: New pope elected is Pope Francis, Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio of Argentina.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
They sure are.

Apparently you don't know what the Eucharist is.
really... just shoot me all the links for your claims and I will be more than happy to read them. I can also call a friend who did 6 years in the seminary to help me to understand the links.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
As usual, you are right.
From the LA Times, quote:
"Meanwhile, Nicolas Maduro, the interim president of Venezuela, credited Chavez for Bergoglio's election.
'Chavez had some influence in this naming a South American pope,' Maduro said in an interview over state television in Caracas, the capital. 'A new hand arrived [in heaven], and Christ told him, South America's moment has arrived.'"
WTG Hugo. He hit his goal of going down in history as another Bolivar.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
The spirit is male the matter is female. The church is built of matter. mater/mother.

Death squads! I can't believe it! Holy material church! That's just anti-catholic racist bigotry. They would never do bad stuff.
Yeah man. Mater and pater, yin yang, as above so below, good and evil, light and darkness, regular and unleaded . The Eucharist is the marriage of male and female. In this case God represented by the male Priest and the female Church.

no color

Electoral Member
May 20, 2007
1967 World's Fair
Canada’s Marc Ouellet almost became pope
By Matthew Fisher, Postmedia NewsMarch 15, 2013

VATICAN CITY – Marc Ouellet of Canada almost became the Roman Catholic Church’s first pontiff from the New World before he asked his backers to switch their support to the eventual winner, Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Argentina, according to several media reports.

That has led to speculation Ouellet is now in line for a powerful new job at the Vatican under the new pope, who has named himself Pope Francis.

Ouellet, the 68-year-old prelate from northwestern Quebec, was neck-and-neck with Cardinal Angelo Scola of Italy after the first round of voting by fellow cardinal-electors Tuesday, with the eventual winner, Bergoglio, a strong third, according to reports in several Italian and American newspapers Friday.

Scola could not gain any more votes Wednesday morning after many cardinals apparently decided they did not want a Vatican insider presiding over the Holy See. After that, the media reports claim, it became a two-race between Ouellet and Bergoglio. The Argentinian, unlike Ouellet, Scola and Brazil’s Cardinal Odilo Scherer, had seldom been mentioned as one of the favourites before the papal conclave to choose a leader began.

Ouellet had been touted as a potential compromise candidate if Scola or Scherer faltered, but as it turned out, the cardinals decided the 76-year-old Argentinian Jesuit was an even better compromise candidate. Bergoglio narrowed the gap with Ouellet by picking up more votes Wednesday morning from Scola’s backers than Ouellet did.

Ouellet was “very close” to Bergoglio in the vote count “through the first three rounds,” Il Sole 24 Ore reported. “After that he threw his support to Bergoglio, saying that they had had the same experience in Latin America so they were similar.”

La Repubblica reported more or less the same story about the voting trends, stating Ouellet got strong support early on and then asked cardinals who backed him to throw their support to Bergoglio.

In backing Francis and bringing his votes along with him, Ouellet did what the Argentinian was said to have done eight years ago when Benedict was elected pope. Lying second after three rounds of voting at that conclave, then Cardinal Bergoglio asked his backers to join him in voting for the German cardinal.

Read more: Canada


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
The first conception of the world originated out of the energies of mind. "This is the sun within us," said the semanticists of old, "the seminal source of life. Do not dim its luster or cause it to suffer eclipse. Save your soul and do not sin against the treasure of light."
Imagery makes it a sowing of their seed upon the land, fertilizing it. The Greeks distinctly say that the gods scatter divinity upon earth, or sow the divine seed. Jesus does essentially the same thing in the ordination of the Eucharist. So the world was created from the drops of seminal solar essence that were ejected from the phallus of creative deity. The male creative fluid became the type of creative deity. It was said that the holy emanation that proceeds from Osiris vivifies gods, men and cattle. This was the blood-shedding of the Gods. In the case of Bata, the younger of the twins with his brother Anup, the phallus is torn away and thrown into the water and devoured by a fish. As the fish is a type of organic life floating in the sea of inorganic life, its swallowing of the emblem of creative power suggests the incarnation of soul in bodThe Ultimate Canon of Knowledge


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Yeah man. Mater and pater, yin yang, as above so below, good and evil, light and darkness, regular and unleaded . The Eucharist is the marriage of male and female. In this case God represented by the male Priest and the female Church.

