First Nations girl chooses traditional medicine over chemo


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Smoking pot doesn't cure anything. Cannabis oil is not smoked. It is applied topically.

We get it Cliff... you like weed. Toke away.

Smoke it, drink it, rub it. Do whatever... it is not a cure all for everything as the weed establishment would like us to think.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
I don't do pot in any form. In Ohio, where it is legal, medical marijuana is used in hospitals to cure many diseases. They use a strain that has no THC in it so it will not get you high. They have had great success with anything from cancer to epileptic seizures.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
I don't do pot in any form. In Ohio, where it is legal, medical marijuana is used in hospitals to cure many diseases. They use a strain that has no THC in it so it will not get you high. They have had great success with anything from cancer to epileptic seizures.

The don't cure f-ck all using weed. They alleviate a few of the symptoms and relieve pain.

And quit bullsh-tting about not using weed. Nobody is going to look at you any differently.


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
I am torn. Take her and give her a chance at life or let her be and perhaps that will send a message to the "tribe" that their ignorant decision cost a little girl her life.

I may word this all wrong but I'm going to try to get across what I feel about their situation. Not any one of the sentences below can be taken as a single issue/thought. It's the combination of all that I believe are the motivating factors involved in their decision.

My thought is that this family is tired of being told how to live their lives by the powers that be. They have a history of NOT being allowed to be who they are and being treated horribly for NO reason other then the colour of their skin. This along with the forced segregation (reservations) and having to beg and get paperwork that allowed the off the reservation. Having no legal rights, being abused, disrespected, and left to starve has influenced how the elders taught their children. The children have witnessed their parents mistreatment, their peoples historic mistreatment combined with the abuse they have suffered and to combine it with poverty, poor education, alcohol abuse, fetal alcohol syndrome,etc, their decisions may be tainted when it comes to the treatment of this child.

The decision these parents are making may seem like their own, but it's not. It's a complicated mess and it's NOT all on their shoulders. The long fingers of history are stroking and fanning everything about this situation in ways that not any one person can fully comprehend.

I feel so sorry for this family and what they do. To try and make a decision that is both best for them, their daughter and their situation. It's sad sad sad.


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
I'd be very surprised if CSA doesn't step in to remove the child, or attempt to remove the child because given the statements made a stand off seems very likely. If I'm not mistaken the SCC has ruled in the past against both parent and child's wishes when it comes to medical intervention for a minor.

Having said that though I can't imagine how horrific it must really be to make a 10 year old want to stop. Nothing cures cancer and chemo is not a cure, the best you can hope for is remission (for how long no one can say). I want to wish she returns to the fight but I just can't bring myself to wish chemo therapy on her.


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
Our society sees death as the ultimate failure.

I wish them all the best. I have no answers here. I live in a building with a lot of elderly people, many of whom have survived cancer. If you live long enough, either your heart will explode, you will get some pernicious illness or cancer.

A kid's body is different than an adults due to rapid cell reproduction. I don't know how that affects cancer growth other than it is accelerated. It's a terrible position to be in. Sometimes kids are closer to the other world than we are, they see things, they know things.

She says she is not afraid. We cling to our lives. Others do not. Because she is a child, it makes it all murky.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
That's what has been done in cases involving Jehovah's Witnesses and blood transfusions. The latest ruling I could find when I Googled was this:

SCC Cases (Lexum) - A.C. v. Manitoba (Director of Child and Family Services)

They dismissed an appeal of the parents and child alleging the Child and Family Services Act violated their Charter Rights.

Seems at least like a basic precedent to me.

My wife does a lot of these. Mostly kids of junkies that end up in hospital at one point or another and abuse or neglect is evident.

I'll have to ask when she gets home for the name of the order they'll hit patents with.

Failure to provide something or another.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
My thought is that this family is tired of being told how to live their lives by the powers that be. .

I understand your sentiment. I hope the parents aren't regretful when their daughter dies.

She is going to die if they get their way.

how is this different from children in religious cults claiming their right to refuse medical treatments

Not one bit of difference.


Electoral Member
Mar 4, 2009
Kelowna BC
A 10-year-old child does not have the mental development to even come close to making decisions like this.

And any adult that believes that they do , is immature or incompetent to make decisions of this important s in this little girl's life.


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
My wife does a lot of these. Mostly kids of junkies that end up in hospital at one point or another and abuse or neglect is evident.

I'm reluctant to assume it's abusive, mostly because I can sympathize/empathize with watching your child suffer like that. Not saying I agree with the action taken but it must be heart wrenching.

I'll have to ask when she gets home for the name of the order they'll hit patents with.

Failure to provide something or another.

... the necessities of life?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
I'm reluctant to assume it's abusive, mostly because I can sympathize/empathize with watching your child suffer like that. Not saying I agree with the action taken but it must be heart wrenching.

... the necessities of life?

I've had pain to the point of wishing I were dead but suffered through and here I am today still in pain although to a much lesser degree with loses of quality of life in the process.

Got a text...withholding medically indicated treatment.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
White people always know better than them heathen savages, what is best for them. Taking children away from aboriginal families is jst a continuation of the abuse of power that started with residential schools and has never stopped. That is how aboriginal people view this.


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
To many humans on earth anyways, make your way back to the ocean little rain drop.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
They'll pull out demon worms and blame the leukemia on somebody doing medicine against the child.

I bet you would poison yourself with native medicine.

Where the f-cked did you come up with the BS of cannabis oil curing cancer? YouTube?

Better chance of curing cancer with cannabis oil than chemo.