UN Urged To Declare Canada's Treatment Of Aboriginals 'Genocide'


Jan 6, 2007
You seem to miss the point. Accuracy means what? Who did this and who did that? I know for a fact I didnt do any of it so what do you want from me? An admission that some white dude took your grandmothers kids away? Fine I admit that happened. What do you want from me to make it better? Why do you want anything from me? Just because I am white like the guy who fuked over your family doesn't mean you can come to me for reparations, or does it in your mind?

How on earth do you manage to make this about you? This is about First Nations and the government, and anyone still alive who created these policies.

And you've misunderstood what significance this holds to my family. Feel free to go back and read.

Aren't we discussing the issue of intent?

Yes,. So did the government create the gangster lifestyle and force it upon children? Take them away from their moms, send them residential schools, beat them and starve them if they spoke anything but gangster? When you start with the reduction ad absurdum, you just sound, well, absurd.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
According to the definition Goober put up none!....You just have to mess with their heads and get in the way of their success or take their kids away.

Which describes just about every group that crossed Europe over the last 5000 years. Have to include at least some of our native bands as well for what they did to other bands.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Nope! I state categorically that the truth will be found somewhere between the two sides as in any issue.
And it was.

I already said it, bad sh*t happened.
Bad **** is what happens when a drug deal goes south.

When your child is ripped, literally, from your arms, to be sent to a school where he faces discrimination, a concerted attack on his culture, his person, his skin, his soul.

Now amplify the numbers, from one to hundreds of thousands and...

Bad **** just doesn't cut it.

You feel better if it gets called 'genocide'? Does it change anything?
Actually it does.

It doesn't really matter to me...
Ya we can see that, hypocrite.

Or is this just so they can go back to some liberal judge and ask for more money to make it all better?
The only people compenated, were those that were actually there, and able to prove they were abused.

Because then I do care that it is my money and my offspring's money they want and we didn't do anything to deserve punishment.
True you didn't do anything, but you are living off the outcome.

According to the definition Goober put up none!....You just have to mess with their heads and get in the way of their success or take their kids away.
Actually, the definition Goober put up, is the definition Canada and a litany of other nations signed as to what Genocide is.

You seem to miss the point.
No she didn't.
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The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
Everybody always want the benefits but nobody wants any of the responsibilities.

The Canada I live in today, that we all live in today, and the benefit we enjoy for living in it, came about only because of who and what came before. We are reaping the rewards of those who came before us, as each generation does. But when it comes to facing up to the darkness of what came before, and the blood in some cases, that our current life is built upon, nobody wants to look.

All anyone can seem to think about is their damned wallet, as if the weight of the entire thing is solely upon them. I really don't understand how human beings can so easily turn their backs on other human beings like that.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Everybody always want the benefits but nobody wants any of the responsibilities.
Bingo, all the way around!

All anyone can seem to think about is their damned wallet, as if the weight of the entire thing is solely upon them. I really don't understand how human beings can so easily turn their backs on other human beings like that.
Oh it's easy. First you throw reason, critical thought, deductive reasoning, humanity and commonsense out the window, then build a belief on half truths, outright lies, and ignorance while you let your bigotry blind you to anything that pokes holes in the foundation of your self imposed ignorance.

Sound familiar at all?


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
Bingo, all the way around!

Oh it's easy. First you throw reason, critical thought, deductive reasoning, humanity and commonsense out the window, then build a belief on half truths, outright lies, and ignorance while you let your bigotry blind you to anything that pokes holes in the foundation of your self imposed ignorance.

Sound familiar at all?

Both specifically and generally.

There's no balance in any of it. Sure, financial considerations are always important, but it needs to be balanced out with humanity. I don't see the point in anyone stating "yes, that's wrong but it's not my problem". Because if you recognize something as being wrong it should be your problem, otherwise you become part of the problem. Do you know what I mean?

It's short sighted to be dismissive and say "oh just throwing money at it". Not just with this particular issue, but with any issue in society. Sure there are times when money is "thrown" (given, paid, whatever term you want to call it) without much forethought going into it (think 'keeping those election promises' nudge, nudge, wink, wink) but that doesn't mean there is no justification behind spending our collective money on segments of society. Personally I think financial reparations for proven past wrongs, whether we're talking residential schools or wrongfully convicted individuals, is the very least that we can do.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
All anyone can seem to think about is their damned wallet, as if the weight of the entire thing is solely upon them. I really don't understand how human beings can so easily turn their backs on other human beings like that.

