Palestinian - Why Mahmoud Abbas’s U.N. statehood bid is great for Israel -- and the U


Ace Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Aether Island
With a population about 68 000, the Marshall Islands, lying between Australia and Hawaii, are like Palau and Nauru in their relationship to the US.
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Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Now that they are a state they can be invaded properly.

Dutch police have arrested three alleged would-be jihadists who were about to leave The Netherlands to go and fight alongside rebels in Syria, the national Prosecutor's Office said Friday.
"Detectives arrested three men on Thursday who apparently planned to travel to Syria to participate in a violent international jihad," it said in a statement.
The three, aged 22, 23 and 33, are "most probably radicalized Muslims", prosecutors said, after an investigation was opened in October following a tip-off by the Dutch secret service.
Police searched two homes and seized knives, a sword and a cross-bow, as well as packed backpacks, farewell letters and a large quantity of jihadist literature.

SourceAgence France Presse


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
Baird and the Harper government are embarrassment to all Canadians:

Mr. Baird called the UN motion “utterly regrettable,” accused the UN of abandoning its “policy and principle” and dropped the veiled threat of unspecified actions Canada might take in response.

“The outstanding issues are too intricate and too complex to be resolved by symbolic, unilateral measures,” Mr. Baird said in his speech.

“The path to peace has historically rested in direct negotiations between the two parties to resolve the outstanding issues and it remains the same today.

Palestinian statehood: Canada one of nine countries to vote against | Canadian Politics | Canada | News | National Post

If decades of "negotiations" were likely to succeed, they would have made some progress by now. Clearly Israel and Palestine will never negotiate an agreement which will satisfy Palestinians legitimate demand for human rights, freedom and justice, while Israel continues ethnically cleanse the remaining fragments of land reserved supposedly for a future Palestinian state, abduct, torture and murder Palestinian civilians and turns the West Bank into a series of giant air prisons to incarcerate Palestinians from the moment they are born until the day they die.

The minister objected strongly to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas's remarks before the UN voted Thursday. "He basically accused the Israelis of some pretty heinous crimes, ethnic cleansing," Baird told CBC...
Canada recalls diplomats after Palestinians win UN vote - Canada - CBC News

Ethnic cleansing? What ethnic cleansing?

In response to UN vote, Israel to approve construction of 3,000 housing units in Jerusalem and West Bank | The Times of Israel

Unlike the majority of the UN, Israel, Canada, and the US do not recognize any Palestinians rights to their homes and property in West Bank, (which Israel calls Samaria... a reference to an ancient Jewish state that once existed for a brief time thousands of years ago). The US and Canada have revealed they stand firmly behind Israel's war crimes and crimes against humanity and support Israel's continued oppression of Palestinians and their drive to cleanse Palestine of Palestinians.

BTW, its a myth that Israel would stop committing war crimes or crimes against humanity if Palestinians acted non-violently. The Palestinian authority hasn't acted violently against Israel for over a decade. They even cooperate with Israel and arrest Palestinians for the Israelis to torture and murder. Yet Israel continues to ethnically cleanse the West Bank at an ever accelerating rate as per today's announcement above.

Meanwhile Gaza which unlike the West Bank, violently resists Israel has forced Israel to withdraw their colonies. Israel has turned Gaza into a giant prison, but they cannot abduct and torture Gazan civilians at will like they currently do now in the West Bank.

Now that Palestine is a UN recognized State, they can demand that the International Criminal Court uphold international laws and take punitive actions against Israeli war criminals. If the State of Israel continues to ignore international laws, treaties and conventions that the State of Palestine ratifies, then the State of Palestine can force the UN vote to impose punitive measures against Israel as per those treaties.
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Kathie Bondar

Kathie Bondar
May 11, 2010
Calgary, Alberta
I agree with the OP and Goober that this is an opportunity. But when you take into account reality and who the players are... Palestinians have no hope of ever getting justice or their freedom.

