Should Shawn Thornton face more than a suspension?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
By not being dirty and accepting the retaliation for being dirty.

I really have my doubts you've ever hit the ice.


Time Out
Nov 17, 2013
By not being dirty and accepting the retaliation for being dirty.

I really have my doubts you've ever hit the ice.

Exactly what "old time" hockey rule did the hit on Eriksson break to be defined as dirty?

How did he not accept retaliation? He wasn't ever put in a situation where he could accept or turn down any sort of retaliation.

If you can't think of a single incident like this other than Bertuzzi in the last 10 years,(attacking someone from behind and driving their head into the ice) it doesn't sound like this is a normal part of hockey.


Time Out
Nov 17, 2013
Why is called a "team" sport?

Lol, what is exactly you mean?

You are saying that because James Neal took a cheap shot on a player at the other end of the ice, Orpik should grow eyes in the back of his head so he can be prepared to be jumped by a player coming up behind him?


House Member
Apr 12, 2013
I used to do play by play on radio years ago and fighting was very much a part of
the game. In the old day Bobby Orr could take care of himself as could a number
of others. Gretzky could not never did like the guy. Today we have too many
people who want to change the game to something like chess on ice.
A high brow sport it is not, Vancouver is a prime example of a team that can't win
because they can't fight back in tough games. I hate Boston as I am a Habs fan
but they can defend themselves and their teammates. When fighting goes I won't
be watching hockey anymore. I have seen football fights too. The only useless
sport is soccer little refs in short pants handing out yellow and red cards good god
get real. We can't have real gladiators anymore so we have to settle for sports eh

Vancouver fought back. But what was the point. Aaron Rome threw a clean hit on Nathan Horton, and he starts doing the funky chicken on the ice, and Rome gets suspended for a clean hit.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
He barely punches him? Are you willing to put your head between Thornton's fists and the ice and see how that might feel?

Sure! For that type of paycheck... every night I would!

How do you expect Orpik to be aware that he was about to be jumped from behind?

A. He's in the NHL

B. He's in the middle of it.

C. His name is Orpik


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Vancouver fought back. But what was the point. Aaron Rome threw a clean hit on Nathan Horton, and he starts doing the funky chicken on the ice, and Rome gets suspended for a clean hit.
Drawing penalties is part of the game too.

Sure! For that type of paycheck... every night I would!

A. He's in the NHL

B. He's in the middle of it.

C. His name is Orpik
If you've played the game you know that it's not just hits that will get you levelled. Opening your yap and beaking somebody off will too.


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
Vancouver is a team of whiners though. I remember all kinds of people crying because
during their series with Boston the refs put the whistle in their pocket and let the teams
play. My son and my grandsons all whined the Boston was too rough. If that is the case
get rid of the Sedin Sisters and a few others and get some Canadian boys who can hit
and fight.
I think the refs etc likely do pick on Vancouver cause no matter what sport it is they whine
or have excuses for every sport the lose and they lose a lot. should I say it ya why not
(GO RIDERS) Oh that's football, but then the lions lost that sport too.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
If you've played the game you know that it's not just hits that will get you levelled. Opening your yap and beaking somebody off will too.

He gets taken off the ice... yet is on the plane a few hours later with his team.


House Member
Apr 12, 2013
Vancouver is a team of whiners though. I remember all kinds of people crying because
during their series with Boston the refs put the whistle in their pocket and let the teams
play. My son and my grandsons all whined the Boston was too rough. If that is the case
get rid of the Sedin Sisters and a few others and get some Canadian boys who can hit
and fight.
I think the refs etc likely do pick on Vancouver cause no matter what sport it is they whine
or have excuses for every sport the lose and they lose a lot. should I say it ya why not
(GO RIDERS) Oh that's football, but then the lions lost that sport too.

People do that all the time. No team ever lost a game that wasn't the refs fault, and no team ever credited bad reffing for their win.

The myth at the time was that Vancouver was a tlaented team that lost to a lunchbucket team, but I never saw it that way. Boston had a lot of talent--Lucic, Chara, Thomas.

