Ontario Election 2014 - The Official Thread


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
I figured yesterday that the Liberals were gonna win, when I received my municipal tax notice that my taxes were going up another $150 this year......Because of less transfer payments from the province????


Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012
Incoherent as always. I support the system, unlike leftards such as yourself. I will do anything legally possible to thwart Far Side lady's damaging policies and initiatives.

Well now you have to live with the Libs as do us Leftards as well.........


kind and gentle
Feb 27, 2006
Backwater, Ontario.
Played out pretty much as I thought.

Locally it was nice to see Mr. Clark (PC) retain the riding of Leeds Grenville. He`s a good man, and does a good job for his constituents.

Randy Hillier (PC - Lanark) our Tea Party darling, is going to have to keep his privatizing health care (and everything else) plans on the shelf for a while longer.

Hoodat is gonzo, gonna quit as Con leader, and that`s good. The only policy he had was slash and burn. Not too much left in Ont. to decimate.

Maybe Wynne will be able to do something now,. With a minority she was hogtied. She`s a pretty much to the right of centre.Liberal. Smart as hell. Wish her well.

P.S. Go fukk yourself Wally.


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
A fool and his money are soon parted......lotsa fools in Ontario......

in the south anyway...metrosexualism and naive immigrants...they still mad steves cribbing at 24 sussex is all.

god bless 'em tho'...they'll start paying my pension in 4 years. ;-)

to the knitted cap crowd, congrats...just hope the rumors that your preem has developed prostate cancer aren't true. :lol:


kind and gentle
Feb 27, 2006
Backwater, Ontario.
Taste of your own medicine. That goes double for The Rock.
Feels different when the money is flowing the other way.
Now get paying us back for the last 147 years sucking at Ontario's teat.

Ooooooooh. Bitter.

When times were better, Ont. provided jobs for Newfies who wanted to travel to work, just as Sask. and Alta. are helping us less fortunates now.

Ottawa allowed Newfs to work a few weeks, and then collect the dole for the rest of the year. Ont. didn`t change that rule. Check out the Hairpiece for that. Hell, we can`t collect E.I. even after working for a lifetime. Newfs wouldn`t know what that means.

You`ve done well by Ont.

Ingrates.8O..................that means not grateful.

Mean-spirited policy cost Hudak his chance. Are you seeking to completely decimate the Party?

We can only hope. Wally is pretty much lol when his cons fall flat. .


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
in the south anyway...metrosexualism and naive immigrants...they still mad steves cribbing at 24 sussex is all.

god bless 'em tho'...they'll start paying my pension in 4 years. ;-)

to the knitted cap crowd, congrats...just hope the rumors that your preem has developed prostate cancer aren't true. :lol:
Just think of this....When you reach 65 you will get a yearly $500. tax rebate, from the province to "help" with your municipal taxes woopie-do.....But wait...the usual tax rebate that existed before has been done with,, and my municipal taxes have gone up by $700. in the last 7 years.......
That's about the time the Liberals have been in power in the Province.......They are truly the tax and spend party...spend on crazy things like wind and solar power and tax us Po-folks..........


kind and gentle
Feb 27, 2006
Backwater, Ontario.
Incoherent as always. I support the system, unlike leftards such as yourself. I will do anything legally possible to thwart Far Side lady's damaging policies and initiatives.

You gonna "red" her Wally. She's be scared shltless bout that..

You should run Con, yer even meaner and more stupid than Hoodat.

good luck.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010

whos laughing now? whos tory now? i'm glad the constipatives/suppositories lost votes.



Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Actually the Liberals are the only party that is open to electoral reform toward proportional representation.


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON

The NDP got more seats this round.

No, this is a very surprising result which shows that the PC base wasn't as strong as expected.

This is a shift to the left by voters in the province.

If Walter got his way and a 'real' conservative replaced Hudak, then the PCs might take a seat behind the NDP. Now is the time for a Red Tory to take the helm if they want to compete.

In a lot of ridings, the NDP vote shifted Liberal swinging the seat away from the PCs. In popular vote (at least until I turned off the TV), the PCs were about the same as last time with Libs up and NDP down. This may have changed after I turned off the TV (the exact moment they declared Lieberal majority).

Clearly Hudak did not inspire more voters than last time and Wynn and her unholy alliance with public sector unions successfully scared people with the Mike Harris crap. In 4 years, with the mess this province will be in, it should be easier for a better PC leader to gain support.

I do think it needs to be a Red Tory in order to neutrialize the Lieberal lie machine.

Actually the Liberals are the only party that is open to electoral reform toward proportional representation.