The big catch here is that all of these bennies cost dollars and if it's gvt that is in charge, more cash is needed for admin and graft.

Sad but true


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Both specifically and generally.
... ;-)

There's no balance in any of it. Sure, financial considerations are always important, but it needs to be balanced out with humanity. I don't see the point in anyone stating "yes, that's wrong but it's not my problem". Because if you recognize something as being wrong it should be your problem, otherwise you become part of the problem. Do you know what I mean?
I know exactly what you mean.

Personally I think financial reparations for proven past wrongs, whether we're talking residential schools or wrongfully convicted individuals, is the very least that we can do.
I agree to an extent.

During the whole reconciliation fiasco, I was dismayed to say the least to see people coming forward and putting their hats out, demanding reparations because they were abused by their mother/father whatever, and that was the fault of the schools.

Sorry, I don't buy that, my grandfather was a product of the residential schools, and though abused, he had the patience of Job, never abused me, served the nation, and was a productive member of society his whole life.

At some point in time, we all have to take responsibility for ourselves, and our own actions as well.

The big catch here is that all of these bennies cost dollars and if it's gvt that is in charge, more cash is needed for admin and graft.

Sad but true
Oh so true!!! Something so many are unaware of is the abuses committed by the MIA. From filing court injunctions to put ousted FN leaders back in power because they're good ole status quo injins. To funding paramilitary police forces to attack duly elected council members. It happens far more than you likely imagine.


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
The big catch here is that all of these bennies cost dollars and if it's gvt that is in charge, more cash is needed for admin and graft.

Sad but true

Fair enough but then who should get the grief for the admin and graft overages? The party that was victimized in the first place? Because that really is essentially what a lot of people are doing.

I think we have to look at this in two parts, first part is deciding what the merits and ethical considerations are with respect to what has occurred in the first place. Face up to the reality of history. Everybody is quick to jump to "oh my tax dollars" and give nothing but a quick "yeah, yeah that was bad but....." to the rest. But 'the rest' that pretty freaking important and deserves so much more than a cursory mention. What has society done, what are we culpable for?

The second part is the legitimacy and ethics of reparations. What we truly owe cannot be repaid, if anything monetary reparations are actually token. Do we deny them even that simply because government is likely to **** it up? We're not talking about stubbed toes here, this is real measurable damage.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
Fair enough but then who should get the grief for the admin and graft overages? The party that was victimized in the first place? Because that really is essentially what a lot of people are doing.

I think we have to look at this in two parts, first part is deciding what the merits and ethical considerations are with respect to what has occurred in the first place. Face up to the reality of history. Everybody is quick to jump to "oh my tax dollars" and give nothing but a quick "yeah, yeah that was bad but....." to the rest. But 'the rest' that pretty freaking important and deserves so much more than a cursory mention. What has society done, what are we culpable for?

The second part is the legitimacy and ethics of reparations. What we truly owe cannot be repaid, if anything monetary reparations are actually token. Do we deny them even that simply because government is likely to **** it up? We're not talking about stubbed toes here, this is real measurable damage.

To be clear, my comment about graft and admin was directed more at gvt than any 'private' group. That said, I would not be shocked to learn that it occurs in the FN communities no different than any other community/society... Chief Spence is one example that has been beaten to death in recent years.

In terms of historical wrongs, there is also a slippery slope in that it is easy to apply contemporary rules/regs/morals, etc onto a situation that had a historical connotations at that time.

Residential schools have a proven track record of unimaginable abuses - no question... However, I am remiss to condemn each and every school as well as each and every individual that worked in those schools in a broad-brush commentary.

I have zero problem with financial reparations for any and all that were victimized, however, money makes people do funny things and by dangling a substantial payday in front of a person, well, the motivations may possibly change in order to access that pay day

EDIT: Forgot to mention... Responsibility for graft, etc should fall directly on the shoulders of the party(s) that conspired and or benefited... Full financial repayments and also allow for the opportunity to attempt a (financial?) remedy in civil Court.

This is something that should be considered for Sr gvt employees (read: recent $1 billion vote buying in Ontario)


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
... ;-)

I know exactly what you mean.

I figure we should take this opportunity to actually discuss while we can.;)

I agree to an extent.

