Flu is not the biggest danger ...... It's the vaccine

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
I will accept your expertise with respect to crap. I have read you for many years and you have established your credentials with me and the firm. We have no hesitation consulting you when faced with difficult complex crap issues. We know we get quality crap and nothing but quality crap.
Crap's crap. If someone spreads it they should expect some of it to cling to them.

This outburst of yours takes us back to a recent discussion had by you and I where you insisted, and correctly in my estimation, that science was a tool. Certainly it is not my intention to dispute that well known and applied analogy. However, you 'seem', and it may be confused by me, to be of the opinion that so called alternative media and science cannot be trusted to properly use screwdrivers or worse purposefully misuse screwdriver science in an dastardly effort to misinform the public. Of course I cannot in good conscience dispute that fact in any manner likely to be found bearing merit. Neverthelesss I will and do insist that any misuse must be judged as to it's scale of application and in respect of that consideration of scale I know you will agree that following time trusted laws and tradition the biggest block of dishonesty with respect to the nefarious utility of science must be seen to lie in the camp exercising the greatest deftness and expertise of intentional misuse of tools (science) afforded by the size and scope of available funds to do so. In that respect the establishment owns the podium, in all three medals bronze, silver and tungsten free gold.
As the saying goes, however, the truth will out; and the cool thing about science, it is self-correcting.
A person would have to be very innocent indeed to attempt to sell the idea that what I have made plain above is in fact not fact.
Like I said, science is fine, but like any tool, people will abuse it.
More scientist recommend profit before profession.
Evidence? Any dentist will tell you that.
Don't forget to brush.
No worries. I floss, too.


House Member
Feb 16, 2003
60 Lab Studies Now Confirm Cancer Link to a Vaccine You Probably Had as a Child

Dr. Maurice Hilleman made astounding revelations in an interview that was cut from The Health Century — the admission that Merck drug company vaccines had been injecting dangerous viruses into people worldwide. Bear in mind that Dr. Hilleman was the developer of Merck’s vaccine program. He developed over three dozen vaccines, more than any other scientist in history. He was a member of the U.S. National Academy of Science, the Institute of Medicine, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the American Philosophical Society. He received a special lifetime achievement award from the World Health Organization. Hilleman was one of the early vaccine pioneers to warn about the possibility that simian viruses might contaminate vaccines.

Dr. Mercola’s Comments:
I think it’s important to remember history when it comes to vaccines, especially in light of current developments.
For starters, the HPV vaccine Gardasil, which is being vigorously pushed on unsuspecting young girls and women to theoretically guard against cervical cancer still has never been proven to actually prevent cancer. On the contrary, evidence suggests that under certain circumstances the vaccine increases your risk of precancerous lesions by nearly 45 percent, and an ever increasing number of girls are being seriously injured by this unnecessary vaccine.
As of December 13, 2010, 20,915 adverse reactions had been reported in the United States alone, including 89 deaths, 297 miscarriages or stillbirths, and 370 reports of abnormal pap smears post vaccination.
All of this from a vaccine that has only been on the market for four years!
Making matters worse, as of 2009 the US FDA approved Gardasil for use on young boys as well, and the first male death has also been reported. In September of last year, a young boy died just eight days after being vaccinated with Gardasil.
So what’s going on here?
Is it possible that vaccines sold by drugmakers like Merck are causing lethal disease? Judging by history, the answer may be yes.

60 Lab Studies Now Confirm Cancer Link to a Vaccine You Probably Had as a Child | The Liberty Beacon


House Member
Feb 16, 2003
And you should never take anything Joseph Mercola says seriously, he hasn't the slightest idea what he's talking about.
and you do, obviously....... anyway, I digress

Swine flu jab linked to sleep disorder: Fears one million children received jab that can increase risk of narcolepsy

Almost a million children were given a swine flu jab which put them at increased risk of the sleep disorder narcolepsy, say scientists.
New research shows the Pandemrix vaccine carries a 14-fold extra risk of triggering narcolepsy, in which sufferers can fall asleep suddenly and unexpectedly.
For every 55,000 doses delivered, it is estimated around one child developed the condition.
Pandemrix was the main vaccine used in the UK during the swine flu pandemic three years ago.
It was given to six million people in high-risk groups, including children and those with conditions such as diabetes, heart disease and asthma.
At the height of the pandemic, between October 2009 and March 2010, more than 850,000 English children aged six months to 16 years were given the vaccine.
The jab was also given to 170,000 people, including children, when supplies of seasonal flu vaccine were in short supply between October 2010 and February 2011.
The latest research investigated the specific link with narcolepsy in children in England after reports of increased cases in Sweden and Finland.
It shows that children vaccinated here were also more likely to develop the disorder, although experts stressed Pandemrix has not been used for nearly two years and the period of highest risk was within a few months of getting a jab.
Swine flu jab linked to sleep disorder: Fears one million children received jab that can increase risk of narcolepsy | Mail Online


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Personally, I question the validity of any article that refers to an injection as a "jab".


