UN: Global warming 95% likely to be manmade


Keep Calm and Carry On
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Sounds more like a bunch of bloated gasbags trying to protect their gravytrain and the super gullible like mf are buying it. With our money of course.
Dump the UN would be a good idea.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
We should bear in mind that the UN is simply communicating a message based on the science. If you want to prove BS on their part, as a skeptic, then you need to find some kind of misrepresentation on their behalf.

But as an AGW proponent, I guess I shouldn't be doing the skeptic's job for them, should I?

(oh.. that's I got here.. oh right.. lol)


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
Global warming 95% likely to be manmade

....declare the people that have jobs that depend on it.

Meanwhile, Arctic ice hits 35 year high point.

Antarctic sea ice hit 35-year record high Saturday

You mean Antarctic, not Arctic. And as for the Antarctic, there is a well known phenomenon called the Antarctic polar vortex that disrupts the poleward flow of heat from the tropics. The vortex is also the cause of much of the southern hemisphere ozone depletion. Feel free to Google any of this which is news to you.

While you're learning about climate change with Google, pay special attention to the magnitude of change in the Arctic, versus the Antarctic. You should also learn something about why a hemisphere with more land like the Northern hemisphere is more susceptible than a hemisphere with more ocean like the Southern hemisphere.
And the world has not warmed since 1998.

Really? The world includes oceans, not just the thin layer of air above the surface of land masses:

The world is still warming, it's being absorbed into that great shock absorber, the global ocean.

You've been fed great lies.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
No I am posting examples of Climate Change, in the form of weather, flooding, stronger tornadoes, hurricanes, drought..
And all you have for proof is weather? What was to blame 100 yeas ago when the 100 year storm hit last time or the time before that? Too many sail boats? Buffalo farts? Pioneers making too many pickled beets to survive the winter in their sod huts? A Nikola Tesla weather machine?

The world is still warming, it's being absorbed into that great shock absorber, the global ocean.

You've been fed great lies.
In the deep where it doesn't do anything to alter climate? Are all the viperfish going to die and start a catastrophic chain reaction that kills a butterfly with a hockey stick?

You're right, I was wrong....it was the Antarctic, obviously.

But here:


Kinda hard to swallow global warming when ice caps are growing on both caps..............
From the same experts who never saw this coming. It's ice but it's not ice that's growing but declining because of this spring's weather. Cute. They blame weather. I hope next spring doesn't drag on for an extra month setting record lows through April and into May across the northern hemisphere but it was probably just weather.

from link said:
The experts added, however, that much of the ice remains thin and slushy, a far cry from the thick Arctic pack ice of the past. Because thin ice is subject to rapid future melting, the scientists said this year’s recovery was unlikely to portend any change in the relentless long-term decline of Arctic sea ice.
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Keep Calm and Carry On
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
And all you have for proof is weather? What was to blame 100 yeas ago when the 100 year storm hit last time or the time before that? Too many sail boats? Buffalo farts? Pioneers making too many pickled beets to survive the winter in their sod huts? A Nikola Tesla weather machine?

In the deep where it doesn't do anything to alter climate? Are all the viperfish going to die and start a catastrophic chain reaction that kills a butterfly with a hockey stick?

From the same experts who never saw this coming. It's ice but it's not ice that's growing but declining because of this spring's weather. Cute. They blame weather. I hope next spring doesn't drag on for an extra month setting record lows through April and into May across the northern hemisphere but it was probably just weather.

Petros, all your blow hard BS.. if someone said the sun comes up in the morning you would say NO it doesn't just to argue.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
It doesn't come up. The earth rotates. I never thought that would be news to you but alas, I gave you far too much credit.

It's not BS sunshine. It is how things work.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
We should bear in mind that the UN is simply communicating a message based on the science. If you want to prove BS on their part, as a skeptic, then you need to find some kind of misrepresentation on their behalf.

Correction: The UN has been communicating a message based on flawed science... Even they have been forced to recognize that.

