Flu is not the biggest danger ...... It's the vaccine


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
I still think everyone should get the flu shot. Everyone except for me that is. I wouldn't put that stuff into me unless my immune system was really weak. Then it is worth the gamble.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I still think everyone should get the flu shot. Everyone except for me that is. I wouldn't put that stuff into me unless my immune system was really weak. Then it is worth the gamble.

I'm not sure there is much of a gamble. I've been getting them for a good 20 years or more, had the 'flu' once in that time, probably because they screwed up predicting the strain. Before getting the shots, I'd get a debillitating dose of the 'flu' lasting a week or more every couple of years.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
I'm not sure there is much of a gamble.
Yeah, you are not sure, neither am I. If you speak with different medical professionals they too will be divided.

I've been getting them for a good 20 years or more, had the 'flu' once in that time, probably because they screwed up predicting the strain. Before getting the shots, I'd get a debillitating dose of the 'flu' lasting a week or more every couple of years.
Thus in your case, you are high risk smart then to be preventative and not to gamble.

I on the other hand have had the flu maybe twice in my whole life and once was before the vaccine was available. Low risk. Am still not certain that one time was not pneumonia. Why would I gamble?

When my immune system begins to break down from age, I will evaluate it again. For now, I do not work in the health care profession where they can pressure one to get it. I do work in a profession where I am exposed daily and have always had a high exposure rate. My immune system handles it well (for now.)


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Yeah, you are not sure, neither am I. If you speak with different medical professionals they too will be divided.

Thus in your case, you are high risk smart then to be preventative and not to gamble.

I on the other hand have had the flu maybe twice in my whole life and once was before the vaccine was available. Low risk. Am still not certain that one time was not pneumonia. Why would I gamble?

When my immune system begins to break down from age, I will evaluate it again. For now, I do not work in the health care profession where they can pressure one to get it. I do work in a profession where I am exposed daily and have always had a high exposure rate. My immune system handles it well (for now.)

One thing that might be good to know is once you turn 65 you can get a free pneumonia shot that is good for life. I think it's very good because often it's pneumonia that finally does an old person in. (excuse the grammar)-:)

Anybody got any spare tinfoil?

Nah, we use it in the oven!


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Anybody got any spare tinfoil?

that's about the best comment I've seen from you Trex----------- it's not original either----------- so it's a used comment you dropped on the thread------------------ we don't have room for damp used comments------------ space is at a premium here------------------ so next time use the appropriate waste disposal please


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
Flu epidemic strikes millions of Americans already vaccinated against the flu

(NaturalNews) The USA is in an official flu pandemic panic right now, with Boston declaring a public health emergency and hospitals setting up flu treatment tents as if cities were war zones. The CDC says it's the worst flu pandemic in a decade, and it's of course urging everybody to get injected with flu vaccines.

But here's the dirty little secret the vaccine industry doesn't want you to know: Most people getting the flu right now are the same people who were vaccinated with the flu shot.

Flu epidemic strikes millions of Americans already vaccinated against the flu

And right after the paragraph break where stretch cut the above from, we find this:
The CDC refuses to release any statistics on this, of course, because then the total hoax of the flu shot would be exposed.

Or, there is no evidence for the claim about vaccine recipients being most of the confirmed cases.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
vaccines are opium for religious people--------how did we get to be so many without vaccines I wonder?-----------
We didn't get to be so many people without vaccines... In 1796 the first vaccine was created. The population was under 1 billion then, and now we're over 7 billion. Or, most of the growth of human population has ocurred in an era where we had immunizations available.

Fail beaver.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
We didn't get to be so many people without vaccines... In 1796 the first vaccine was created. The population was under 1 billion then, and now we're over 7 billion. Or, most of the growth of human population has ocurred in an era where we had immunizations available.

Fail beaver.

So what you're saying is that vaccinations and not the invention of steam powered agriculture ultimately enabled the seven billion inhabitants. So we understand you recognize the overpopulated condition of the planet but still insist on vaccination programs which according to you will result in several billions more ten time faster than the seven already here. Or isn't it true that the early immunization program has had little or nothing to do with survival rates among humans. You're a youngish person with some weird ideas so I wonder how many dangerous vaccines you might have had already.

More scientist recommend fish for brains than other leading animules.

Anybody got any super-dooper, 4-ply tin foil to spare?
How about a family sized Faraday cage?
The loons are gathering.

Hide somewhere will ya, we don't want the quests frightened off.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
So what you're saying is that vaccinations and not the invention of steam powered agriculture ultimately enabled the seven billion inhabitants.

No, not what I'm saying. I'm saying your question was irrelevant considering the facts. Facts like the tremendous population growth that has happened in the presence, and not absence, of vaccines.

Dim beaver.


Electoral Member
Apr 4, 2007
Hither and yon
Lets talk facts

"In March 1918, in the last months of World War I, an unusually virulent and deadly flu virus was identified in a US military camp in Kansas. Just 6 months later, the flu had become a worldwide pandemic in all continents.

When the Spanish Flu pandemic was over, about 1 billion people or half the world's population had contracted it. It is perhaps the most lethal pandemic in the history of humankind: between 20 and 100 million people were killed, more the number killed in the war itself (Source)"

And how about smallpox?

