Flu is not the biggest danger ...... It's the vaccine


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Antibiotic resistance, dim rodent. Obviously.

What dilemma? When it becomes a crisis it will earn faster than it does now. They never waste a good crisis. It does not matter what synthetic medicine does it cannot hope to ever keep up with the supreme laboratory, nature.

Antibiotic resistance, dim rodent. Obviously.

You are ten minutes late getting back to the beakers Tonington. I hope your supervisor councils you later.

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
The patient the consumer the sheep always pay.
.... premiums. Yes. Ours is about $120/month. Were one of us to use medical services for injury or disease, the treatment can suck up a few years' worth of premiums. It's a good deal. But you go ahead and refuse to pay for medical services seeing as you don't think it's any good.
Health care dollars always go down the bank drain.
lol Try telling that to your doctor or the dude that assembles your doctor's stethoscope. People manning the health system (and related areas) usually get paid. Banks may use some of what isn't sucked up in gov't taxes on that pay to make money from, but banks do not get everything. Grow up.
Medicine is a pseudo scientific corporation where most research concentrates on profit margins.
People like to earn enough to live on, pay taxes with, and have a little left over for fun. I'm sure you don't work for free, if you work at all.
They sell flu shots like they sell cell phones.
If the system is so forking good why do Americans have the worst health outcomes in the developed world.
Some systems are worse than others. If what you said is true, then I'd suspect it's because of the disparities between those who can afford healthcare and those that can't.
It's pretty clear to me that it's pure business and very little medicine.
.... perhaps according to American insurance companies. The quality of care available in the States is top notch. The profit is mostly made by manufacturers of medical materials and insurance companies. Too bad you seem to try plugging all medical related people and services into the same hole.
If the food industry didn't boil and fumigate all the nutrients out of the canned grub we could in the west eliminate 50% of disease that presently stuffs dollars into banks.
And if people didn't wander around spreading diseases and stuff there wouldn't be so many sick people either. If there weren't nearly as many people as there are, there wouldn't be so many sick either. So?

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
There are many hundreds of scientific studies by now all casting doubt on the claims made by vaccination proponents.
Yeah sure, you probably take homeopathic preparations too and think rubbing your feet in the right place will improve your vision. That's simply not true DB, there is no good science in support of the anti-vaccination crowd, there's just quacks like Joseph Mercola and ignorant loons like Jenny McCarthy. And the scientifically illiterate like you; anybody who thinks there's any scientific validity to the electric universe and Velikovsky's nonsense isn't qualified to have an opinion, but your belief armour is such that there's no point in trying to explain anything to you anyway.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
.... premiums. Yes. Ours is about $120/month. Were one of us to use medical services for injury or disease, the treatment can suck up a few years' worth of premiums. It's a good deal. But you go ahead and refuse to pay for medical services seeing as you don't think it's any good.lol Try telling that to your doctor or the dude that assembles your doctor's stethoscope. People manning the health system (and related areas) usually get paid. Banks may use some of what isn't sucked up in gov't taxes on that pay to make money from, but banks do not get everything. Grow up.People like to earn enough to live on, pay taxes with, and have a little left over for fun. I'm sure you don't work for free, if you work at all. huh? Some systems are worse than others. If what you said is true, then I'd suspect it's because of the disparities between those who can afford healthcare and those that can't. .... perhaps according to American insurance companies. The quality of care available in the States is top notch. The profit is mostly made by manufacturers of medical materials and insurance companies. Too bad you seem to try plugging all medical related people and services into the same hole.
And if people didn't wander around spreading diseases and stuff there wouldn't be so many sick people either. If there weren't nearly as many people as there are, there wouldn't be so many sick either. So?

You have little or no appreciation of the meat grinding corporations or you own one. And the banks do regularly and literally get everything. If you follow the yellow brick road you will come to a bank not a hospital. Economic collapse is a popular topic these last days it is supposed that the efficiency of the machine has peaked and it cannot possibly eat more than it has, for the time being. You keep talking about medicine like they keep talking about medicine while they practice business, the two trades are in a conflict of interest from the start.

Yeah sure, you probably take homeopathic preparations too and think rubbing your feet in the right place will improve your vision. That's simply not true DB, there is no good science in support of the anti-vaccination crowd, there's just quacks like Joseph Mercola and ignorant loons like Jenny McCarthy. And the scientifically illiterate like you; anybody who thinks there's any scientific validity to the electric universe and Velikovsky's nonsense isn't qualified to have an opinion, but your belief armour is such that there's no point in trying to explain anything to you anyway.