With this in mind, it is up to them to prove a position rather than perpetually issuing endless press releases of their opinions.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Except you ignore the obvious, that's it's the now 7 billion of us that are now the major driver of climate change. The "it's just happening, we can't do nuttin' about it" argument is like blaming god for the person you just killed while driving with a blood-alcohol reading of 0.2.

It's happening because what we're doing, the sensible thing is to figure out how to find a way to preserve modern civilization without eventually killing ourselves. If people truly don't give a damn about what happens to their children and their children then by all means go ahead and support what we're currently doing intentionally. The coal fired power plants and vast oil and gas fields don't build themselves, nor to the trains that run almost constantly to and from the coal fields and power plants in some countries.

I guess if you look on life as one big party and we don't have to worry about tomorrow because we won't be here then what we're doing makes sense. But the people who are going to suffer the worst impacts of our actions are still going to be related to us.

Talk about screwing your kids over.
did you buy that horse yet? or are you still transporting your kids around in that gas guzzling suv ?

You may be right, but then again we have means of reaching and coordinating people that weren't available just a couple of decades ago. It's only the constant noise by people trying to prevent positive change that's blocking the resolution to this issue I think. For whatever reason they don't want change and don't care that many of us do.

And yes the marine issue is frightening, sharks are rapidly disappearing and most major fish species are also in rapid decline. We need an overall policy that allows further social development while not destroying the ecological foundation of planet...which we are getting close to I think.

I think it's possible to enjoy ourselves while making the necessary changes, it's all in how you look at it. If oil or coal is your life then you probably need to find something else to build it on, the same goes for industrial fishing.
No sushi for you.

We are at or past the tipping point for many marine species. Overfishing is the major reason. But they are feeding a market.
The Govts need to lower amounts taken. And also consider massive expansion of fish farming on land.
Not in the oceans until it is proven as safe.
Has anyone tried farming blue fin tuna on land?

Scientists Recommend Having Earth Put Down

FORT COLLINS, CO—Claiming that it is the humane thing to do, and that the planet is “just going to suffer” if kept alive any longer, members of the world’s scientific community recommended today that Earth be put down.

“We realize this isn’t the easiest thing to hear, but we’ve run a number of tests and unfortunately there’s really nothing more we can do for Earth at this point,” said leading climatologist Dr. Robert Wyche of Colorado State University’s Department of Atmospheric Science.

“Earth’s ecosystems have hung in there for a while, and you have to hand it to the old gal for staying alive this long, but at this point the chances of a recovery are, I’m sorry to say, incredibly unlikely. It might be time to say goodbye.”

“Earth is in a lot of pain, folks,” Wyche continued. “Time to think about sending it off peacefully, for its own sake.”

While admitting that the prospect of saying goodbye to the terrestrial planet is very difficult, Wyche explained to reporters that letting nature take its course would only prolong the inevitable. Wyche also stressed that if Earth is not put down, humanity would ultimately be responsible for its continuing care, which would be “increasingly difficult as time goes on.”

Scientists reportedly also made several heartfelt assurances that the procedure would be quick and virtually painless.

Good they should start by shutting themselves and their families down as an example.It would be quick and virtually painless don't you know.


on dbl secret probation
Oct 19, 2005
Chillliwack, BC
Nothing that the AGW industry sais can be trusted. We are dealing here with a trace element that throughout the biological history of the earth has been formed by combustion, respiration, fermentation and other geological processes. Is regularly recycled through photosynthesis which frees the oxygen. Not only is the amount of C02 in the atmosphere miniscule but the human contribution of that trace is infintessimal.

This is a list of the suspended carbon in oceans, land biomass and atmosphere. It accounts for over 40,000 billion tons, all in some form of continuous circulation and combination such as C02. of which a grand total of 6 billion tons can be said to be of human origins. And of course carbon itself is a fractional element of the total atmosphere, about .039%, that's 4 parts per 10,000 of other elements."The oceans contain 37,400 billion tons (GT) of suspended carbon, land biomass has 2000-3000 billion tons.

The atmosphere contains 720 billion tons of CO2 and humans contribute only 6 billion tons (accounting for all of the human contribution to suspended carbon). The oceans, land and atmosphere exchange CO2 continuously so the additional load by humans is incredibly small. A small shift in the balance between oceans and air would cause a much more severe rise than anything we could produce."

