Sharia Law or Canadian Law.....


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
Do you ever have a friend on the phone or texting that doesn't seem to know when to log off....
Since I hate talking on the phone just to chat,

You and me both!!!! Usually they're yammering away and all I can think about is how cramped my hand is getting, lol.

after about five minutes, I just say ha,ha or hmm unless they ask a direct question...then on texting I answer with just a smiley.....after 2 or 3 smilies in a row they get it......

I make my replies longer and longer apart, as if to say "getting kind of busy now, can't respond right away"....but I'm gonna try that smiley thing. :)


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
You and me both!!!! Usually they're yammering away and all I can think about is how cramped my hand is getting, lol.

I make my replies longer and longer apart, as if to say "getting kind of busy now, can't respond right away"....but I'm gonna try that smiley thing. :)
If they get too bad..... call display is a wonderful thing.... Non?
Call display blocked.....Voicemail picks up!


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Considering there are many on here with anti-Christian(except Catholicism, for some reason) and anti-Jewish views, the only reason I'm being singled out is because it's less PC to be anti-Islamic than it is to be anti-Christian and anti-Jewish.

As for Islam, it's nothing but an evil, abhorrent cult that has no place in Britain. It's no wonder UKIP are rapidly gaining in popularity. The British people are just getting fed up.

This suggests that stupidity is the reason for British exasperation.
UK students stuck in educational doldrums, OECD study finds

A stubborn gap in attainment between Britain's best- and worst-performing students has pinned the UK to the middle of international education rankings, despite years of effort by successive governments to raise standards.
The latest edition of the programme for international student achievement (Pisa) from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), published today, shows the UK's position virtually unchanged from the last exercise in 2009, with slight improvements in the reading and maths scores of the nation's 15 year-olds offset by a minor drop in science.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
We don't have absolute freedom of speech but we do for Religion and that is why the Crown backed away from charging Winston Blackmore a former FLDS member with polygamy.
Last edited:


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
It will be an issue of whether 'the company' discriminated against him and denied him access, and as people have pointed out, it clearly hasn't. It has policies in place, and it has made accommodations.

Having policies is one thing, enforcing them is another. It's not enough to simply have procedures. The due diligence doesn't stop when the policy is written.

Found this in the Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission news section for today:
News Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission: United Nations’ International Day of Persons with Disabilities (SHRC)
One year ago, as part of the 2012 United Nations' International Day of Persons with Disabilities, the Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission (SHRC) acknowledged that many people with disabilities rely on public and pay transportation as their primary means of mobility within their communities. When public transportation is not accessible, however, people with disabilities have reduced access to the world outside their front door.

On December 3, 2012, the SHRC also made a commitment to facilitating equivalent, comparable, and accessible transportation in the City of Regina. Typically, the Commission works to resolve one complaint, for one person, one at a time. Since 2011, however, the SHRC has been using a tool known as systemic advocacy. Systemic advocacy is about taking action to create change in the community that addresses discrimination for all members of that community.

more at the link​

Seems timely ;)


Jan 6, 2007
Being blind and requiring a service dog, isn't a choice.

Your choice of religion is.

Like I said, in the hierarchy of judge karrie, disability would trump religion, but I don't know that the courts will view choosing to exercise a right as limiting its validity.


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
Like I said, in the hierarchy of judge karrie, disability would trump religion, but I don't know that the courts will view choosing to exercise a right as limiting its validity.

I honestly think this has to be against the cab company, there was not one driver involved but three (maybe more?)so it becomes, to my way of looking at it, a complaint against the business.

I don't know what it's like in other provinces too but here in Ontario, there is a huge (and I do mean huge) push for total and complete compliance with accessibility issues. And, because I can't think of another way of putting it, this is not a 'new accessibility issue' dogs for the blind have a long history in this country.

I actually don't see it as a religious issue at all. It's about the company being compliant. My two cents.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Sanctioned? By whom? Does Canada have a list of sanctioned religions and non-sanctioned religions?

Yes. I am the Religious Commissioner for Canada. A minor fee is involved for Certification. If you wish to be certifiable- I can help.:lol:

Like I said, in the hierarchy of judge karrie, disability would trump religion, but I don't know that the courts will view choosing to exercise a right as limiting its validity.

But the problem has and always will be is that an HRC can ignore the law.
Decisions can be appealed to a Court of law, and either upheld, amended or dismissed.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
At what point did the company fail in trying to accomadate?

After the point where they had to continuously inform the drivers of this mans right. They are employees.

Oh! Terribly sorry, Your Excellency, I didn't recognise you at first. I believe I can demonstrate to your satisfaction that I am, indeed, certifiable. Will gold do?

Gold, precious metals, rare earths. We have our Christmas discount coming up shortly. 3 registrations for the price of 1.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
When does religion trump human dignity?

As a service dog owner, I have to ask, if we're ever called to do SAR in a Muslim community, do my SAR dogs need to stay home?