During the whole reconciliation fiasco, I was dismayed to say the least to see people coming forward and putting their hats out, demanding reparations because they were abused by their mother/father whatever, and that was the fault of the schools.

Sorry, I don't buy that, my grandfather was a product of the residential schools, and though abused, he had the patience of Job, never abused me, served the nation, and was a productive member of society his whole life.
Nope, I don't buy that either. But I do associate it with the same principle of some kind of financial reparations that are often paid out to those wrongfully convicted particularly when there is proven corruption and dirty handedness behind it. We, society, had a part in compliance to at least some degree, so we, society, should make amends.

At some point in time, we all have to take responsibility for ourselves, and our own actions as well.
Absolutely. Acknowledge legitimate grievances, provide the help that a human being is deserving of but at the same time people need to give their head a shake and realize that they are participatory in their own lives. Something bad can happen to you but if it keeps happening you have to face the reality that some of it may be because you continually set yourself up for it. People are not responsible for what others do to them, each needs to take responsibility for their own actions, but we are responsible for taking control of our own lives.

It's not dissimilar to my views on battered women and the perpetual cycle of abuse they find themselves in.

Oh so true!!! Something so many are unaware of is the abuses committed by the MIA. From filing court injunctions to put ousted FN leaders back in power because they're good ole status quo injins. To funding paramilitary police forces to attack duly elected council members. It happens far more than you likely imagine.
It's not a black and white situation when you are dealing with human behaviour. Facing up to reality is something everybody needs to do. The good, the bad and the ugly I always say.

To be clear, my comment about graft and admin was directed more at gvt than any 'private' group. That said, I would not be shocked to learn that it occurs in the FN communities no different than any other community/society... Chief Spence is one example that has been beaten to death in recent years.

I knew what/who you were talking about. And I would expect that any group has their graft, groups are made up of people after all.

In terms of historical wrongs, there is also a slippery slope in that it is easy to apply contemporary rules/regs/morals, etc onto a situation that had a historical connotations at that time.
That's true but I think, in this specific context of the abuses at residential schools, it's pretty safe to say that the more horrendous things that were done would have been no more 'moral' were they widely known/acknowledged at the time than they are now.

Residential schools have a proven track record of unimaginable abuses - no question... However, I am remiss to condemn each and every school as well as each and every individual that worked in those schools in a broad-brush commentary.
It's not a black and white issue, I've heard that some actually regarded their time at the schools in a very positive light. But in the cases where definite abuse has occurred, there needs to be something done to try to make reparations.

I have zero problem with financial reparations for any and all that were victimized, however, money makes people do funny things and by dangling a substantial payday in front of a person, well, the motivations may possibly change in order to access that pay day
Money does do that and that's why actually investigating claims is important. And having the whole thing be an open process is important too although I dare say that won't stop some people from applying the 'hand out' stereotype to all.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
In terms of historical wrongs, there is also a slippery slope in that it is easy to apply contemporary rules/regs/morals, etc onto a situation that had a historical connotations at that time.
I agree...

And to the comments you posited on monetary bandaids, financial "sorrys" lead to situations reminiscent of Pavlov's dog.

I figure we should take this opportunity to actually discuss while we can.;)
Yes, and it such a pleasure.

It's funny how much center of the road, balanced compromises and meeting with common ground can be attained when the extreme elements are asleep.

Nope, I don't buy that either. But I do associate it with the same principle of some kind of financial reparations that are often paid out to those wrongfully convicted particularly when there is proven corruption and dirty handedness behind it. We, society, had a part in compliance to at least some degree, so we, society, should make amends.
But to whom? How many generations deserve an apology?

How many deserve reparations?

I'm not talking about treaty contractual services here, I'm talking about the wrongs?

I'll cite the Grassy Narrows land claim settlement. the band was written a cheque and after a full vote, full band members were written cheques off the settlement amount, with the leftovers going to the band for general use. Excuse me if it sounds like sour grapes since SCB isn't a full band member, but the funds would have served the community better if they were used for infrastructure, housing, investment or education funds. Not padding the wallets some of the most well off bands in the country.

Absolutely. Acknowledge legitimate grievances, provide the help that a human being is deserving of but at the same time people need to give their head a shake and realize that they are participatory in their own lives. Something bad can happen to you but if it keeps happening you have to face the reality that some of it may be because you continually set yourself up for it. People are not responsible for what others do to them, each needs to take responsibility for their own actions, but we are responsible for taking control of our own lives.
Well said.