Do the math.. you are being lied to.. and it should scare you what the agenda is of people who would concoct such a massive con job. It has to do with money.. in carbon credits.. in market manipulation and free trade... and in pure irrational evil, by those who hate everything human.. and are besotted with greed and corruption.
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Council Member
Feb 3, 2007
I'm not opposed to changes but if you want me to change you better find me a cheaper & better way to run my vehicle, heat my house and make $100,000 working 6-7 months a year. Til you solve those 3 problems I'm not inclined to do anything different.

We already have it in the form of molten salt reactors running on the thorium fuel cycle in the slow neutron spectrum and fast spectrum MSRs running on the uranium fuel cycle. We could power the entire world for a year on about 10,000 tons of thorium, which is about how many tons of coal an average sized power plant will burn in 12 hours. You can also use electricity to make synthetic fuel from air. Uranium and thorium supplies are virtually limitless, with the identified reserves already giving us thousands of years of energy at current levels.

Canada already has extensive experience with working with thorium in CANDUs, but instead of developing safe, relatively clean and efficient nuclear power we've helped the Chinese with their thorium program. Fossil fuels aren't the future nuclear power is despite what idiots are claiming about Fukushima. Even modern PWRs like the AP-1000 and ESBWR are a better bet than vast and highly destructive fossil fuel projects.

Global warming 95% likely to be manmade

....declare the people that have jobs that depend on it.

Meanwhile, Arctic ice hits 35 year high point.

Ice is three dimensional not two, the single year ice may be better this year but the ice cap itself on average is less than half as thick as it was 30 years ago. A decade of record single year ice may replace what's been lost.

Predicted hurricane disasters fail to materialize.

Hurricanes are the result of complex conditions coming together from across the globe, for instance Atlantic hurricanes begin as atmospheric depressions in Eastern Africa. Strong wind blowing NE off of the Sahara can help prevent the development of hurricanes by putting a lot of dust into the air which acts to cool the ocean surface which is where a hurricane gets it energy. Also on strong El Nino years prevailing winds that usually blow to the west at northern subtropical latitudes can reverse and blow east at high level preventing the kind of high altitude cloud buildup that is necessary to create the feedback that leads to a hurricane developing. Warmer waters are just one element in hurricane development.

And the world has not warmed since 1998.

The warming trend has slowed due to a number of factors including the lowest solar sunspot activity on record, and we still set a number of record warm years in the 15 years since 1998 which was a very strong El Nino year.

Forgive me if I am unimpressed.

It's a steady progress, not one big jump. By the time you and many people are finally convinced it will be too late to do anything about it. What are you waiting for anyway, the evidence is there in the temperature increases, changes in the timing of the season, loss of ice cover globally, increase in extreme weather events, thermal expansion of the oceans and more.

Nothing that the AGW industry sais can be trusted. We are dealing here with a trace element that throughout the biological history of the earth has been formed by combustion, respiration, fermentation and other geological processes. Is regularly recycled through photosynthesis which frees the oxygen. Not only is the amount of C02 in the atmosphere miniscule but the human contribution of that trace is infintessimal.

It's not an industry, it's baseline science. The same physical theories that allow us modern electronics, material science, and more are the basis of understanding radiative forcing of the atmosphere by the increase of compounds like CO2 that act to slow the transmission of longwave radiation into space. And while CO2 is a trace compound, it also plays a key role in moderating the climate, the planet wouldn't be warm enough to support complex life it wasn't there. The issue now is how fast we're increasing the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere and the ability of natural systems to compensate. Right now a lot of the CO2 is going into the oceans, but as it also known as carbonic acid it's also making oceans more acidic with serious consequences for lifeforms there. Considering that oceans are one of the main sources of oxygen and food on planet, this issue alone is troubling.

This is a list of the suspended carbon in oceans, land biomass and atmosphere. It accounts for over 40,000 billion tons, all in some form of continuous circulation and combination such as C02. of which a grand total of 6 billion tons can be said to be of human origins. And of course carbon itself is a fractional element of the total atmosphere, about .039%, that's 4 parts per 10,000 of other elements."The oceans contain 37,400 billion tons (GT) of suspended carbon, land biomass has 2000-3000 billion tons.

