Gun Control is Completely Useless.


Council Member
Aug 9, 2008
It's highly likely you wouldn't be around if the contemporary use of the fight instinct was gone.


I have never been confronted by a gun. Well, not true, once long ago. New Years about 4 am, driving home over the Mercier bridge, a car pulled up beside me and the passenger rolled down his window and aimed a hand gun at the car carrying my sleeping family. Only two cars on the road.. I immediately braked, slowed down and pulled in directly behind them.. When the road divided his driver went one way & I went the other.

What should I have done? Used my car as a weapon?? Certainly wouldn't have mattered how many weapons I carried can't drive & shoot at the same time.


Council Member
Aug 9, 2008
Because it's a sad but necessary part of life.

What a fine example of narrow myopic thought.

I can.

Actually, it is sad but NOT a necessary part of life, except in countries that allow concealed, and automatic assault weapons. The sickest argument against restricting guns down here, is allowing more, automatic, concealed weapons. Somewhat like throwing more addictive substances at the drug problem. Finding alternate solutions to killing others of our species, is neither myoptic nor narrow, quite the opposite.

In my opinion, driving and shooting out a moving car is NOT a laudable talent. Why spend the precious time alotted to one in learning obscure protective (at least I hope they are proctective) actions . Might save a lot more lives, doing what the police services do.........teaching children about respect for other people and the dangers of not doing so.


Electoral Member
Apr 4, 2007
Hither and yon
Switzerland require all males 20 or older to join the militia.
Unless they have medical or mental issues.
It is all part of Switzerlands legally mandated self defence and armed nuetrality policies.
After a bit of training they are sent home with a full auto assault rifle, a machine gun in the slang of the unknowing.
They keep it until around 30 or 35 years of age or until they are no longer eligible to be called up in times of war.
Switzerland estimates there are around 500,000 full auto asault rifles complete with government supplied ammo floating around.
Also a bucketload of 9mm semi automatic military issued handguns.
The population of Switzerland is under 8 million.
Assume 50% female and a whack of kids and teenagers.
Its hard to foresee more than 3 million men over 18 living in Switzerland.
And yet Switzerland reports having 1/2 million full auto assault rifles and a bunch of 9mm automatics floating around in the general population.
Total gun ownership (including the assault rifles) is assumed to be between 1.5 and 3 million weapons, Switzerland really has no clue how many privately owned weapons are out there as they dont really track it and thus the wild 1.5 to 3 million weapon guess.
All seems to work out though.
The Swiss are notoriously honest and law abiding.
Could there be a connection here?
Couldnt be.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
My Gwad and this is the type of person who wants keep access to assault weapons?? How scarey is that!!

It seems to me the more socially advanced we become, the more we should expect our laws and government to reflect that. That is not a bad thing in my opinion.

For thrills try risking money starting a business, or take up sky diving. box, wrestle, etc. The caveman HAD to fight or die and I suspect we would not be around if they did not run often,considering the type of animals they had to contend with. It is disturbing to see these days that the fight reflex is so much more prevelant in some than is the flight reflex. At least with the latter, one does often live to see another day.

You ever meet any of the raving loons that want to seize our rifles?

Oh I forgot you are one.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Idiots. It's kind of like showing incidently who criminals can target safely.
Yep....... A few years ago a neighbour a few doors away had his garage broken into and some stuff stolen...
He noticed that mine has a padlock that is rusted open,(Couldn't even close it if I wanted to it's so rusted....It's on a hasp to just keep the double doors closed)
I told him that in the neighbourhood it's well known that I have guns, I had Ontario Revolver association stickers on my truck, garage and back I asked him.....If you were a young hoolligan which garage would you pick to rob.

I have a sign like this one somewhere in the basement, but always resisted putting it up because I had one OPP friend that might have objected to it when he sometimes came over:lol:



Council Member
Aug 9, 2008
You ever meet any of the raving loons that want to seize our rifles?

Oh I forgot you are one.

No I am not. I do not want to seize your rifles. Talk about paranoid!! Imagine someone, not wanting to buy a handgun at the corner store!! What is about deadly killing machines that fascinates some people??

I am against allowing the freedom to purchase handguns without a great many safeguards being taken, and the purchaser not have a history of being mentally unbalanced. Definitely no access to guns firing multiple bullets a second.

Compare those shot by their own guns to the righteous killings of a criminal by an armed citizen.

There was an armed man very close to the killer who shot Congresswoman Gifford and killed - ?5 or ?8 others ( too many mass killings to remember exactly the death toll in all cases) including a very young girl. He nearly shot the unarmed man who actually took the shooter down. Shooter had a handgun that shot 6 bullets a second.


Ace Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Aether Island
Piers Morgan vs. Alex Jones on gun control: Who won wild debate? (+video) -
From the article; quote:.
Ultraconservative radio talk host Alex Jones appeared on CNN’s “Piers Morgan Tonight” on Monday talking about gun control, although “talking” is a word that might not really describe what went on. Mr. Jones shouted, ranted, and preached in a voice so loud that Rush Limbaugh is a whispering golf announcer by comparison. Jones did everything but wrap himself in an American flag – though he did offer to fight Mr. Morgan while wearing red white and blue trunks.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island

No I am not. I do not want to seize your rifles. Talk about paranoid!! Imagine someone, not wanting to buy a handgun at the corner store!! What is about deadly killing machines that fascinates some people??

I am against allowing the freedom to purchase handguns without a great many safeguards being taken, and the purchaser not have a history of being mentally unbalanced. Definitely no access to guns firing multiple bullets a second.

Compare those shot by their own guns to the righteous killings of a criminal by an armed citizen.

There was an armed man very close to the killer who shot Congresswoman Gifford and killed - ?5 or ?8 others ( too many mass killings to remember exactly the death toll in all cases) including a very young girl. He nearly shot the unarmed man who actually took the shooter down. Shooter had a handgun that shot 6 bullets a second.

Automatic weapons have been prohibited for decades. Did that make the criminals hand in their guns? Hand guns have been registered since the 30s and yet criminals still have unregistered automatic handguns. The only people affected by your draconian laws are the law abiding gun owners. Why do you want to punish them?

Actually that map is not true either. It only shows the ones that were foolish enough to register some/ all of their guns.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Automatic weapons have been prohibited for decades. Did that make the criminals hand in their guns? Hand guns have been registered since the 30s and yet criminals still have unregistered automatic handguns. The only people affected by your draconian laws are the law abiding gun owners. Why do you want to punish them?

Actually that map is not true either. It only shows the ones that were foolish enough to register some/ all of their guns.
I took that map to read that since it was covered in meant that every house in texas has a gun:lol: