Ontario Election 2014 - The Official Thread


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
fiberal majority kids. enjoy.

Ontario is f-u-c-k-e-d. A lot of Ontario voters are quite frankly stupid.

Tax and spend.
Tax and spend.
Tax and spend.

Unchecked for 4 years or until she declares the province bankrupt.

Good news is I expect new PC and NDP leaders next time around. Plus no doubt many more scandels and corruption. But Ontario voters evidently don't give a flying f-u-c-k about that so who knows if it will make any difference.


Time Out
Apr 6, 2014
Well glad to see the mean rotten people that supported this absolute "A" hole of a politician are eating crow.

The Liberals once again , the one and only truly Canadian team have won a majority.

Ontario has proven to be a sophisticated province where the hics lose and the sophisticated rise to the top.

Unfortunate enough, we still have a lot of hics to deal with and well, my work is never done.

So for us Liberals , it was a hard go , but with the help of hudak we won.

I told everyone here that the powers to be fed the idiot the million job ,kill 100 thousand job platform in order to keep the one true Canadian party in office.

yayness galore!!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
Thinner wallets and more billions of dollars to the Liberal mafia here we come.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
I guess this means ON will stay on the dole lapping up the sweet honey of the West and Newfoundland.

Newfoundland....for Christ sakes.

Soak that in for awhile.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Frankly, I'm shocked the PC count is so low.

It's as if the entire province is swinging left.

Could be a good sign for the federal election next year.
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Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012
I have so many conflicting thoughts.

This election was so tough to nail down.

Progressives are pissed at Horwath for voting down a pretty NDP friendly Budget.

And the Liberals have had the spectre of the gas scandal hanging over them.

The PCs?

They should have taken this in a walk but you can't start off with "I'll fire a 100,000 of you as soon as I'm elected" and not expect every citizen who knows someone who has a gov't job to vote against you.

If he had said that he would do it through attrition, that may have been easier for people to accept.

Time for Hudak to go and for the PCs to find someone with a personality.............

Overall Hudak appears just too hucksterish not unlike some of the smarmy American republicans we see and the people wanted none of it, particularly his borrowed 'right to work' bull****..............


Blah Blah Blah
Aug 31, 2006
Under a Lone Palm
I guess this means ON will stay on the dole lapping up the sweet honey of the West and Newfoundland.

Newfoundland....for Christ sakes.

Soak that in for awhile.

Taste of your own medicine. That goes double for The Rock.
Feels different when the money is flowing the other way.
Now get paying us back for the last 147 years sucking at Ontario's teat.


Time Out
Apr 6, 2014
People see the meanness of the modern day PC.

The total lack of civility, the elitist holier than thou attitudes.

So the powers to be fed the moron chipmunk exactly what was needed to oust these people.
And get on with building this fine province .
This country is built on Liberal values and Liberal know how.

This election proves it.

Watching telly one of the PC chief strategists was still acting like Hudak is anything but a complete "A" hole.
A total nothing person . Mean spirited hudak , wanting to cut jobs and feeding the lie about creating them.

strike a big one for the good guys and gals.


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
Frankly, I'm shocked the PC count is so low.

It's as if the entire province is swinging left.

Could be a good sign for the federal election next year.

Yes, we will screw one province, why not go to a hole country?

I think realistically, the NDP vote collapsed and went Liberal. Which was the very successful tactic by the Lieberals. I will hand it to them, their negative campaigning and scare tactics worked very well.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
Hudak just resigned. Good, he was just Liberal light. Now we have to find a real conservative, male or female, in the Mile Harris, Maggie Thatcher mold.