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
I wish I had the education to be able to recognize junk sites when I arrived. However I dosn't. If some of the smarter posters hear could see it in their hearts to provide a katolog of dependible infermashun many of us conspiracy nuts would be able to break the chains that bind us to junk sites. Please help us, stop the pain of ignorance amungst us pore specemins. thanx be to dog

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
I wish I had the education to be able to recognize junk sites when I arrived. However I dosn't. If some of the smarter posters hear could see it in their hearts to provide a katolog of dependible infermashun many of us conspiracy nuts would be able to break the chains that bind us to junk sites. Please help us, stop the pain of ignorance amungst us pore specemins. thanx be to dog
Why? Even if someone did come up with the info, you'd ignore it or dismiss it anyway.

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
I wish I had the education to be able to recognize junk sites...
So do I, and I wish everybody else did too. Try this little quick course in critical thinking, a few hours of reading should give you a pretty good heads up if you make the effort to understand it and don't just reject out of hand anything that doesn't suit your prejudices. The important thing to grasp is the many ways perception and cognition can go wrong if you don't know how to guard against it, and then learning how to do it correctly. Most people can't do this very well, it's a learned skill like any other, the schools don't do a good job with it, and the mass media and the Internet promote credulity, ignorance, and magical thinking. A useful trick: approach every claim the way you would a used car salesman's claims. You might also usefully read what the guy has to say about the electric universe in his February newsletter.

topical index: critical thinking - The Skeptic's Dictionary - Skepdic.com

Skeptic's Dictionary Newsletter - Skepdic.com


House Member
Feb 16, 2003
FDA Orders Dr. Joseph Mercola to Stop Illegal Claims
Joseph Mercola D.O. - The Skeptic's Dictionary - Skepdic.com

The man's a quack, and completely typical of the kind of junk sites you promote, Stretch. You don't know what you're talking about either.
the very fact the fda is even interested in Mercola tells me he is onto something. I wouldnt trust the fda as far as I could spit it.

Many health-conscious people believe that avoiding aspartame, found in over 5000 products under brand names such as Equal and NutraSweet, can improve their quality of life. The history of this synthetic sweetener’s approval by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), including a long record of consumer complaints and the agency’s demonstrated insensitivity to public concern, suggests they’re right.

In October 1980 the Public Board of Inquiry (PBOI) impaneled by the FDA to evaluate aspartame safety found that the chemical caused an unacceptable level of brain tumors in animal testing. Based on this fact, the PBOI ruled that aspartame should not be added to the food supply.

This ruling capped 15 years of regulatory ineptitude, chicanery and deception by the FDA and the Searle drug company, aspartame’s discoverer and manufacturer (acquired by Monsanto in 1985), and kicked off another two decades of maneuvering, manipulating and dissembling by FDA, Searle and Monsanto.
The Aspartame / NutraSweet Fiasco

June 30, 2006 is a day that will be long remembered as a dark milestone in the history of FDA and its campaign against health consumers. On June 30, an FDA "Final Rule" goes into effect, establishing a regulatory power grab of such scale and scope that it attempts to bypass all laws, the will of Congress and fundamental protections for consumers. This "Final Rule," which may as well be called a "Final Solution" for drug consumers, claims that consumers can no longer sue drug companies for the harm caused by any FDA-approved drug, even if the drug's manufacturer intentionally misled the FDA by hiding or fabricating clinical trial data.
In one blatantly illegal act, the FDA is attempting to pull off the greatest Big Pharma coup of all: The outright elimination of any responsibility whatsoever for the suffering and death caused by deadly pharmaceuticals.
The lawlessness of the FDA, Big Pharma immunity, and crimes against humanity (opinion)

A Drug Recall That Should Frighten Us All About The FDA
A Drug Recall That Should Frighten Us All About The FDA - Forbes

In some ways the health care in America is the finest in the world. In other ways it is a severe risk to health, even deadly. The dark side of this issue involves medication profits at the expense of human health. This questionable health care approach costs at least 200 billion dollars a year and involves the costs of the drugs themselves, the injuries they cause, and the appropriate law suits that follow. The perpetrators of this fraud are the pharmaceutical companies acting in tandem with the FDA, doctors paid under the table by Big Pharma, and gullible doctors willing to write off-label prescriptions based on the hype they hear from doctors on the take and Big Pharma sales reps.
How the FDA, Big Pharma, and Doctors Cause Injury for Profit | Health Freedom News

Monsanto and the FDA: 2 crimes families working a trillion-dollar hustle
Monsanto and the FDA: 2 crime families working a trillion-dollar hustle | Jon Rappoport's Blog

Lies and Deception: How the FDA Does Not Protect Your Best Interests.
Lies and Deception: How the FDA Does Not Protect Your Best Interests. | Smart Publications

Question: How is it that every industrialized nation in the world has banned Monsanto's rBGH as unsafe, but it's legal (and unlabeled) in the United States?