Hey Sinister, dropping poor old Velikovsky's name like it was the bomb it was three decades ago dates you. Yo ain't going to be able to explain anything to me Sinister because you can't, all you can do is flog your victims with thirty year old slurs against a dead man of vision. People who believe in black holes shouldn't be allowed to vote or drive.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Yeah sure, you probably take homeopathic preparations too and think rubbing your feet in the right place will improve your vision. That's simply not true DB, there is no good science in support of the anti-vaccination crowd, there's just quacks like Joseph Mercola and ignorant loons like Jenny McCarthy. And the scientifically illiterate like you; anybody who thinks there's any scientific validity to the electric universe and Velikovsky's nonsense isn't qualified to have an opinion, but your belief armour is such that there's no point in trying to explain anything to you anyway.
Don't get your electrons in a bunch. Resistance is futile.

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
You have little or no appreciation of the meat grinding corporations or you own one. And the banks do regularly and literally get everything.
No they don't. People get medical services, work, and all kinds of things from health care. All banks get is money; and money is based on an imaginary illusion of value. I'd rather have an apple than the few cents an apple costs. The apple I can use to fuel my body. Money is simply an easily stored tool.
If you follow the yellow brick road you will come to a bank not a hospital.
Nah. I'd arrive in Oz, which, BTW, is also imaginary.
Economic collapse is a popular topic these last days it is supposed that the efficiency of the machine has peaked and it cannot possibly eat more than it has, for the time being. You keep talking about medicine like they keep talking about medicine while they practice business, the two trades are in a conflict of interest from the start.
Happens that way at times. At other times, they are complementary. I buy bandaids from manufacturer. You get a cut, I trade you a bandaid for a couple pennies. Everyone is happy. Except you. You snivel because someone spends time n effort making bandaids and gets money for doing so and then snivel because you didn't get the bandaid for free from me after I paid for it. And then you forget that it kept your body from making a mess of your computer.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
What's the going rate for linezolid per dose? $125?

Not only is your question irrelevant, it's also poorly phrased. Depends on the actual dose, which varies, where in the world you are, and if you're purchasing the name brand Zyvox or a generic.

The price of antibiotics is not what has driven antibiotic resistance, it's the subclincal dosing of agricultural products and stupid people who demand a pill whenever they get the sniffles.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia

Super bug breakthrough -- manuka honey may reverse antibiotic ...

Apr 14, 2011 ... (NaturalNews) In less than a week, three different research studies have been released about antibiotic-resistant super bugs. Two were issued ...
Super bug breakthrough -- manuka honey may reverse antibiotic resistance

Lavender kills antibiotic-resistant staph bacteria - Natural News

5 days ago ... They found the antimicrobial activity of lavender oil to consistently inhibit the growth of methicillin-sensitive and resistant Staphylococcus ...
www.naturalnews.com/039317_lavender_antibiotics-resistant_bacteria_staph _infection.html

Pig farms contributing to antibiotic resistance - Natural News

Nov 29, 2010 ... (NaturalNews) New evidence has emerged linking animal agriculture to antibiotic resistance, in a study conducted by researchers from the ...

The answer is obvious , shut down the meat industry and get rid of stupid people. I wonder how long it will take.

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC

Super bug breakthrough -- manuka honey may reverse antibiotic ...

Apr 14, 2011 ... (NaturalNews) In less than a week, three different research studies have been released about antibiotic-resistant super bugs. Two were issued ...
Super bug breakthrough -- manuka honey may reverse antibiotic resistance

Lavender kills antibiotic-resistant staph bacteria - Natural News

5 days ago ... They found the antimicrobial activity of lavender oil to consistently inhibit the growth of methicillin-sensitive and resistant Staphylococcus ...
www.naturalnews.com/039317_lavender_antibiotics-resistant_bacteria_staph _infection.html

Pig farms contributing to antibiotic resistance - Natural News

Nov 29, 2010 ... (NaturalNews) New evidence has emerged linking animal agriculture to antibiotic resistance, in a study conducted by researchers from the ...

The answer is obvious , shut down the meat industry.
Nah. Too many people on the planet. Shut down population growth.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
No they don't. People get medical services, work, and all kinds of things from health care. All banks get is money; and money is based on an imaginary illusion of value. I'd rather have an apple than the few cents an apple costs. The apple I can use to fuel my body. Money is simply an easily stored tool. Nah. I'd arrive in Oz, which, BTW, is also imaginary. Happens that way at times. At other times, they are complementary. I buy bandaids from manufacturer. You get a cut, I trade you a bandaid for a couple pennies. Everyone is happy. Except you. You snivel because someone spends time n effort making bandaids and gets money for doing so and then snivel because you didn't get the bandaid for free from me after I paid for it. And then you forget that it kept your body from making a mess of your computer.

