I doubt that anything that was captured is too damaged to fly. Syrians aren't bright but I would think after years of fighting they would have figured out to get what is air worthy out of the area months or years ago.


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
What edge is it going to give ISIS? They aren't going to fly them. I doubt that anything that was captured is too damaged to fly. Syrians aren't bright but I would think after years of fighting they would have figured out to get what is air worthy out of the area months or years ago.

Yeah, yeah.. you keep dreaming that..

Next time you're in a New York cab, ask the driver what education he has.. you may be surprised.

Most have university degrees, engineers, pilots, doctors.. that is what you're up against over there.

I know, you would love to think that everyone is stupider than the USA..

You like to claim that the warplanes are damaged, and can't be flown. So is there some first hand knowledge you would like to share, you have been over there in person recently.

I have an idea,rather than arguing a mute point, lets watch and see what ISIS does next.. you have to admit, they are a force to be impressed with.. they have done what the USA basically tried to do over 7 years in Iraq, with much better success.