Male and female yes but only in these later explanations which prove to be misleading. The marriage is between spirit and body, father and mother, energy and matter. The meat of the allegory was the marriage of matter and energy into life. Of course it's all Egyptian to me.

Oaths of secrecy?
More puffs of smoke?
Cults of personality?

Yup and Yup. and majik


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
Check the dates eh.

Monroe Doctrine 1823

British invasion 1833

therefore, it was after the Doctrine

Kinda funny in that I recall certain right wingers in the 1960s saying Castro's rise to power came as a result of Russian interference and therefore violative of Monroe Doctrine. Yet these critics were nowhere to be found when the subject of the Malvinas came up.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Monroe Doctrine 1823

British invasion 1833

therefore, it was after the Doctrine

Kinda funny in that I recall certain right wingers in the 1960s saying Castro's rise to power came as a result of Russian interference and therefore violative of Monroe Doctrine. Yet these critics were nowhere to be found when the subject of the Malvinas came up.

Therefore you have not seen the Dates.
Also as the doctrine states England was not acquiring a new colony. Other wise they would have done something. Right?
In 1774, economic pressures leading up to the American Revolutionary War forced Great Britain to withdraw from many overseas settlements.[21][22] Upon withdrawal, the British left behind a plaque asserting Britain's continued claim. Spain maintained its governor until 1806 who, on his departure, left behind a plaque asserting Spanish claims. The remaining settlers were withdrawn in 1811.[21]

Monroe Doctrine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Monroe Doctrine was a policy of the United States introduced on December 2, 1823. It stated that further efforts by European nations to colonize land or interfere with states in North or South America would be viewed as acts of aggression, requiring U.S. intervention.The Doctrine noted that the United States would neither interfere with existing European colonies nor meddle in the internal concerns of European countries. The Doctrine was issued at a time when nearly all Latin American colonies of Spain and Portugal had achieved independence from the Spanish Empire (except Cuba and Puerto Rico) and the Portuguese Empire. The United States, working in agreement with Britain, wanted to guarantee no European power would move in.[2]
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on dbl secret probation
Oct 19, 2005
Chillliwack, BC

Canada’s Marc Ouellet almost became pope

That doesn't surprise me. He is so highly respected by almost all of the prelates of the Church.. and is so prominently and centrally positioned at the confluence of all of the major eccliesiastical, theological, liturgical and evangelical streams of thought of the modern Church.. that when the white smoke appeared so early i thought he was the likely choice.

He made no secret of his reluctance to accept the post.. which might have been the only thing that held back his election.

As for 'a powerful new post'. It would be hard to get much more powerful than the Congregation of Bishops which he now heads. Although the Secretary of State and Prefect for the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith technically are of higher precedence. He might be interested in the latter.. but not the former.

I can't see much of a change in this pope, really, although he seems more apt to be popular than the last putz, er pontiff I mean.

Benedict is widely acknowledged to have been the greatest theologian in the Papacy since Gregory the Great (who lived in the 6th Century). Maybe you should read one of his books before putzing around in your troll outfit, LG. :)
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L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
Benedict is widely acknowledged to have been the greatest theologian in the Papacy since Gregory the Great (who lived in the 6th Century).
Red-herring. Did that make him popular with Catholics?
Maybe you should read one of his books before putzing around in your troll outfit, LG. :)
Ad hominem. And perhaps you should try discussing my point rather than hopping on the fallacious-argument wagon.