As I said, carbon dioxide is an acid, the ocean have already become much more acidic due to the release of billions of tons of CO2 a year by human activity.

Ocean Acidification -- National Geographic

For tens of millions of years, Earth's oceans have maintained a relatively stable acidity level. It's within this steady environment that the rich and varied web of life in today's seas has arisen and flourished. But research shows that this ancient balance is being undone by a recent and rapid drop in surface pH that could have devastating global consequences.

Since the beginning of the industrial revolution in the early 1800s, fossil fuel-powered machines have driven an unprecedented burst of human industry and advancement. The unfortunate consequence, however, has been the emission of billions of tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases into Earth's atmosphere.

Scientists now know that about half of this anthropogenic, or man-made, CO2 has been absorbed over time by the oceans. This has benefited us by slowing the climate change these emissions would have instigated if they had remained in the air. But relatively new research is finding that the introduction of massive amounts of CO2 into the seas is altering water chemistry and affecting the life cycles of many marine organisms, particularly those at the lower end of the food chain.

And while CO2 may only make up a small part of the atmosphere, it isn't transparent to longwave radiation as molecular nitrogen and oxygen the main components are. The issue is how much additional longwave radiation gets absorbed and re-radiated back to the Earth's surface as we increase the concentration of CO2. The physical principles are pretty clear that it doesn't take much CO2 to cause dramatic shifts in climate.

The atmosphere contains 720 billion tons of CO2 and humans contribute only 6 billion tons (accounting for all of the human contribution to suspended carbon). The oceans, land and atmosphere exchange CO2 continuously so the additional load by humans is incredibly small. A small shift in the balance between oceans and air would cause a much more severe rise than anything we could produce."

We've put several hundred billion tons of CO2 into the atmosphere over the least 200 or so years, it becomes part of the carbon cycle and doesn't simply disappear. Much of it will still be cycling through the system hundreds and possibly thousands of years from now. It's the cumulative affect that is at issue, not one year in isolation.

The system has been in relative balance until recently, it's the human forcing causing the current shifts in the system.

Do the math.. you are being lied to.. and it should scare you what the agenda is of people who would concoct such a massive con job. It has to do with money.. in carbon credits.. in market manipulation and free trade... and in pure irrational evil, by those who hate everything human.. and are besotted with greed and corruption.

The math says that if you continuously add a strong absorber of longwave Em radiation into the atmosphere the entire system will warm up resulting in climate change. The basic physics are clear and the real world evidence backs it up.

What you're describing is becoming close to flat Earth nonsense.


The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
We already have it in the form of molten salt reactors running on the thorium fuel cycle in the slow neutron spectrum and fast spectrum MSRs running on the uranium fuel cycle. We could power the entire world for a year on about 10,000 tons of thorium, which is about how many tons of coal an average sized power plant will burn in 12 hours. You can also use electricity to make synthetic fuel from air. Uranium and thorium supplies are virtually limitless, with the identified reserves already giving us thousands of years of energy at current levels.
Screw your nuclear power. There is enough geo-thermal energy between 1.5 to 3 km into the earth to supply limitless power and heat for, well , forever. Nobody is yet interested in developing the technology to make is cost-efficient and viable on a large scale.

You still haven't said how you will replace my $100,000 for 6-7 months work though, and until you do I support natural gas & oil and fracking. :smile:
It's a steady progress, not one big jump. By the time you and many people are finally convinced it will be too late to do anything about it. What are you waiting for anyway, the evidence is there in the temperature increases, changes in the timing of the season, loss of ice cover globally, increase in extreme weather events, thermal expansion of the oceans and more.
Yep, a steady process....of 30 year heating & cooling cycles over the last few thousand years. Sometimes it gets a little warmer, sometimes a little cooler but it always cycles at around 30 years which happens to coincide with orbital anomalies. The only evidence presented is a fear campaign in order to further control freedoms or had you not noticed in places with communist leaders or other non-democratic places there is no such thing as global warming.


