Costco -- the Bible is fiction


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
since the bible has, turning water into wine, turning people into salt, parting of seas, talking bushes and snakes, the dead escaping sealed caves, etc., I would say paranormal/supernatural stickers would be more appropriate. ;)

Are you trying to say that Jesus was fictional?

Seriously? "I know you are, but what am I?" is your response?

I rather suspected you had the mind of an eight-year-old, and a not particularly bright one at that. Thanks for confirming.

It's true though, isn't it?


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
There's a reason why Bibles are placed in the reference section in libraries and not in the non-fiction section.

You are absolutely correct. And that's because, as you confirm, the Bible is NOT non-fiction. It is a reference book, but that does not make it non-fiction, as you have clearly pointed out.


Privy Council
Jul 28, 2010
Being offended by burning the Koran isn't an argument against burning it.

So... you're one of those people who'd fart in an elevator and then tell everyone else that being offended by it is no reason not to do it.

I'm a big supporter of Israel. A great country; the only democracy in that part of the world,
Ever been there?

surrounded by barbaric medieval Muslim nations that need to be wiped off the face of the planet.
Wiped off the face of the planet why? Because they're medieval, or because they're Muslim?

I've never read Fifty Shades of Grey, but I know what it's about.

Ahh... so you've never read the Koran, yet you think it contains the ten greatest criminal thoughts of all humankind, which means, you got told to think that by someone else, which means you don't know how to read a book like the Koran and think for yourself, which means you're one of those drone-type characters Hitler counted on to form the SS.

Let me guess... you don't watch news... you listen to Glenn Beck and think he's telling you the news, and you robotically believe what he tells you what you should be thinking about it.

Are you that way because you're terrified of free thinking, or is it because you tried, and couldn't do it?

In any case, you still never answered the question: What are those those ten worst statements of all time that are found in the Koran?

As I've already pointed out, the Bible is considered to be a work of non-fiction.
By whom? Most everyone with an IQ higher than a plenaria considers it to be a collection of platitudes, social philosophy, fables and morality tales in a semi-historical context.

Have you ever wondered why people are getting in a flap over the morons at Costco labelling it as fiction? The reason there is such a flap is because the Bible is NON-fiction.
Have you ever wondered why only morons are getting in a flap?

No amount of whineing will change the fact that the Bible is considered to be non-fiction ...
Ahh... so at least now you're toning it down a bit to admit that at best it's only "considered" by some to be factual... "considered" is not the same as "known".

and that Costco should not have put it in the non-fiction section.
Then stop your whining and go in and tell them you think it should be recatalougued as Theology, or Faith, or Fables, or Morality Tales, or whatever. Geez.

I've read the Old Testament as well.

Okay... what's it about?

Are you one of those people who hangs off statements in the Old Testament as if it's still as valid as the New Testament?

I want attacks against the British and the Church of England to be as non-PC as attacks on Islime.

You *want* people to attack you with the same irrationality that you attack Islam? Why?


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
So this is what it sounds like, when doves cry.



the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Being offended by burning the Koran isn't an argument against burning it.

I'm a big supporter of Israel. A great country; the only democracy in that part of the world, surrounded by barbaric medieval Muslim nations that need to be wiped off the face of the planet.

Your an anti-Semite then, and not an anti-semite. You must be British. Democracy's a theory. Israel is not a country but they claim they are surrounded by barbarians, they always say that, you're a barbarian Blackleaf.

The Bible is early Judaic nonsense you can tell cuz it closely resembles contemporary Judaic nonsense.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
While I am not a believer in biblical events as they are written, labeling the book as fiction seems to be a form of mocking that I am not comfortable with. Millions of people do believe in the bible in various forms; an historical book, a spiritual guide or at least one with valuable philosophical instruction. Thus to label it as fiction seems disrespectful in a way which was unnecessary.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
While I am not a believer in biblical events as they are written, labeling the book as fiction seems to be a form of mocking that I am not comfortable with. Millions of people do believe in the bible in various forms; an historical book, a spiritual guide or at least one with valuable philosophical instruction. Thus to label it as fiction seems disrespectful in a way which was unnecessary.
That would be bad, if it was what happened. But it isn't. ONE Costco in ONE location mislabeled a few bibles. The Costco has apologised and re-labeled the few bibles that were mislabeled.

The rest of it is just people searching for a reason to be offended (while at the same time complaining about others who are offended by this or that).


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
While I am not a believer in biblical events as they are written, labeling the book as fiction seems to be a form of mocking that I am not comfortable with. Millions of people do believe in the bible in various forms; an historical book, a spiritual guide or at least one with valuable philosophical instruction. Thus to label it as fiction seems disrespectful in a way which was unnecessary.
Its just business (read with a Marlon Brando inflection).

I don't think the employees of Cosco meant any kind of statement about it, kinda like how a mafioso hitman has no feelings about bowing the back of you head in.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
While I am not a believer in biblical events as they are written, labeling the book as fiction seems to be a form of mocking that I am not comfortable with. Millions of people do believe in the bible in various forms; an historical book, a spiritual guide or at least one with valuable philosophical instruction. Thus to label it as fiction seems disrespectful in a way which was unnecessary.

No one can count the religions that have fallen into disrespect in the course of human history. There is a very sound reason for that. There is one miracle from it and only one and that is people continue to revere the mere shadow of what it really was meant to be, all this while ignoring the truth, which if they did bother to explore they would reject and disrespect and in the end crucify the bearers of truth once again.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
That would be bad, if it was what happened. But it isn't. ONE Costco in ONE location mislabeled a few bibles. The Costco has apologised and re-labeled the few bibles that were mislabeled.

The rest of it is just people searching for a reason to be offended (while at the same time complaining about others who are offended by this or that).
just trying to bring it back to the OP since it has wandered considerably so think of it more as a generalization on the subject.

Its just business (read with a Marlon Brando inflection).

I don't think the employees of Cosco meant any kind of statement about it, kinda like how a mafioso hitman has no feelings about bowing the back of you head in.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
watch out for lightning. ;)

if I felt it actually worked that way I sure would... :D I have that little rain gif, it's cute

No one can count the religions that have fallen into disrespect in the course of human history. There is a very sound reason for that. There is one miracle from it and only one and that is people continue to revere the mere shadow of what it really was meant to be, all this while ignoring the truth, which if they did bother to explore they would reject and disrespect and in the end crucify the bearers of truth once again.
well, in a is the nature of the beast...maybe I am just lucky and fortunate enough to meet enlightened people frequently because I seem to meet a lot of people coming from various belief systems that I am certain would not...

it's funny though because today I was having a spiritual conversation with a co worker that would be anything but traditional and when a few people entered the staff room we just changed the topic...some discussions I just can't be bothered to argue any more and that is one area for sure... people either are in the sphere or not and it's too much effort if they aren't

The nature of religious discussion assures wandering and transgressions on sacred cows.
it can be a positive thing, or not