Ontario Election 2014 - The Official Thread


Executive Branch Member
Apr 12, 2013
The following is a paid community service announcement from the Canadian Association of Caring Canadians (CACC).

Mr Finster is a voter. He is an Ontario voter. Mr. Finster exercises his right to vote every election. He is a responsible, caring person, just like every Canadian who votes. Good for you, Mr. Finster!

Mr. Finster votes because he cares about his family and the community in which he lives. Even though he's put in a long day at the office, Mr. Finster will go to the local school and vote. After, he'll return home and enjoy a hearty supper with his family. Mr. Finster is a good Canadian.

Thank you for voting, Mr. Finster!
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lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
No thoughts on Bru Sans post ? Well thought out, true, and to the point.

But we'd sooner diss MF.

I see the same traits in every Tory since Mulroney (the last Federal one I ever voted for) and Harris - the last Provincial one I believed. What was once the party who cared enough to build Canada is now the party of heartless money - bankers and investors - who really believe they are above any master. Harper is the antithesis of Canada's world image. I can't say anything better for Hudak.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
It's that curmudgeonly love I've come to terms with.

I did my part.

For the rest:



The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
No thoughts on Bru Sans post ? Well thought out, true, and to the point.

But we'd sooner diss MF.

Some of us in Canada have pretty damn good healthcare with 3-4 weeks wait for an MRI with CT scans being damn near on demand.

Do we need more MRIs and imaging techs or would 3.5 Billion be better spent on preventative measures to improve health rather than keeping sacks of uselessness alive which reduces costs straight across the board and free up services for those who really need it?

Healthier people take less time off of work produce more, earn more and are far more intelligent.

GDP out the wazoo.


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
Yea, $2/year is pretty forgivable - unless you're a stickler.

Live Chat:

Ontario election 2014: Join our live chat - Ontario Votes 2014 - CBC

Hmmm I thought cancelling a gas plant to save three Liberal seats and wasting a billion plus dollars then lying about it, then erasing hard drives might be a tad more destructive than you think.

If that''s how you feel perhaps you should recant any criticism of Mike Duffy, Pam Wallen, or Brian Mulroney. With your reasoning their shortcomings is even less expensive. Pennies a year.

And you say Hudak sucks at math. Wowzer.


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
Scare mongering. Nice attack ad by the Liberals.
Wynne says flyer showing Hudak as terrorist ‘not acceptable’

TORONTO Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne says a Liberal campaign flyer depicting her Progressive Conservative rival as a terrorist, laughing as a hospital explodes behind him, is "not acceptable." The flyers superimposed Tory Leader Tim Hudak's image over the Joker character in a scene from the Batman movie "The Dark Knight."

Wynne says it's not consistent with what her party has been doing throughout the campaign. Liberal Steven Del Duca, seeking re-election in Vaughan where the flyers were distributed, has apologized to Hudak onTwitter.
Meanwhile, the Liberals are demanding answers from Hudak's campaign – and have made an official complaint to Elections Ontario - over allegations that Conservatives in London and Ottawa have been misdirecting voters to the wrong polling stations for voting day

The Liberals have set up a call line (1-647-341-6754) for Ontario voters who fear they may have received fraudulent letters or misleading information.

The Tory letters, found in London North Centre and in Ottawa West-Nepean, were form letters used by all campaign offices to remind people it is voting day on June 12 and to get the vote out, the PC Ontario campaign says.

Public opinion polls suggest Ontario's Liberals and Tories are in a virtual tie with just a day left before voters cast their ballots.