Council Member
Feb 3, 2007
Screw your nuclear power. There is enough geo-thermal energy between 1.5 to 3 km into the earth to supply limitless power and heat for, well , forever. Nobody is yet interested in developing the technology to make is cost-efficient and viable on a large scale.

Geothermal is best in areas of seismic activity, and is also associated with accelerating it. Not a good combination.

How Does Geothermal Drilling Trigger Earthquakes?: Scientific American

Despite the promise of cheap, clean power, geothermal energy development may be on shaky ground. There have been rumblings from residents and scientists alike that drilling deep to tap naturally occurring heat could cause bigger earthquakes.

Already on edge about temblors, northern California locals are eying an expansive new geothermal project proposed by a company called AltaRock that's going to be boring down more than two miles (3.2 kilometers). The area near the town of Anderson Springs—about 90 miles (150 kilometers) north of San Francisco—is home to natural geothermal vents (nicknamed The Geysers by early visitors who saw the steam vents there) and has been exploited for its natural energy-generating capacity for the better part of the last century. Starting in the 1970s, as technology improved, engineers started to crank up the production levels. Small earthquakes began shortly thereafter.

You still haven't said how you will replace my $100,000 for 6-7 months work though, and until you do I support natural gas & oil and fracking. :smile:

That's your responsibility not mine.

The energy is there in the form of fissile and fertile elements that can be burned in MSRs to provide ample and effectively limitless power without driving the global climate into unsustainable regions. The new economy that developing large scale nuclear power would create would have opportunities that simply aren't available relying on the volatile and limited fossil fuel supply.

Fossil fuel developments can have serious and permanent negative consequences as we're seeing across the globe. It's not about a limited number of people getting rich while the rest of us are expected to pick up the eventual bill, it's about what works best for individual and common needs.

Yep, a steady process....of 30 year heating & cooling cycles over the last few thousand years. Sometimes it gets a little warmer, sometimes a little cooler but it always cycles at around 30 years which happens to coincide with orbital anomalies. The only evidence presented is a fear campaign in order to further control freedoms or had you not noticed in places with communist leaders or other non-democratic places there is no such thing as global warming.

That's the industry generated spin, an industry you seem to be part of. The objective evidence says that climate change is real, it's serious and it us driving most of it. The subjective view of some people who refuse to accept that change is needed possibly because it affects their limited self-interest is it's not happening, it's not serious and it just couldn't be us.


Council Member
Jan 19, 2012
Van Isle
Geothermal is best in areas of seismic activity, and is also associated with accelerating it. Not a good combination.

How Does Geothermal Drilling Trigger Earthquakes?: Scientific American

That's your responsibility not mine.

The energy is there in the form of fissile and fertile elements that can be burned in MSRs to provide ample and effectively limitless power without driving the global climate into unsustainable regions. The new economy that developing large scale nuclear power would create would have opportunities that simply aren't available relying on the volatile and limited fossil fuel supply.

Fossil fuel developments can have serious and permanent negative consequences as we're seeing across the globe. It's not about a limited number of people getting rich while the rest of us are expected to pick up the eventual bill, it's about what works best for individual and common needs.

That's the industry generated spin, an industry you seem to be part of. The objective evidence says that climate change is real, it's serious and it us driving most of it. The subjective view of some people who refuse to accept that change is needed possibly because it affects their limited self-interest is it's not happening, it's not serious and it just couldn't be us.

What will you do to make amends if you are totally wrong? If i am wrong it does not matter because i can do f-all anyway. I doubt that a lot of whining on an internet forum will move heaven and earth:lol:


House Member
Apr 12, 2013
Well, I turned my fridge down all the way and leave the door open, hope that helps.;-)

So did the room cool down, heat up or stay the same temperature?

We are at or past the tipping point for many marine species. Overfishing is the major reason. But they are feeding a market.
The Govts need to lower amounts taken. And also consider massive expansion of fish farming on land.
Not in the oceans until it is proven as safe.

Governments that limit fishing outside their 200 mile limits will simply be replaced by governments with no such policy in place.