It's not dissimilar to my views on battered women and the perpetual cycle of abuse they find themselves in.
A mirror image of my own feelings.

It's not a black and white situation when you are dealing with human behaviour. Facing up to reality is something everybody needs to do. The good, the bad and the ugly I always say.
I agree, but outside interference leads to poor press, with a fraction of the facts being reported. Then you end up with armchair Duncan's babbling moronic comments.

The good, rarely seen, the bad gets hyperbole and inflated headlines, the ugly is always implied to be our fault or problem that we should be getting over.


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
Yes, and it such a pleasure.

It's funny how much center of the road, balanced compromises and meeting with common ground can be attained when the extreme elements are asleep.

Yes, it's far too novel of an occurrence.

But to whom? How many generations deserve an apology?

How many deserve reparations?

I'm not talking about treaty contractual services here, I'm talking about the wrongs?
Actual hands on victims by my definition. While I think a somewhat reasoned argument could be made to a generational victim pool, I think basically we simply have to draw the line somewhere. Financial reparations, although in some cases it may be quite a tidy sum, are not intended to set someone up for life. The intention is as a token representation of giving back what couldn't be given. At least that's my take on it.

I'll cite the Grassy Narrows land claim settlement. the band was written a cheque and after a full vote, full band members were written cheques off the settlement amount, with the leftovers going to the band for general use. Excuse me if it sounds like sour grapes since SCB isn't a full band member, but the funds would have served the community better if they were used for infrastructure, housing, investment or education funds. Not padding the wallets some of the most well off bands in the country.
Not knowing all the particulars of the specific situation I can't comment fully but generally speaking my own internal ethical compass suggests that if payment is made to a community, then the benefit should be for the community. In essence I agree with you.

Again I'm looking at the whole situation, with regards to financial reparations to individuals, as being analogous to wrongfully convicted persons. It's all about what does society owe and then secondly to whom.

I agree, but outside interference leads to poor press, with a fraction of the facts being reported. Then you end up with armchair Duncan's babbling moronic comments.

The good, rarely seen, the bad gets hyperbole and inflated headlines, the ugly is always implied to be our fault or problem that we should be getting over.
It is, at least at present, a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation. On the one hand, actually revealing the level of corruption within some bands does seem to play into the hands of those who put forth the stereotype as their only argument. But, even if shining a light in the end does not achieve what you hope, it does have the benefit of being truthful and honest. I hate to be trite and say virtue is it's own reward but sometimes when you strip away everything else, all we have is our values and if being true to them is akin to shooting ourselves in the foot, maybe we sometimes need to take a bullet.

Again I'd say the good, the bad and the ugly. The only way to make the ugly go away and to reduce the bad as much as possible is the cold light of day.


The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
And it was.

Bad **** is what happens when a drug deal goes south.

When your child is ripped, literally, from your arms, to be sent to a school where he faces discrimination, a concerted attack on his culture, his person, his skin, his soul.

Now amplify the numbers, from one to hundreds of thousands and...

Bad **** just doesn't cut it.
Oh snookums! You're just soooo hard done by. Bad things have happened throughout history. Grow up and get over it or do you need to play the victim in an effort to have land and money handed to you instead of working for what you get in life.
Actually it does.
Well if calling it genocide will take away all those bad experiences have at it. :roll:
My guess though is all it will change is the size of the cash award you are after...which also won't make anything in the past different.
The only people compenated, were those that were actually there, and able to prove they were abused.
So if that is already done what is the deal here? Why beat a dead horse? Oh, wait, for more money that's why!
True you didn't do anything, but you are living off the outcome.
Actually I live off my hard work and efforts. Unlike your people who are handed money and land and houses I worked for everything I have. If anyone lives off the outcome of 400 years ago it is the indians collecting billions a year from the rest of us.
Actually, the definition Goober put up, is the definition Canada and a litany of other nations signed as to what Genocide is.
That's nice, does it change history at all? Does it come with a time machine to go back and make it all better? Didn't think so and I don't think you will ever get over it, you just aren't a strong enough person and like playing the victim.