Answer: In order for the FDA to determine if Monsanto's growth hormones were safe or not, Monsanto was required to submit a scientific report on that topic. Margaret Miller, one of Monsanto's researchers put the report together.

Shortly before the report submission, Miller left Monsanto and was hired by the FDA. Her first job for the FDA was to determine whether or not to approve the report she wrote for Monsanto. In short, Monsanto approved its own report. Assisting Miller was another former Monsanto researcher, Susan Sechen.
Monsanto, FDA. US Govt: Connections


L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
As BusinessWeek put it one time: "Mercola gives the lie to the notion that holistic practitioners tend to be so absorbed in treating patients that they aren't effective businesspeople. While Mercola on his site seeks to identify with this image by distinguishing himself from "all the greed-motivated hype out there in health-care land", he is a master promoter, using every trick of traditional and Internet direct marketing to grow his business... He is selling health-care products and services, and is calling upon an unfortunate tradition made famous by the old-time snake oil salesmen of the 1800s."

"likely to mislead consumers by offering one-sided, incomplete, inaccurate, or misleading information." - Phyllis Entis, a microbiologist and food safety expert, speaking about Mercola's website.

The FDA got pissed at Mercola for making false claims about his products in order to sell them. You think that means that Mercola is onto something? I think so, too. It tells me the guy is onto making profits using nefarious means.


House Member
Feb 16, 2003
As BusinessWeek put it one time: "Mercola gives the lie to the notion that holistic practitioners tend to be so absorbed in treating patients that they aren't effective businesspeople. While Mercola on his site seeks to identify with this image by distinguishing himself from "all the greed-motivated hype out there in health-care land", he is a master promoter, using every trick of traditional and Internet direct marketing to grow his business... He is selling health-care products and services, and is calling upon an unfortunate tradition made famous by the old-time snake oil salesmen of the 1800s."

"likely to mislead consumers by offering one-sided, incomplete, inaccurate, or misleading information." - Phyllis Entis, a microbiologist and food safety expert, speaking about Mercola's website.

The FDA got pissed at Mercola for making false claims about his products in order to sell them. You think that means that Mercola is onto something? I think so, too. It tells me the guy is onto making profits using nefarious means.
and the fda doesn't?

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
No, it doesn't, but like any human institution it makes mistakes sometimes. Haven't you figured out the Internet yet Stretch? Anybody with an axe to grind can put up a site, unregulated, unreviewed, undisciplined, and unverified, other people put up similar sites, they cite each other in self-referential and self-validating circles of nonsense, and credulous people fall for it. You're not careful enough out there.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
and the fda doesn't?

If the FDA were into profits using nefarious means, they would never send out warning letters, or consent decree letters.

And the FDA doesn't make money...they cost money to run.

You're keen to post information about pharmaceuticals using FDA figures, and suddenly when it's for some shill you admire, then it's nefarious?


L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
and the fda doesn't?
Doesn't what?
Perhaps the FDA is just as guilty about spreading misinformation.
Either way, I don't leap onto Mercola's bandwagon simply because I think the FDA may be dealing in misinformation any more than I leap onto the FDA's bandwagon because I may think Mercola has a point about them.
I don't reiterate the propaganda from either for that very reason. What I post is verifiable.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
I'm no expert, but if one of you guys can't disprove this...

Former Monsanto employees currently hold positions in US government agencies such as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Supreme Court. These include:

  • Michael A. Friedman, MD, was Senior Vice President of Research and Development, Medical and Public Policy for Pharmacia, and later served as an FDA deputy commissioner.[287][288]
  • Linda J. Fisher was an assistant administrator at the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) before she was a vice president at Monsanto from 1995 to 2000. In 2001, Fisher became the deputy administrator of the EPA.[136]
  • Michael R. Taylor was an assistant to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) commissioner before working as an attorney for King & Spalding, a private-sector law firm that represented Monsanto among other clients.[289][290] He later served as deputy commissioner for policy to the FDA on food safety between 1991 and 1994 during which time the FDA approved rBST.[136] He was accused of a conflict of interest, but a federal investigation cleared him. Following his tenure at the FDA, Taylor returned to Monsanto as Vice President for Public Policy.[259][260][261] On 7 July 2009, Taylor entered government as Senior Advisor to the Commissioner of the US Food and Drug Administration for the Obama administration.[263][291]
  • United States Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas worked as an attorney for Monsanto in the 1970s. Thomas wrote the majority opinion in the 2001 Supreme Court decision J. E. M. Ag Supply, Inc. v. Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc.[292] which found that "newly developed plant breeds are patentable under the general utility patent laws of the United States."[136][292][293]
Public officials with indirect connections or who worked for Monsanto after leaving public office include:

... I'm going to have to agree with Stretch.

There's a serious conflict of interest going on here. One that leads me to believe that the FDA, EPA and USDA are no longer capable of living up to their mandate.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
There's a couple of rules that handle these situations very well............Rule #1- Believe 10% of what you see and Rule #2- Believe nothing of what you hear.