Sharia Law or Canadian Law.....


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Bloody Muslims. Why's it never the Jews or the Sikhs or the Hindus causing trouble? It's always the bloody Muslims.

I hope Farage wins in 2015, is all I can say.

Your opinion on this is again not of an value. Your hatred of Muslims, Catholics and such is rampant.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Your opinion on this is again not of an value. Your hatred of Muslims, Catholics and such is rampant.
That's not fair. He hates all non-Anglicans equally, except possibly the Presbyterians, who basically do the Anglicans' dirty work for them.

His bigotry is refreshingly honest, ya gotta admit.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Your opinion on this is again not of an value. Your hatred of Muslims, Catholics and such is rampant.

Considering there are many on here with anti-Christian(except Catholicism, for some reason) and anti-Jewish views, the only reason I'm being singled out is because it's less PC to be anti-Islamic than it is to be anti-Christian and anti-Jewish.

As for Islam, it's nothing but an evil, abhorrent cult that has no place in Britain. It's no wonder UKIP are rapidly gaining in popularity. The British people are just getting fed up.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
A driver can turn you away for smelling bad, too much hairspray, drunk, refuse to serve certain neighbourhoods, bulky cargo, or if you look creepy and many more reasons.
Canadian law not provincial

107. Seeing-eye dogs are allowed into Canada without restrictions. Canadian law also guarantees that anyone using seeing-eye dogs may bring them into restaurants, hotels, and other businesses.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Bloody Muslims. Why's it never the Jews or the Sikhs or the Hindus causing trouble? It's always the bloody Muslims.

I hope Farage wins in 2015, is all I can say.
The Jews already did all the damage they could. Remember when Christmas was Christmas and not the "holidays season"?

Canadian law not provincial
Sorry dude. each province has it's own. HRC is a Provincial thing. Do you have the "Right" to use English on your signage in Quebec?


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Considering there are many on here with anti-Christian(except Catholicism, for some reason) and anti-Jewish views, the only reason I'm being singled out is because it's less PC to be anti-Islamic than it is to be anti-Christian and anti-Jewish.

As for Islam, it's nothing but an evil, abhorrent cult that has no place in Britain. It's no wonder UKIP are rapidly gaining in popularity. The British people are just getting fed up.

Nope- You are not being singled out.


Electoral Member
Dec 18, 2012
When you phone for a cab why not say you need a van as you have a service animal? I'm really trying not to picture a blind guy and his dog chasing down a cab on any street anywhere and no matter what it ends up being, it is somewhat comical for all bystanders.
If you phone for a cab why would you have to chase it? Shouldn't it stop at the address you gave them on the phone?


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
Considering there are many on here with anti-Christian(except Catholicism, for some reason) and anti-Jewish views, the only reason I'm being singled out is because it's less PC to be anti-Islamic than it is to be anti-Christian and anti-Jewish.

As for Islam, it's nothing but an evil, abhorrent cult that has no place in Britain. It's no wonder UKIP are rapidly gaining in popularity. The British people are just getting fed up.

Wah wah wah. Cry me a freaking river. You get treated like a bigot because that's what you are.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Considering the weather bumper riding comes to mind, I don't see that being close to reality either, what I do see if the living example of the Afghanistan local situation in the '70's saw a gradual weakening of the land barons having full control over those that lived on the land he 'owned'. That didn't change any when the Brit's gained the upper-hand (again) at the end of WWi, their lives were the same at the start of WWII and the introduction of a global agreement of what would be called 'basic rights of the individual' . Introduced in 1950 (easy math) and in 1975 the new students that were exposed to those new laws came into power by becoming of age and seeing the changes as being good for the locals by no bigger sacrifice than the land barons got 1 vote instead of all 10,000 that would be given votes under the 'over 21' rule. The 'old' were almost eliminated before the US started giving them the means to start killing the ones who voted them out of power
That little window is all that should be talked about because proof trumps speculation in the real world. It will show they were adopting all of them as being the 'law in the land'. The other tiny window is Iran between one man coming to power and the coup that overthrew him and his for of governing. What replaced it was the same form of rulers that were in power in Afghanistan pre-1970 and post-1985, with all human rights abolished and with US blessings.

The few articles I have read all follow the same theme, the rights of women and children saw the greatest gains in the shortest time. University for everybody (interested) would not have been a hard sell considering the reforms that had taken place in the process of changing who ruled. The land barons did not go willingly or peacefully. so there was a civil war and the university grads were winning it. Why it didn't finish is because of outside interference, by Christian backed nations who did nothing when the truth came out so their are a mile or so from being moral Christians.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
The Jews already did all the damage they could. Remember when Christmas was Christmas and not the "holidays season"?

Sorry dude. each province has it's own. HRC is a Provincial thing. Do you have the "Right" to use English on your signage in Quebec?

Well actually you do. With a bunch of restrictions. And that is only because our federal governments have never had the balls to stand up to vote rich QUebec.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Yes. And often I do, lol.

Now what is this 'polite' you speak of? ;)

Do you ever have a friend on the phone or texting that doesn't seem to know when to log off....
Since I hate talking on the phone just to chat, after about five minutes, I just say ha,ha or hmm unless they ask a direct question...then on texting I answer with just a smiley.....after 2 or 3 smilies in a row they get it......

DaS likes to dance the Tena Twist.
**** off