Justin Trudeau's 'foolish' China remarks spark anger


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
I've been around a while. I've seen gerry turfed from other boards for going off. I _know_ he's got anger issues.
And he still has more cred than you.

That says a lot more about you than him, lolz.

Or you calling me a liar? Not really a lot in the way of content there.
Your idiotic posts barely deserved that.

I'm not all that enamored with Trudeau. Or Mulcair. Or Harper. I'd probably pick Trudeau out of the three, primarily for economic reasons. I just don't get all tomato-faced if somebody says that they like Harper, or Mulcair. That's the difference. People have diferent viewpoints. Doesn't mean they're liars, crack addicts or stupid.
Ya ya, sure sure, you tipped your cards.

I hurt your little partisan left wing hack feelings.

Hence the silly attacks on your part.

It's OK, it's not as if I haven't seen your kind a 1000 times.

But don't let that stop you from running around the board yapping at my heels, while you embarrass yourself. It's funny to watch, lolz.


House Member
Apr 12, 2013
And he still has more cred than you.

That says a lot more about you than him, lolz.

Your idiotic posts barely deserved that.

Ya ya, sure sure, you tipped your cards.

I hurt your little partisan left wing hack feelings.

Hence the silly attacks on your part.

It's OK, it's not as if I haven't seen your kind a 1000 times.

But don't let that stop you from running around the board yapping at my heels, while you embarrass yourself. It's funny to watch, lolz.

Wow, he mad. :lol:


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Whatevs, buddy. Rage away.
Ummm... if I may quote you...

Seriously? That's the best you can manage? Lightweight, Goober, very lightweight.

I see you've gotten so emotional oh long time board surfing one, that you;ve come to the end of your portfolio. Maybe you should turn off the puter and get some fresh air, before your reaching to scrape the bottom of your barrel becomes hazardous in your obviously emotional state.

Hard to pick it out amongst all the loathing going on here, so sorry.
Than don't post so much, or just calm down, lolz.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Whatevs, buddy. Rage away.

Maybe I was just being doubly sarcastic. :lol: If that was sarcasm, my bad. Hard to pick it out amongst all the loathing going on here, so sorry.

If I want to insult you, rest assured you would know.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
Pot isn't crack. There's also the matter of the running with gangbangers and the extortion charges against Ford's driver. And when we do see the tape, I'm thinking the comments will a little more embarrassing than Trudeau's.

Pretty sad argument... Much like saying murder is illegal, but assault with a deadly weapon is OK

Really, the level of argument here is pretty sophomoric. Calling Trudeau "Justine"?

I'm not all that enamored with Trudeau. Or Mulcair. Or Harper. I'd probably pick Trudeau out of the three, primarily for economic reasons.

Laughed my fukking balls off on that one.

Justine hasn't articulated an economic platform.. In fact, he's not made any position clear on damn near any important issues other than having a deep interest in understanding which are the ladies' favorite virtues.

Thanks for the chuckles bud


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
These are not gaffes of the type defined by the American journalist Michael Kinsley, “when a politician tells the truth” — not really gaffes at all, in other words, except in the topsy-turvy world of politics. Neither are they the sort of slips that anyone might make when they’re tired or off guard, insulting or impolitic remarks they either didn’t mean or wouldn’t have said if they did.
Rather, the Trudeauvian gaffe generally involves a quite deliberate statement, presented not flippantly or off-hand but in a determined effort to sound provocative or profound. If they instead strike the listener as ill-judged, it is because he seems to have invested so little actual thought in them. It is in the gulf between his intellectual reach and grasp that his reputation as a ninny has been earned.

Andrew Coyne: Justin Trudeau’s gaffes reveal the gulf between his intellectual reach and grasp | National Post


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
Justin talked, we listened

It's time the media stopped cheering on Justin Trudeau and started peeling back the curtain.

The novice Liberal leader is rightly under fire for saying at last Thursday's "ladies night" event that "There's a level of admiration I actually have for China because their basic dictatorship is allowing them to actually turn their economy around on a dime."

Various groups in Canada whose members suffered under Chinese Communist policies have denounced Trudeau's statements. But a bizarre CBC panel on Friday night seemed to imply Trudeau was the one wronged.

Maclean's Martin Patriquin was certain Trudeau was joking.

Panelist Kelly Cryderman, from the Globe & Mail, said "you have to wonder if he misheard the question."
It was then mentioned that after Trudeau's weird comment he said "Sun News can now report that I prefer China."

Panelists laughed that Sun Media then reported Trudeau's words. Verbatim. So readers and viewers could decide for themselves.

At the beginning of the segment, host Rosemarie Barton conceded "we didn't stay for the whole event." Which was why they couldn't play the clip, because they didn't have it.

So let's get this straight: Sun reporters attend a segment in full and report on it. CBC reporters fail to properly cover it.

And somehow Sun Media is the one being laughed at? For providing better coverage than the well-funded and amply staffed CBC?

But here's the thing. Not even Trudeau says he was kidding.

On Friday he doubled-down: "In this world we're competing with countries that have the capacity to react to big issues quickly and completely." He's making it clear he holds some degree of admiration for the speed at which central-planning governments can get results. Including China.

Trudeau referred specifically to China's green energy policies. But, as Lorrie Goldstein noted in Sun Media papers Sunday, Trudeau is "apparently unaware China consumes almost 50% of the world's coal and is building one new coal-fired generating plant per week."

Polls show Trudeau could become prime minister in 2015 with a majority. Yet we still know very little about this rising politician's policy smarts or lack thereof.

It's time to drop the pom-poms and take a closer look.

Justin talked, we listened | Editorial | Opinion | Toronto Sun

This shiny dude is toast.


Ace Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Aether Island
"Posting on bulletin boards is an occupation in which you have to keep proving your insight to people who have none."
-- Apologies to Jules Renard


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
80's for me sort of.

I can't really say I missed the 80's. I was wide awake the whole time and took a lot in.