Conspiracy theory nutbars can be somewhat amusing to watch on a slow day.
But conspiracy theory nutbars that try and convince the uninformed about decisions that could have grave consequences for the very young
or the immune compromised I find to be morally reprehensible.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
One thing that might be good to know is once you turn 65 you can get a free pneumonia shot that is good for life. I think it's very good because (excuse the grammar)-:)
no worries about the grammar... I didn't know about the pneumonia shot and looking back on it I really think that is what I had. I was in school at the time and home for spring break (that was a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time ago) but i still remember not getting out of my jammies for the whole week and being sick when I returned to school, so much so that it was hard to stand for very long. It was likely walking pneumonia.

often it's pneumonia that finally does an old person in.
for sure, I can think of better ways to die than drowning in my own flem... :(

Nah, we use it in the oven!
They've got new stuff out now and you don't even have to spray it. Bought it by accident... two thumbs up...lol


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
No, not what I'm saying. I'm saying your question was irrelevant considering the facts. Facts like the tremendous population growth that has happened in the presence, and not absence, of vaccines.

Dim beaver.

So you're saying that the vaccines, (although still quite limited in scope and distribution well into the last quarter of the last century), was a signifigent factor in population growth. Facts my aspidestra.

Lets talk facts

"In March 1918, in the last months of World War I, an unusually virulent and deadly flu virus was identified in a US military camp in Kansas. Just 6 months later, the flu had become a worldwide pandemic in all continents.

When the Spanish Flu pandemic was over, about 1 billion people or half the world's population had contracted it. It is perhaps the most lethal pandemic in the history of humankind: between 20 and 100 million people were killed, more the number killed in the war itself (Source)"

And how about smallpox?

Conspiracy theory nutbars can be somewhat amusing to watch on a slow day.
But conspiracy theory nutbars that try and convince the uninformed about decisions that could have grave consequences for the very young
or the immune compromised I find to be morally reprehensible.

You neglect to tell of the vaccine program in that camp immeadiately preceeding the flu outbreak Trex. punch it up yourself you'll find the facts


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
Lets talk facts

"In March 1918, in the last months of World War I, an unusually virulent and deadly flu virus was identified in a US military camp in Kansas. Just 6 months later, the flu had become a worldwide pandemic in all continents.

When the Spanish Flu pandemic was over, about 1 billion people or half the world's population had contracted it. It is perhaps the most lethal pandemic in the history of humankind: between 20 and 100 million people were killed, more the number killed in the war itself (Source)"
True, but if we are speaking of facts here we must keep it in the context of the time as well. It was an Asian flu and unlike now they did not understand how it spread. Thus the women nursing these soldiers would literally be ungloved, unmasked, and ungowned. They would hold dying men, coughing, hacking, and spitting up sputum which contained the virus, then go home to their families.

It is actually quite astounding that even more didn't die. Actually it is a testimony to the strength of the human animal. Regardless of what infects the world, there will likely be those with a built in defense. Darwinism at it best.


Electoral Member
Apr 4, 2007
Hither and yon
So you're saying that the vaccines, (although still quite limited in scope and distribution well into the last quarter of the last century), was a signifigent factor in population growth. Facts my aspidestra.

You neglect to tell of the vaccine program in that camp immeadiately preceeding the flu outbreak Trex. punch it up yourself you'll find the facts
The vaccine program involved in the Spanish flu outbreak was a last ditch attempt to slow the spread after it had spread around the globe.
The vaccine itself was bacterial in nature and had absolutely no effect on boosting the immune system against a viral attack.
Back in the 1920's the researchers had not yet identified viral infections.
So they took a wild shot in the dark and hoped it was a bacterium.
Now of course we know it was caused by a virus.
Today only internet loons confuse bacterial infections and viral infections.

Pass the tinfoil for god's sake.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
The vaccine program involved in the Spanish flu outbreak was a last ditch attempt to slow the spread after it had spread around the globe.
The vaccine itself was bacterial in nature and had absolutely no effect on boosting the immune system against a viral attack.
Back in the 1920's the researchers had not yet identified viral infections.
So they took a wild shot in the dark and hoped it was a bacterium.
Now of course we know it was caused by a virus.
Today only internet loons confuse bacterial infections and viral infections.

Pass the tinfoil for god's sake.

so the vaccine weakened the immune systems helping the virus spread, I wonder if it wasn't also in the vaccine. Medical science took a wild shot eh hoping the to stop the Spanish flu outbreak before it started eh. Get your timeline straight loon the flu spread to Europe through the US Army. I have not used real tinfoil since the fiftys. Who can afford it?

The 1918 Influenza Pandemic, Vaccines and Flu Shots - Natural News Mar 3, 2009 ... It not only affected Europeans, but an unbelievable 80 percent of the United States Army's death toll was from the Spanish flu that killed 43,000 ... www.naturalnews.com/025759_flu_influenza_Amazon.html


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
To Avoid the Flu...

Eat right!
Make sure you get your daily dose of fruit and veggies.
Take your vitamins and bump up your vitamin C.
Get plenty of exercise because it builds your immune system.
Walk for at least an hour a day,
Go for a swim,
Take the stairs instead of the lift, etc.
Wash your hands often.
If you can't, keep a bottle of antibacterial stuff around.
Get lots of fresh air.
Open doors & windows whenever possible.
Try to eliminate as much stress from your life as you can.
Get plenty of rest.

Take the doctor's approach.
Think about it...
When you go for a flu jab, what do they do first?
They clean your arm with alcohol...
Because Alcohol KILLS GERMS.

I walk to the pub. (exercise)

I put lime in my vodka...(fruit)

Celery in my Bloody Mary (veggies)

Drink outdoors on the patio..(fresh air)

Tell jokes and laugh....(eliminate stress)

Then I pass out. (rest)

The way I see it...

If you keep your alcohol levels up, flu germs can't get you!
'A shot in the glass is better than one in the ***!'