Governor General
Dec 20, 2005
Vancouver, BC
Oh snookums! You're just soooo hard done by. Bad things have happened throughout history. Grow up and get over it or do you need to play the victim in an effort to have land and money handed to you instead of working for what you get in life.
Whether it happened ten minutes ago or ten decades ago, the Crown is a continuous institution. While the Crown may have acted on the advice of Governments from centuries ago, the fact that those Governments have come and gone does not change the constitutional fact that it is the same Crown today that perpetrated the wrongdoings of yesterday. We should expect - and demand - that the Crown, through its minister responsible to the elected Commons, acknowledges those wrongdoings in a way that is appropriate, adequate, and sensitive.

(Also, just to be clear, you can't have something handed to you that already belongs to you.)

Well if calling it genocide will take away all those bad experiences have at it. :roll:
My guess though is all it will change is the size of the cash award you are after...which also won't make anything in the past different.
Calling it "genocide" would be a part of the appropriate acknowledgement, above, that the advice of past ministers was unacceptable and destructive to a people. This is a key part of the healing process, in my view, in making sure that the relationship between the Crown and First Nations peoples can be repaired so that we can all move on in a way that is productive and mutually advantageous.

Actually I live off my hard work and efforts. Unlike your people who are handed money and land and houses I worked for everything I have. If anyone lives off the outcome of 400 years ago it is the indians collecting billions a year from the rest of us.
Treaties are contracts that have been agreed to between the Crown - representing all of us as Canadians - and various First Nations. If you want to abrogate from the treaties, be prepared to be swept up from the land you mistakenly think is your God-given right, pack it up, and move out.


The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
Everybody always want the benefits but nobody wants any of the responsibilities.

The Canada I live in today, that we all live in today, and the benefit we enjoy for living in it, came about only because of who and what came before. We are reaping the rewards of those who came before us, as each generation does. But when it comes to facing up to the darkness of what came before, and the blood in some cases, that our current life is built upon, nobody wants to look.

All anyone can seem to think about is their damned wallet, as if the weight of the entire thing is solely upon them. I really don't understand how human beings can so easily turn their backs on other human beings like that.
I reap the rewards of MY hard work. Nobody ever gave me anything. I paid my own way through university. I bought all 3 houses without any help from anyone else, no inheritance, no loans from parents and no handouts from the govt. To say I live off the avails of others is pure bullsh*t!

This whole world has a bloody history. Nobody is free from that. Not Asians or Europeans or Indians. So what is your point? What makes the indians so different from anyone else. Their history is just as bloody as anyone else's so get off your high horse!

Damn right I think about my wallet. Nobody hands me sh*t for free and nobody else cares about my wallet but me. I don't turn my back on others either. I have about $6000 in tax receipts for my charitable donations last year but I don't use them on my taxes because I don't believe charity absolves me from paying my share for govt. I will give every indian the same thing I started out with after high school, OPPORTUNITY, they have every opportunity to work and get an education and invest just like me. After that they are on their own to either make it or not. That isn't turning my back on anyone, it is forcing them to be responsible for themselves.

Whether it happened ten minutes ago or ten decades ago, the Crown is a continuous institution. While the Crown may have acted on the advice of Governments from centuries ago, the fact that those Governments have come and gone does not change the constitutional fact that it is the same Crown today that perpetrated the wrongdoings of yesterday. We should expect - and demand - that the Crown, through its minister responsible to the elected Commons, acknowledges those wrongdoings in a way that is appropriate, adequate, and sensitive.
Blah blah blah....Sins of the father and all that. Get over it already. I didn't do fuk all to anyone so holding me responsible is just as reprehensible as the acts against the indians by people long dead.
(Also, just to be clear, you can't have something handed to you that already belongs to you.)
It doesn't belong to them anymore than it does me nowadays. The only reason they have what they do now is because unlike the Spanish in central america the British didn't choose to kill off the indians.

Calling it "genocide" would be a part of the appropriate acknowledgement, above, that the advice of past ministers was unacceptable and destructive to a people. This is a key part of the healing process, in my view, in making sure that the relationship between the Crown and First Nations peoples can be repaired so that we can all move on in a way that is productive and mutually advantageous.
Mutually advantageous would be they get jobs and pay taxes instead of leeching billions a year from the rest of us and asking for more and more every day.