People get serviced for sure. Banks get gold and hard assets. I don't snivel. Thanks for the useless info about band-aids. You spelt band-aid wrong three times and ignored your spell checker each time because you are stuck up and all the hard working posters here weren't worth your effort. When was the last time a professional drug dealer suggested an apple to you Lester?

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
People get serviced for sure. Banks get gold and hard assets. I don't snivel.
Ok, you don't snivel. You rant incoherently.
Thanks for the useless info about band-aids. You spelt band-aid wrong three times and ignored your spell checker each time because you are stuck up and all the hard working posters here weren't worth your effort.
Strawman argument.
When was the last time a professional drug dealer suggested an apple to you Lester?
Irrelevant to the point.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Nah. Too many people on the planet. Shut down population growth.

Ah agenda twenty-one eh, thinks it's a good idea eh, you're the self sufficient type Lester, you'll be top of the list old boy. The planet can easily support many times the present population the single catch is the present system of governance cannot control even the present numbers and that is the only reason to suppress further population growth and radically cull the present numbers back to 500,000. Then they'll be safe Lester and we won't be wasting their food and their planet and sniviling about equality.

Ok, you don't snivel. You rant incoherently. Strawman argument. Irrelevant to the point.

And you are in the habit of addressing incoherent ranting chicken farmers, to what end Lester? Do you suppose you will heal me of my affliction by application of your rustic wit? Are you some sort of missionary? Why do you think I'm worth your kind benevolent ministrations? Do I have a PLEASE SAVE ME sign tacked to my *** or what?

PS I'v awarded you a coveted thumbs up for making a grey afternoon and my last joint an enjoyable occasion. What is your sckedual like tomorrow?

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
Ah agenda twenty-one eh, thinks it's a good idea eh, you're the self sufficient type Lester, you'll be top of the list old boy.
Doesn't matter to me. I go when I go. In the meantime, I will be as healthy as I can be for as long as I can be.
The planet can easily support many times the present population
Possibly, but as I mentioned before, the more humans there are the less there is of other life. The pattern is not sustainable. The planetary elements that make up mass are limited. There is only so much mass on the planet and it does not increase very much. What does make it increase is a very small amount that lands on Earth from space and extremely little of it is useful for making life.
the single catch is the present system of governance cannot control even the present numbers and that is the only reason to suppress further population growth and radically cull the present numbers back to 500,000. Then they'll be safe Lester and we won't be wasting their food and their planet and sniviling about equality.
Nope. There's another catch: that of distribution.

And you are in the habit of addressing incoherent ranting chicken farmers, to what end Lester? Do you suppose you will heal me of my affliction by application of your rustic wit? Are you some sort of missionary? Why do you think I'm worth your kind benevolent ministrations? Do I have a PLEASE SAVE ME sign tacked to my *** or what?
lol I'm simply attemtpting to entertain you. Because you certainly entertain me. Quid pro quo, bro.

PS I'v awarded you a coveted thumbs up for making a grey afternoon and my last joint an enjoyable occasion. What is your sckedual like tomorrow?
I rejoice in having succeeded in entertaining you.
Not sure what I'll be doing tomorrow.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
The price of antibiotics is not what has driven antibiotic resistance, it's stupid people who demand a pill whenever they get the sniffles.
Where did they get that idea from?

Do you know or should I ask my doctor if _____ is right for me...?


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
Viagra won't help you ask relevant questions. Cialis either. When was the last time you saw a commercial to ask your doctor if an antibiotic was right for you? Never? I thought so.

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
Shaw and Tomljenovic say their data suggests a possibility that today’s higher level of kids aluminum compound exposure in vaccines may increase the instance of autism among children. It's still scientifically debatable.

A little further digging: I found that in first 6 months, babies might get about 4 mg of Al from vaccines. They will also get about 10 mg of Al in breast milk, about 40 mg in regular formula, or about 120 mg in soy formulas.
Almost all the Al that gets into the bloodstream is grabbed by proteins and is ushered into the kidneys, where it is eliminated in urine. About 50% of it is peed out within 24 hours and most of what's left hangs around in the kidneys till it is peed out within 2 weeks.

Inorganic scientists should leave medical issues to medical scientists.


House Member
Feb 16, 2003
Dr. Harper, the vaccine developer, claimed that she was speaking out, so that she might finally be able to sleep at night.

“About eight in every ten women who have been sexually active will have H.P.V. at some stage of their life. Normally there are no symptoms, and in 98 per cent of cases it clears itself. But in those cases where it doesn’t, and isn’t treated, it can lead to pre-cancerous cells which may develop into cervical cancer.”

-- Dr. Diane Harper

The Lead Vaccine Developer Comes Clean So She Can "Sleep At Night": Gardasil and Cervarix Don't Work, Are Dangerous, and Weren't Tested