The Crisis on the Border


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Little realism from a Honduran cop. . .

They are traveling 1,400 miles with hardly any luggage from a bus station controlled by an extortion ring and used for trafficking women and contraband cigarettes; last Thursday the Honduran military police deployed 200 officers to break up the ring.

“We are not going to stop sending people, and you guys are not going to be able to stop them from getting in,” said Lt. Col. Reyes Garcia, one of the officers leading the bus station operation. “You cannot focus on just one reason that people want to leave for the United States.”

Honduran child migrants leave home because of poverty and violence - The Washington Post


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
Well, maybe even that photo op wouldn’t have helped.

President Obama, who declined to visit the Texas border during his trip to Rick Perry country, is getting hammered in the polls over the waves of illegal immigrant kids flooding into this country.

And Republicans aren’t faring real well either.

A major reason, in my view, are the pictures. This isn’t some abstract controversy involving facts and figures (although the 57,000 children who have crossed the border illegally this year is a pretty stunning stat). Television has done countless stories on the border debacle, with footage of kids in squalid conditions as well as community protesters who feel the problem is being dumped in their backyard. Reporters have scrambled onto rafts to show how easy it is to cross over into the Rio Grande Valley. They have traveled to Central America to interview families and report on the violence that is driving them to take enormous risks in sending their kids north.

This is not an issue on which the press has been caught napping. I found dozens of stories on the network newscasts and in major newspapers stretching back to early June. But until recently, many news organizations covered the story more like a natural disaster.

Only after Obama asked the Hill for $3.7 billion, and the partisan sniping intensified, did the coverage of the administration’s role in this mess turn more critical. And even liberal pundits, including James Carville and Joe Trippi on Fox, faulted the president for not going to the border.

Faced with an out-of-control situation that isn’t getting any better, the public is fed up, at least according to the latest Washington Post/ABC poll:

“Nearly 6 out of 10 Americans are not happy with Obama’s performance in dealing with the tens of thousands of minors who have arrived from Central America in recent months, overwhelming Border Patrol stations. All told, 58 percent disapprove of his management on the issue, including 54 percent of Latinos.” The latter figure is striking, given that the president won reelection with 71 percent support from Latinos.


Why the public blames Obama (and the GOP) for the mushrooming border crisis | Fox News


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
The UN has said this is a refugee problem. Don't all nations have an obligation to help refugees?
Bingo, I would assume that means signing all the conditional forms sooner rather than later. I would assume the level of care you give is equal to what you can bill the UN for. Here is an example of how those homeless (temp condition so the money won't last forever) can help create jobs. No shelf re-stockers needed if there are no customers and for somebody from where they come from it will seem like Disenyland. Our choice if we give them bobbles and beads to take back home or use that as a gateway to having responsible consumers who demand and get quality consumer items at an affordable price.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Wonder how much that charter flight cost the government? If it went according to Federal contract practice, probably about the same per head as a first-class seat to Australia.

Probably so. Probably less than their first entitlement check though.

Little realism from a Honduran cop. . .

They are traveling 1,400 miles with hardly any luggage from a bus station controlled by an extortion ring and used for trafficking women and contraband cigarettes; last Thursday the Honduran military police deployed 200 officers to break up the ring.

“We are not going to stop sending people, and you guys are not going to be able to stop them from getting in,” said Lt. Col. Reyes Garcia, one of the officers leading the bus station operation. “You cannot focus on just one reason that people want to leave for the United States.”

Honduran child migrants leave home because of poverty and violence - The Washington Post

Great article.

“Of course I am going again. I have to have a house. I do not have a place to live. If I want to or not, if the gringos like it or not, I am coming.”


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Probably so. Probably less than their first entitlement check though.

Great article.

“Of course I am going again. I have to have a house. I do not have a place to live. If I want to or not, if the gringos like it or not, I am coming.”
What I take from it is that this is a really tough problem. "Let them in" won't work. Neither will "build a big ol' fence." We need rational people to debate and negotiate with a single goal. Here's the mission statement:

To adopt, fund, and enforce immigration policy with maximum effectiveness for reasonable cost, including sufficient flexibility to address humanitarian crises.

Obviously not a task for politicians.


Time Out
Apr 6, 2014
Nope. I'm just tired of folks screaming past each other. I see what's happening. The bleeding hearts are saying these are all cute widdle kiddies in horrible danger. The f*ck-'em-I-got-mine crowd is saying they're all brutal gang bangers. That's just the start of the lies.

