The Crisis on the Border


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB're so willing to spend Canadian tax payer money on immigrants, how much have you personally sent to the Red Cross to help these kids.
It isn't like we will ever pay the National Debt off. Bill the UN and they can bill whoever they like. Bit ironic if the CIA makes it be the US who is responsible for most of the killings that have gone on down there in the last 4 decades.

Let them in and raise them like we should have done on the reservations and 20 years down the road they are back home running the country like it should have always been run.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
People born in the US aren't immigrants are they? Work on the presentation of your ideas.
You can't get paid by the UN to look after your own refugee children, if they have to flee to another country then the UN should be billed for it and whoever loses the conflict can pick up the whole tab. Just like in a real war.


Senate Member
Jan 25, 2011
Santa Cruz, California
You can't get paid by the UN to look after your own refugee children, if they have to flee to another country then the UN should be billed for it and whoever loses the conflict can pick up the whole tab. Just like in a real war.

The only losers will be working class and middle class Americans.

It's the USA's problem.. not ours.

I understand your position. However, illegal immigration is only a problem for working class and middle class Americans. The political and economic elite in the US benefit from slave labor because the wages of average Americans are depressed by the presence of illegal aliens. In many ways the US is no longer a country hospitable to American workers.


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Dude, you already have 16 million illegals living in the USA, what's the fuss about 57,000 more..

Geez cry babies.

Besides, Obama has a thing for undocumented immigrants, being one himself. :lol:

Read the sign.. "Keep us Pure" these are just low class white trash, KKK members.. these are far from pure, and they should swallow a bullet, the lot of them.


Senate Member
Jan 25, 2011
Santa Cruz, California
Dude, you already have 16 million illegals living in the USA, what's the fuss about 57,000 more..

Geez cry babies.

Besides, Obama has a thing for undocumented immigrants, being one himself. :lol:

Read the sign.. "Keep us Pure" these are just low class white trash, KKK members.. these are far from pure, and they should swallow a bullet, the lot of them.

They're merely the first wave. Obama is going to give amnesty to adults illegals who fall under specific categories. This will happen after the mid term elections. That will open the flood gates.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
You like paying for this? You like what is going on?
Nope. I'm just tired of folks screaming past each other. I see what's happening. The bleeding hearts are saying these are all cute widdle kiddies in horrible danger. The f*ck-'em-I-got-mine crowd is saying they're all brutal gang bangers. That's just the start of the lies.

Or is it just because you're a lawyer and you don't have to see it because it will be somebody else's community.
Well, that and I like cheap servants.

It can't last forever... the money will run out someday.
It's a lead-pipe cinch somebody said the same thing about your grandparents. But the fact is most of these folks, or their children, will go on to become taxpayers. Again, you paint with too broad a brush, having concluded without evidence and untruthfully that all these people will be on public assistance forever.

And, clue from me to you? The money ran out a long time ago. Even before the Kenyan Muslim Socialist tyrant took over Murka.

U.S. sends first planeload of moms, children back to Honduras

Wonder how much that charter flight cost the government? If it went according to Federal contract practice, probably about the same per head as a first-class seat to Australia.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
Wonder how much that charter flight cost the government? If it went according to Federal contract practice, probably about the same per head as a first-class seat to Australia.

It will cost significantly less than the combined costs of legal, social services, healthcare and education.

Regrettable that the deal comes down to dollars and cents, but it is an economic fact I'm afraid.

PS - Thanks for the explanation on 'cowardliness'... I'm still chuckling over my logic on that one