POLL: Should a Grade 12 Education Be Mandatory?

Should a Grade 12 Education Be Mandatory?

  • Ya

    Votes: 10 40.0%
  • Nah

    Votes: 15 60.0%

  • Total voters


Ace Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Aether Island
When I was in high school (Quebec), we only had to go to grade 11. There was an extra year for college prep but it was separate.

School is more like a glorified baby sitting service to keep the kids occupied while both parents work.

I had a friend in high school who played golf. He could pick a squirrel out of a tree will his club and ball. I couldn't hit the broad side of a barn. I could, however, pick a chipmunk out of a tree with a rock by throwing it.

At the age of six, I made my own slingshots, bows, and swords (and fret-saw wooden dainties for my mum). None of these skills was taught in school. I was taught, however, how to weave hotpads using raffia and how to carve elephants out of bars of soap. I no longer practice any of these skills.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Ahhh, school! The smell of tempera paints, chalk, and dirty parkas. I'd go back in a trice.
I didn't like school. Bored me to tears. Didn't like jobs either, for the same reason. Escaped the rat race at 26 and moved to the bush... now that was an education: learned how to build cabins, log houses, shelters for my animals, mechanic my trucks, build a methane digester, modify an engine to run on methane, carve soap stone, do leather work, build stanchions for my milk goats, forage for edible and medicinal plants, etc.


Ace Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Aether Island
In the upper grades, I learnt to make cigar-tube cannons, wire-and-elastic slings, and bobby-pin **** snappers. Everyone should stay in school.

I didn't like school. Bored me to tears. Didn't like jobs either, for the same reason. Escaped the rat race at 26 and moved to the bush... now that was an education: learned how to build cabins, log houses, shelters for my animals, mechanic my trucks, build a methane digester, modify an engine to run on methane, carve soap stone, do leather work, build stanchions for my milk goats, forage for edible and medicinal plants, etc.

Have you seen the PBS doc about the old geezer who hand-fashioned his cabin in Alaska. A cleverer man I have not seen!


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
In the upper grades, I learnt to make cigar-tube cannons, wire-and-elastic slings, and bobby-pin **** snappers. Everyone should stay in school.
At work (drafting) I learned how to make a repeater elastic shooter using a three sided scale.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
grade 12 is allready mandatory, for the right to move on to many higher education courses, so, if one chooses 'not'
to finish grade 12, what would the punishment be, 'if it is mandatory' for all.

from what I have read most seem to blame the education system for those who don't do well. Parents are
responsible for their kids education, and dealing with teachers concerning their child.

there are many reasons kids don't do well in high school, and if they choose 'not' to finish grade 12
then they, and their parents should have another plan in place, along with counselling from the school.

can't put someone in jail for not completing grade 12.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
In the upper grades, I learnt to make cigar-tube cannons, wire-and-elastic slings, and bobby-pin **** snappers. Everyone should stay in school.

Have you seen the PBS doc about the old geezer who hand-fashioned his cabin in Alaska. A cleverer man I have not seen!
Yes. I spent ten years doing something similar.

I like fire wood. Warms you up when you cut it, when you load it in the truck, when you take it out of the truck, when you stack it in the wood shed, when you chop it, when you carry it into the cabin and when you burn it. Used to cook with it too.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Parents are responsible for their kids education, and dealing with teachers concerning their child.
Can you expand on that.

I can make my kids go to school.

I can help them with their homework.

I Can get them tutoring.

I can take them to specialty learning centers.

I can get them help with any learning disabilities.

I can give them all the tools they need to succeed.

But in the end, it's the education system that is responsible.

They even say so. They claim to be co-parents.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
Can you expand on that.

I can make my kids go to school.

I can help them with their homework.

I Can get them tutoring.

I can take them to specialty learning centers.

I can get them help with any learning disabilities.

I can give them all the tools they need to succeed.

But in the end, it's the education that is responsible.

They even say so. They claim to be co-parents.

and i'm sure they believe that, it sounds good anyway, but they aren't, they are teachers.

if you have given them all the tools they needed, you are a responsible parent, but that
doesn't guarantee a perfect graduate.

You aren't dealing with a machine, he/she is a person, no guarantees.

Just keep on being the parent, support, help, as some kids don't 'get it' till very late, then
the light goes on and they move ahead.

I have one grandson who is dragging his feet, doesn't want to put in the effort to do grade 12.
No one can force him, and he has had lots of support from his mom, and us, but he can't find
the intestinal fortitude to 'make'himself do it, so he will have to slowly figure it out, and
someday he will either do it, or find work that he enjoys without grade 12, not easy.
He is very intelligent about many things in the world, politics, current events, people, and
can carry on a very adult conversation about many things, he is polite, and considerate, doesn't
drink or do drugs, reads a lot, (good books), but that little light that will tell him to move
forward hasn't gone on yet, but it will.
Although the school is there for him, he won't ask for help there, not interested in telling
anyone his problems, just his mom.
She knows him well, the school doesn't, and it isn't their fault in any way.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
there are many reasons kids don't do well in high school, and if they choose 'not' to finish grade 12
then they, and their parents should have another plan in place, along with counselling from the school.
I have one grandson who is dragging his feet, doesn't want to put in the effort to do grade 12.
No one can force him, and he has had lots of support from his mom, and us, but he can't find
the intestinal fortitude to 'make'himself do it, so he will have to slowly figure it out, and
someday he will either do it, or find work that he enjoys without grade 12, not easy.

I'm not singling him or his situation out but things are changing rapidly and employers are demanding the 12

If slacker Jimmy doesn't have grade 12, slacker Jimmy can't get into trades like the old days. There are no "fall back' options anymore. Even for GL jobs they want that 12.
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Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005
My dad went to grade 6. His dad never went to school. I somehow got through high school
and five years of university. Both of our kids went on after high school. This is not bragging
about my educational achievements or putting down what others have done. I am convinced
that education is important no matter what you end up doing. The more the merrier...


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Inflammable means flammable? What a country! - YouTube

Does it? The advent of the internet and the push for higher education in our kids, has sparked a hellfire of intellectual superiority that I think people need to rein in, not shower down upon everyone. Not everyone out there is cut out for formal education. Not everyone is wired to learn in our education system. And even those who make it through might seem 'stupid'.
The internet is a joke.

The semi-literacy rate of 42% in Canada is a disgrace.

Reading and writing isn't formal, it's basic.

Are people not wired to learn or does education start too late?

By age 5 kids already have their bad habits and attitudes well established and "wired in".

2-5 is when the wiring happens, parents need to step up and learn how to teach their kids to learn and get them into the habit of learning.

You can't just pass a kid off to a school and say "fix it, break it's bad habits and teach it or else it's all your fault".
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Inflammable means flammable? What a country! - YouTube

The internet is a joke.

The semi-literacy rate of 42% in Canada is a disgrace.

Reading and writing isn't formal, it's basic.

Are people not wired to learn or does education start too late?

By age 5 kids already have their bad habits and attitudes well established.

2-5 is when the wiring happens, parents need to step up and learn how to teach their kids to learn and get them into the habit of learning.

You can't just pass a kid off to a school and say "fix it, break it's bad habits and teach it or else it's all your fault".

For sure, we were taught in school that proper spelling is important, but you wouldn't think so today. Basic words like "receive" are often spelled wrong today. How many people even know the difference between "than" and "then" or "moot" and "mute"? Time to bring back the "three R's".