Until they get in. Once in power, they will want to keep it.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
I ended up voting for the local PC candidate. I liked the Green Party for its stance on the separate school system, but the local candidate seemed to not even know the Constitution for crying out loud, not to mention a few other signs of foolishness. The others could not even answer my questions; supposedly they had to check what the party stance was. Seriously? Do they check with their parties on how to wipe too while they're at it?

As for the PC candidate, he at least knew his Constitution, had the confidence to tell me where he stood on matters without feeling the need to check with the babysitter.. er... party central, could think outside the box, and when he did not know the answer to a question, had no fear of looking it up.

And as per my past history, I again voted for a losing candidate, and again I knew beforehand he stool little chance of winning since this riding is Liberal Provincially and NDP federally, and most people will blindly vote for a fool if he's a member of the 'right' party.

In a lot of ridings, the NDP vote shifted Liberal swinging the seat away from the PCs. In popular vote (at least until I turned off the TV), the PCs were about the same as last time with Libs up and NDP down. This may have changed after I turned off the TV (the exact moment they declared Lieberal majority).

Clearly Hudak did not inspire more voters than last time and Wynn and her unholy alliance with public sector unions successfully scared people with the Mike Harris crap. In 4 years, with the mess this province will be in, it should be easier for a better PC leader to gain support.

I do think it needs to be a Red Tory in order to neutrialize the Lieberal lie machine.

Until they get in. Once in power, they will want to keep it.

That's the problem. Contrary to popular opinion, Hudak and Wynne merely represent individual ridings. In the end, it's the overall composition of Parliament that matters, and not who's the party Fuerer. Contrary to popular belief, not all candidates woud blindly vote along with their party. Both Federally and Provincially and in all parties we can come up with cases of smart people who've broken with party ranks, so just 'cause one does not like Hudak does not mean he should disregard a good PC or any other candidate. Same with Wynne. But of course if we blindly vote party, all we end up with is highly paid bobbleheads.

Actually the Liberals are the only party that is open to electoral reform toward proportional representation.

They're also the most defensive of the separate school system in spite of it marring Canada's human rights reputation abroad. But hey, who actually believes an elected official has any reponsibility towards promoting Canada's human rights image abroad anyway, right?

Also, Prorep would only encourage the same kind of kneejerk voting for bobbleheads we see already. I'd say remove party names from the ballot.

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
Yes, the stupidity of 38% of the ON voters.
Isn't that similar to the margin by which your hero Harper got in? It was okay then....

I figured yesterday that the Liberals were gonna win, when I received my municipal tax notice that my taxes were going up another $150 this year......Because of less transfer payments from the province????
Municipal? Did they anticipate some Hudak downloads?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Hudak just resigned. Good, he was just Liberal light. Now we have to find a real conservative, male or female, in the Mile Harris, Maggie Thatcher mold.
I doubt you'll find real Conservatives any longer. The marketing strategy has changed to appeasement and compromise. Hudak and crew are still learning the ropes. If they wanted to learn how to be NDP/Liberal Light, they should have consulted Brad Wall. The SaskParty are successful because they campaigned on what they wouldn't do rather than what they will. If you eliminate their fears, the voter will warm to you really quick.


House Member
Apr 12, 2013
Well glad to see the mean rotten people that supported this absolute "A" hole of a politician are eating crow.

The Liberals once again , the one and only truly Canadian team have won a majority.

Ontario has proven to be a sophisticated province where the hics lose and the sophisticated rise to the top.

Unfortunate enough, we still have a lot of hics to deal with and well, my work is never done.

So for us Liberals , it was a hard go , but with the help of hudak we won.

I told everyone here that the powers to be fed the idiot the million job ,kill 100 thousand job platform in order to keep the one true Canadian party in office.

yayness galore!!!!

Nothing like a gracious winner. What goes around comes around. Get ready for Mayor Ford. :lol:


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
Look who's whining now. Right, Walter?

What's good for the goose is good for the gander. You can't justify one while condeming the other.

And both arguments are false. Both Harper and Wynn have legitimate majorities chosen by the voters of the country or province. All that is left to debate is the intelligence of said voters. :)

And of course the next Lieberal scandel.

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
I'm not justifying anything. I happen to know how 38% can win a majority - so I'll give you the benefit of a doubt and assume you mean a generic "you".

Are you going to be diappointed if there isn't another scandal - like the ones never exposed in cancelling nuclear power plants, or selling out Hydro to the for profit sector, thus crippling Ontario as an industrial power, or offing public works (Hwy 407) to foreign investors, or building an expressway that starts nowhere, ends nowhere and screws up traffic patterns everywhere it goes - Allen Expressway?