The Crisis on the Border


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Oh, you mean you aren't advocating a fence and nothing else? OK, I'm good with that. I'm good with a fence. I just don't pretend it's the whole solution.

No not at all. There is so much we need to do. We have lots of people who need to git. You know how that goes. I'm sure your ancestors wished a lot of people would git.

Ahhhhh... America!

FEDS TO OPEN $50 MILLION RESORT FOR ILLEGAL CHILDREN – Complete With Tennis Courts, Sauna & Pools | The Gateway Pundit



Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
The UN has said this is a refugee problem. Don't all nations have an obligation to help refugees?
Absolutely and we do our part.

There are an estimated 15.4 million refugees in the world today. Countries with resettlement programs resettle about 100,000 refugees from abroad each year. Of that number, Canada annually takes in one out of every 10, through the government-assisted and privately sponsored refugee programs.

In May 2007, for example, Canada committed to resettling up to 5,000 Bhutanese refugees and later expanded that commitment to resetting 6,500 refugees. As of June 30, 2013, more than 5,500 Bhutanese have already arrived in Canada.
Canada also continues to resettle Iraqi refugees. The Government of Canada has resettled more than 18,200 Iraqi refugees (as of December 2013) and is on track to meet its commitment of resettling 20,000 Iraqis by 2015.


Senate Member
Jun 24, 2011
Crisis manufactured by BHO.

BS. This issue was around long before him and more than likely will be long after he is gone. Hell it'll probably still be around long after he is dead given how little progress is ever made one way or another on it.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Big money could be made off of illegal aliens huh? Round them up and put them in the sex trade. What's not to like?
So rather than going to Cuba pre-1960 and the Far-East pre-2010 pedophiles can now stay at home in North America and 'order take-out'? That is wrong on a lot of levels. How did the orphans rescued from Haiti (into the Dominican) make out? (I haven't heard but it seemed to be on the up and up rather than child trafficking)



Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007

"The border is secure." -- Harry Reid, July 15, 2014 CE

"The border is secure." -- Theodosius I, circa July, 387 CE



Senate Member
Jan 25, 2011
Santa Cruz, California


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
Evidence Mounts of a Manufactured Border Crisis

The situation at America’s southern border is a “manufactured crisis,” one perpetuated—if not started—by the Obama administration. After all, the administration put out an ad in January 2014 asking for contractors to handle an influx of 65,000 children. “The surge to 60,000 or so children seen this year was said to catch many off guard, especially since just 6,500 children entered the U.S. as early as 2011,” reported Pete Kasperowicz for The Blaze. “But [Republican Representative Jeff] Sessions [R-AL] said the advertisement showed that the administration knew the surge would happen.” And in reality, the 60,000 children represent only about 20 percent of the total illegal immigrants who have come into this country since April.


Evidence Mounts of a Manufactured Border Crisis

Escort Services for Unaccompanied Alien Children

Solicitation Number: BERKS-RFI
Agency: Department of Homeland Security
Office: Immigration & Customs Enforcement
Location: ICE-OAQ-DM

Solicitation Number: BERKS-RFI

Added: Jan 29, 2014 3:19 pm

See Attachment.



the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
ten seconds to midnight? fifteen minutes-----------what? how much time do we have? i have't bottled anything yet

that old joke about politicians lying when their mouths are open isn't as funny as it used to be


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
White House: We’ll Put Illegal Immigrants Wherever We Want, And We Won’t Tell You

Some of the unaccompanied illegal immigrant children who’ve recently entered the country could be coming to your community and you’d never know.

The White House is not informing governors or members of Congress when or where they are placing the children, because they deem the children’s privacy rights to be more important than your right to know where your tax dollars are going, or any public safety or health concern you might have.

During a press briefing, White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said:
“The public does have a right to know what’s happening… [but] at the same time, there are privacy rights that are included in the law that this administration is committed to enforcing and following.”
Nebraska Gov. Dave Heineman – a Republican – recently discovered that 200 illegal immigrant children were sent to his state “without warning.” Oklahoma’s Republican Gov. Mary Fallin was “alerted through the media” about 600 children coming to a military installation in her state.

And, Virginia Rep. Rob Wittman (also a Republican – Coincidence?) found out about a shipment of children to his state from a local charity that was contracted by the federal government to provide housing and supplies for the children.

It seems the President expects elected officials to get information the way he claims he does – through news reports. He ignores the fact that said officials have Constitutional responsibilities of oversight and of looking out for the health and welfare of their constituents.
It’s as if he views governors and members of Congress as pawns or hindrances to his plans, and he is incapable of recognizing their role in governmental processes.

Yet, the states and municipalities will be required to spend limited budget dollars without any forewarning.
The juveniles — few of whom speak English, and some of whom speak only Indian languages — are entitled to federal medical care, and to attend local schools, regardless of their impact on American kids.
“Who are these illegal unaccompanied children? Who is their sponsor? Where are you sending them?” Heineman wants to know.
“We need to know all this information to protect our state and our citizens. … We will be responsible for educating these children. Who will pay for that?”
That’s a great question, Gov. Heineman.

White House: We’ll Put Illegal Immigrants Wherever We Want, And We Won’t Tell You


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
The Left always comes unhinged when Republicans make even the slightest attempt to secure the border or enforce the immigration laws on the books. But one very prominent reporter this morning went way beyond the pale.

As I reported yesterday, Gov. Rick Perry — tired of Obama’s abandoning his state to an unprecedented influx of criminal aliens — announced he was deploying a mere 1,000 National Guard troops to the Rio Grande Valley to assist with border patrol operations.

Perry pointed out that, despite the massive media focus on “unaccompanied minors” from Central America (and the less-publicized kids from places like India), only 20% of the massive border influx since October consists of children.

The rest are adults, and a large amount of them cartel thugs, violent MS-13 gang members, and perhaps worse. And as Texas’ Lt. Governor revealed this morning, one in four illegals crossing the border this year have criminal records.

So Perry is trying to do what Obama refuses to do – secure the border. Heck Obama won’t even visit the border mess he created.

All this was too much for the face of – Roger Simon – who tweeted something despicable in response:

Roger SimonVerified account ‏@politicoroger

Rick Perry sending 1,000 National Guard troops to border to shoot small children. Could make good headlines -- in Russia.

more about this douche

What POLITICO's Chief Reporter Tweeted About Rick Perry and the Border Called 'Disgraceful' | Top Right News