I got a lot of time for the Sedins myself. They're getting on a bit now, but I have greatly enjoyed see them play over the years, esepcially the tight little "spin cycles" they do in the corners. They have changed the way the game is played--you see a lot of teams now doing those short little 5' passes.

Then again, I'm a Vancouver fan. As for being a whiner--you're the one doing the whining here. :lol:


Time Out
Nov 17, 2013
You've obviously never played.

Being in favor of big hits and being against sucker punching people from behind means I never played hockey? Exactly what game do you think hockey is?

This is the lowest form of talking about sports, but it really doesn't sound like you have ever played hockey.

I have never met a person in my years playing hockey or being a hockey fan that ever thought anything from behind was ok. Hitting someone from behind is dirty enough, sucker punching someone from behind is about a low as you can go.

If you are going to fight someone, you fight. You drop the gloves and square off. If you have to sucker punch them from behind so they have no chance to fight back, you are a huge coward.

Sure! For that type of paycheck... every night I would!

A. He's in the NHL

B. He's in the middle of it.

C. His name is Orpik

Lol, if you were going through that every night you'd better spend that money quickly.

Exactly what precedent is there that if you are in the NHL you need to be ready to be jumped and sucker punched from behind? Nobody here seems to be able to find any other incident like this in the last 10 years other than Bertuzzi, so how exactly can this be considered part of the game?

There is no evidence that Orpik wouldn't have agreed to fight had he had a chance. At very least he would have had the opportunity to turtle and protect himself. Unless Thornton actually wanted to inflict serious injury on Orpik, that should have more than accomplished what he set out to do.

Vancouver is a team of whiners though. I remember all kinds of people crying because
during their series with Boston the refs put the whistle in their pocket and let the teams
play. My son and my grandsons all whined the Boston was too rough. If that is the case
get rid of the Sedin Sisters and a few others and get some Canadian boys who can hit
and fight.
I think the refs etc likely do pick on Vancouver cause no matter what sport it is they whine
or have excuses for every sport the lose and they lose a lot. should I say it ya why not
(GO RIDERS) Oh that's football, but then the lions lost that sport too.

Hating the Canucks is pretty easy. They are probably my least favorite team in the NHL for exactly this reason. They wine constantly about how everyone is being too mean to them, but they also have some of the dirties players who will unabashedly dive all over the place and take any cheap shot they can get away with.

Hockey is a physical game so you need some grit and guys who can hit hard. What Thornton did has no place in this though. It was a cowardly, dirty, attack.

He gets taken off the ice... yet is on the plane a few hours later with his team.

The extent of an injury is a poor way to judge someone's actions. In the Bertuzzi incident, with a little luck Moore could have walked away almost completely unscathed, or with a little less luck, he might be paralyzed now or worse. Someone shouldn't have to lose their career or worse for incredibly stupid actions like that to be punished for what they are.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
I have never met a person in my years playing hockey or being a hockey fan that
ever thought anything from behind was ok. Hitting someone from behind is dirty
enough, sucker punching someone from behind is about a low as you can go.
If you played, you might have considered getting punched out for trash talk but you've never played.


Time Out
Nov 17, 2013
If you played, you might have considered getting punched out for trash talk but you've never played.

No, I would never sucker punch someone from behind for "trash talking". You have to be a real piece of **** to consider doing something like that.

Lots of people get involved in fights over that kind of stuff, but it is face to face, you know, actually a fight.

BTW, Thornton came in from the other end of the ice and doesn't pause before doing this, so clearly couldn't hear anything that he was saying.


House Member
Apr 12, 2013
The extent of an injury is a poor way to judge someone's actions. In the Bertuzzi incident, with a little luck Moore could have walked away almost completely unscathed, or with a little less luck, he might be paralyzed now or worse. Someone shouldn't have to lose their career or worse for incredibly stupid actions like that to be punished for what they are.

Seriously? Bertuzzi? That's your best example? That was ten years ago. Get with the program.