New warships to cost more than $100-billion


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
I continually hear that Conservatives are for smaller government and less spending. Harper is trying to spend us into the poor house, and it is all for the military. Does he really think we could defend ourselves against the big boys? I agree our north needs some protection but if the US, China, or Russia want it badly enough they will take it.

Thats because decades of Liberal mismanagement underfunded the military so bad there is no equipment left that is younger than the people using it.


Electoral Member
Jul 5, 2011
And their stupidity resulted in those damn Sea Kings being flown still to this day when they should have been consigned to the scrap heap at least 20 years ago.

Shame be upon those politicians who think nothing of putting our best in harm's way flying those things today.

We came out of WWII with the 3rd largest Navy in the world and look at us today. Seemingly, we'd still rather spend money on failed projects, pacification of both aboriginals and Quebec along with corrupt sentators.

I continually hear that Conservatives are for smaller government and less spending. Harper is trying to spend us into the poor house, and it is all for the military. Does he really think we could defend ourselves against the big boys? I agree our north needs some protection but if the US, China, or Russia want it badly enough they will take it.

Defeatist thinking that is geared to make it all too easy for them to just come and take it. Canada once had a reputation for punching way above it's weight while now we are best known for azz kissing and genuflecting to lesser nations.

Attempting to cheapen out by buying used subs the brits wouldn't even deem seaworthy before selling the junk to us, was just begging to have it resulting in killing our seamen. We bear the shame of a succession of Lib's playing fast and loose with our sovereignty.

You remain a sovereign nation only so long as others respect your borders and at this moment NO other country affords us that respect. They are merely biding their time or budgeting for a financial takeover. We can do no more than pray for the latter at the current state of our military's effectiveness.



the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
And their stupidity resulted in those damn Sea Kings being flown still to this day when they should have been consigned to the scrap heap at least 20 years ago.

Shame be upon those politicians who think nothing of putting our best in harm's way flying those things today.

We came out of WWII with the 3rd largest Navy in the world and look at us today. Seemingly, we'd still rather spend money on failed projects, pacification of both aboriginals and Quebec along with corrupt sentators.

Defeatist thinking that is geared to make it all too easy for them to just come and take it. Canada once had a reputation for punching way above it's weight while now we are best known for azz kissing and genuflecting to lesser nations.

Attempting to cheapen out by buying used subs the brits wouldn't even deem seaworthy before selling the junk to us, was just begging to have it resulting in killing our seamen. We bear the shame of a succession of Lib's playing fast and loose with our sovereignty.

You remain a sovereign nation only so long as others respect your borders and at this moment NO other country affords us that respect. They are merely biding their time or budgeting for a financial takeover. We can do no more than pray for the latter at the current state of our military's effectiveness.


Buying the junk submarines was an ingenious move by DND, we have saved billions of dollars by making sure they are not operational and at the same time threatening to make them so. Beyond all doubt Canada has proved that the potential of potential operation is all the defense necessary and the PPO program has proven to be a great success at great cost savings. It has worked brilliantly, thus far we have warded off every attack. Next I propose that we mimic our success and buy broken fighter aircraft and simply upgrade their paint and glue advanced plywood missiles under their wings. They could be transported on a schedual from airfield to airfield on semi trailers (note the huge fuel and parts savings) all the while providing the necessary deterrent to invasion.

This document is classified you are reminded to burn your PC after reading.


Senate Member
Jan 25, 2011
Santa Cruz, California
I continually hear that Conservatives are for smaller government and less spending. Harper is trying to spend us into the poor house, and it is all for the military. Does he really think we could defend ourselves against the big boys? I agree our north needs some protection but if the US, China, or Russia want it badly enough they will take it.

Imo neither America nor Russia will take anything from Canada. Both are spent forces. Only China has the developing wherewithal and zeitgeist to seize the Canadian north.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
I welcome our Chinese liberators to Canada. I have been clipping and freezing rose peddles for a week now in excited expectation of their eminent arrival. I'm sure they know how to fix the Senate and Ford. We will construct a great wall between Canada and the ruined lands to the south to keep the barbarians out.


Senate Member
Jan 25, 2011
Santa Cruz, California
The US/Canada alliance presumes each member state will remain in a position to honor its commitments into the unforeseeable future. This presumption may become less robust with the passage of time and the intervention of other events which we are not able to know at this moment in time.

Sons of Liberty

Walks on Water
Aug 24, 2010
Evil Empire
Do you think the US has no interest in our north? If so I have a bridge in Brooklyn for sale.

It's not all YOUR North, several countries have territorial claims on the North Pole, you're not the only country that borders it. I am not speaking of legal international claims, I am speaking of attempted hostile take overs.

And if you think the US Canadian defense agreement isn't valid, then I have snow to sell to you for your remote northern cities.