I see your point and it is relevant , but the fact remains these kids would not being doing this if they came from Disneyland or any G7 country.

Well, that and I like cheap servants.
spits coffee and asks for your line on cheap alien servants.
It's a lead-pipe cinch somebody said the same thing about your grandparents. But the fact is most of these folks, or their children, will go on to become taxpayers. Again, you paint with too broad a brush, having concluded without evidence and untruthfully that all these people will be on public assistance forever.
I explain this over and over to the conservative bash the refugee claimant crowd.
In Canada it goes like this(braces for the rash of insults lol)
You give the refugee about 2 grand a month. His family is housed in apartment complexes only the dregs of humanity would live in, and i'm not talking Community housing. So right there some slum landlord gets to survive it all a bit longer.

the money given to that landlord is taxed, then his income tax is taxed from the profit. the money put in banks is taxed , the money invested by banks is taxed. So that roughly 900 bucks is taxed to hell.

Now anything the family buys will go the same tax route. So I'm thinking eventually in less than 10 years 85% of that money will be back in government coffers somehow.

Now if you look at it from your perspective, it's an investment into our future. Eventually they find jobs and in Canada are taxed to hell, most would agree after all is said and done 52% of every legal working shlub 's wages goes to taxes.

That and the fact these parents want the best for their kids they mostly do well in school.

i know i know now is the time for Locotus to haul out some internet photo of street gangs and some more Fox news propaganda so he can rest easy on his stance.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
What I take from it is that this is a really tough problem. "Let them in" won't work. Neither will "build a big ol' fence." We need rational people to debate and negotiate with a single goal. Here's the mission statement:

To adopt, fund, and enforce immigration policy with maximum effectiveness for reasonable cost, including sufficient flexibility to address humanitarian crises.

Obviously not a task for politicians.

A fence would work. It works when there is a will and means. When there is no will nor means it doesn't.

I see your point and it is relevant , but the fact remains these kids would not being doing this if they came from Disneyland or any G7 country.

spits coffee and asks for your line on cheap alien servants.
I explain this over and over to the conservative bash the refugee claimant crowd.
In Canada it goes like this(braces for the rash of insults lol)
You give the refugee about 2 grand a month. His family is housed in apartment complexes only the dregs of humanity would live in, and i'm not talking Community housing. So right there some slum landlord gets to survive it all a bit longer.

the money given to that landlord is taxed, then his income tax is taxed from the profit. the money put in banks is taxed , the money invested by banks is taxed. So that roughly 900 bucks is taxed to hell.

Now anything the family buys will go the same tax route. So I'm thinking eventually in less than 10 years 85% of that money will be back in government coffers somehow.

Now if you look at it from your perspective, it's an investment into our future. Eventually they find jobs and in Canada are taxed to hell, most would agree after all is said and done 52% of every legal working shlub 's wages goes to taxes.

That and the fact these parents want the best for their kids they mostly do well in school.

i know i know now is the time for Locotus to haul out some internet photo of street gangs and some more Fox news propaganda so he can rest easy on his stance.

This would IMO be considered mean spirited and not feasible in US Liberal circles.

Some do well in school. Most do not at all. I live around it. Once they are in the system and provided for that is that. They want for nothing and from where they come from, welfare/public assistance is indeed Disney World.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
How far out to sea you gonna extend the fence? Or haven't you ever heard of boats?

It stops the Cubans unless we say come one and all like Jimmy did.

How many tens of thousands are you going to fit on boats. If they came by sea it would be so much easier to turn them around. Look what Canada did to the Tamil ships.

"Turn your s*** around eh!"

In other developments...

Sorry Lynn Massachusetts... You get what you deserve!

Lynn officials: Illegal immigrant children are stressing city services


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
It stops the Cubans unless we say come one and all like Jimmy did.

How many tens of thousands are you going to fit on boats. If they came by sea it would be so much easier to turn them around. Look what Canada did to the Tamil ships.

"Turn your s*** around eh!"

In other developments...

Sorry Lynn Massachusetts... You get what you deserve!

Lynn officials: Illegal immigrant children are stressing city services

Lynn officials: Illegal immigrant children are stressing city se - Boston News, Weather, Sports | FOX 25 | MyFoxBoston
Oh, you mean you aren't advocating a fence and nothing else? OK, I'm good with that. I'm good with a fence. I just don't pretend it's the whole solution.