Treaties are contracts that have been agreed to between the Crown - representing all of us as Canadians - and various First Nations. If you want to abrogate from the treaties, be prepared to be swept up from the land you mistakenly think is your God-given right, pack it up, and move out.
I own just as much of this land and planet as anyone else. God has nothing to do with it. If the indians want to revolt and have a war then go for it. They will lose and we can end this bullsh*t forever.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Oh snookums! You're just soooo hard done by.
There you go applying a past factual event to me, and then compounding that idiocy by implying I somehow think I'm hard done by.

Are you at all aware of how stupid that makes you look?

Bad things have happened throughout history. Grow up and get over it or do you need to play the victim in an effort to have land and money handed to you instead of working for what you get in life.
Five Paradox does a great job of making that statement look dumb, so I'll leave it at that.
My guess though is all it will change is the size of the cash award you are after...which also won't make anything in the past different.
I really wish you learned to read, you likely wouldn't look as stupid as you, as often as you do.

So if that is already done what is the deal here? Why beat a dead horse? Oh, wait, for more money that's why!
That's what you think, although it's been explained to you where your error is, many times over, by more than one person.

I'm not surprised why you keep missing it.

Actually I live off my hard work and efforts.
In the prosperity of a land mass, and resources obtained through theft, negotiation and trade.

Again, it comes as no surprise as to why you fail to grasp that.

If anyone lives off the outcome of 400 years ago it is the indians collecting billions a year from the rest of us.
In some cases, you're right, because that was the deal.

Stop whining and deal with it already.

That's nice, does it change history at all? Does it come with a time machine to go back and make it all better? Didn't think so and I don't think you will ever get over it, you just aren't a strong enough person and like playing the victim.
The proof of who the victim really is, and who's playing the victim, is right in this thread oh Mr. "I didn't do it why should I pay, I'm so hard done by".

LOL, I love it when you embarrass yourself, even though it detracts from the fun of doing it myself.

Whether it happened ten minutes ago or ten decades ago, the Crown is a continuous institution. While the Crown may have acted on the advice of Governments from centuries ago, the fact that those Governments have come and gone does not change the constitutional fact that it is the same Crown today that perpetrated the wrongdoings of yesterday. We should expect - and demand - that the Crown, through its minister responsible to the elected Commons, acknowledges those wrongdoings in a way that is appropriate, adequate, and sensitive.
You're barking up the wrong tree if you think facts, intelligence, reason and decorum will get through to the person you are replying to.

(Also, just to be clear, you can't have something handed to you that already belongs to you.)
LOL, nice one.

Calling it "genocide" would be a part of the appropriate acknowledgement, above, that the advice of past ministers was unacceptable and destructive to a people. This is a key part of the healing process, in my view, in making sure that the relationship between the Crown and First Nations peoples can be repaired so that we can all move on in a way that is productive and mutually advantageous.
Well said!

Treaties are contracts that have been agreed to between the Crown - representing all of us as Canadians - and various First Nations. If you want to abrogate from the treaties, be prepared to be swept up from the land you mistakenly think is your God-given right, pack it up, and move out.
Dear gawd you're sexy when you get butch!

To say I live off the avails of others is pure bullsh*t!
Only to you, who has been proven wrong time and time again on that very suibject.
This whole world has a bloody history. Nobody is free from that. Not Asians or Europeans or Indians. So what is your point? What makes the indians so different from anyone else. Their history is just as bloody as anyone else's so get off your high horse!
This is exactly why your vision of a nation would be a genocidal mess.

Nobody hands me sh*t for free and nobody else cares about my wallet but me.
So you paid for all your healthcare, 100%?
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Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
It doesn't belong to them anymore than it does me nowadays. The only reason they have what they do now is because unlike the Spanish in central america the British didn't choose to kill off the indians.
LOL, you don't know anything about central American Natives either.

Mutually advantageous would be they get jobs and pay taxes instead of leeching billions a year from the rest of us and asking for more and more every day.
That's a great stereotype that's based more on your ignorance than reality, lol.

I own just as much of this land and planet as anyone else. God has nothing to do with it. If the indians want to revolt and have a war then go for it. They will lose and we can end this bullsh*t forever.
There's that lovingly idealistic genocidal side of you I've always loved, lol.

Well, that's just false. Treaties. Read them. I really don't know what else to say.

A treaty doesn't cease to have force or effect because "I WERKED SO HARD!!!11!!"

F*ck, you're dumb.

Wow, you learn fast 5P!