Israel intends to keep taking land from Palestinians. In order to keep expanding their Jewish only colonies in the West Bank, they can't have defined borders with a Palestinian state.

Barach Obama is dripping blood already, why would one think he would stop now? Maybe the Nobel Prize Commission should pin a second Nobel Peace on him, after all he got the first one for doing nothing.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Baird and the Harper government are embarrassment to all Canadians:

Mr. Baird called the UN motion “utterly regrettable,” accused the UN of abandoning its “policy and principle” and dropped the veiled threat of unspecified actions Canada might take in response.

“The outstanding issues are too intricate and too complex to be resolved by symbolic, unilateral measures,” Mr. Baird said in his speech.

“The path to peace has historically rested in direct negotiations between the two parties to resolve the outstanding issues and it remains the same today.
WTF has he got for ammo? How about a hard-copy of all the treaty court cases over the last 150 years just to show that peace means **** all where there is a different agenda on the table. Break the document as soon as it is signed and if a when it ever gets to court make it extremely expensive and take as long as you can do make a decision that will usually support the treaty writer and not the one who was given no disclosure on what all the fine-print meant before they agreed to signing it. I wonder how much $$ he got for saying that?

Barach Obama is dripping blood already, why would one think he would stop now? Maybe the Nobel Prize Commission should pin a second Nobel Peace on him, after all he got the first one for doing nothing.
I think the secret service would be doing the pinning on part. Perhaps the voodoo isle has what you are looking for.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
I'm surprised the 'usual suspects' didn't create 200 more nations just to get the right vote outcome. Kind of like Quebec bringing in ousiders ti the could stay as part of Canada. If the people only knew back the what they ..............


Electoral Member
Jul 5, 2011
A few wishy washy nations in there it seems, no big surprise. and not all Nations would vote the same today in a secret vote

UN 181 In favour: 33

Australia, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Byelorussian S.S.R., Canada, Costa Rica, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, France, Guatemala, Haiti, Iceland, Liberia, Luxemburg, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Norway, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Sweden, Ukrainian S.S.R., Union of South Africa, U.S.A., U.S.S.R., Uruguay, Venezuela.

Here I though being 1/10 the population of any foe is what made us into a lap-dog, for being independent we sure don't ignore the phone when we know the Queen is on the other end. (even knowing they have handlers themselves)

The First Nations, Gaza and the West Bank are the ones who never became lap-dogs.

The First Nations? You're chitting me! You've obviously never read the history of Joseph Brant.

The very first phone call the first nations make when they're po'd at the Canadian Fed's is to Her Highness with an expectation she will intercede on their behalf; the next phone call goes to the U.N. human rights tribunal..

First Nations are not only the worst among a large group of lap-dogs; they have perfected it to a higher art from.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
The First Nations? You're chitting me! You've obviously never read the history of Joseph Brant.

First Nations are not only the worst among a large group of lap-dogs; they have perfected it to a higher art from.
Come on, the Mayor of the city of London is a lapdog himself. The ones moving freight had to get their lap-dog specs put down in writing so they had something to wave in front when facing uncontrolled wrath This is the hands free version.

General George Custer 7th US Cavalry ~ Song "Comanche" - YouTube


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
A good reason why Harper didn't approve of Palestine. Not US pressure. Not Heeb pressure, but supporting them and not Quebec independance would have started a royal **** fight of epic proportion.

That's just my 2 cents + GST


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
More likely the Harper government's position on Israel is influenced by individual Zionists and Zionist groups with power and money:

The Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs

The Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs is a non-partisan organization creating and implementing strategies to improve the quality of Jewish life in Canada and abroad, increase support for Israel, and strengthen the Canada-Israel relationship.

About Us | The Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs

...The leadership of JDL thought that the leadership of the Jewish Institutions would change their ways, and would do everything in their power to bring the young generation of Jews back to where they belong. They did not. In fact the deterioration has escalated to where assimilation is at an all time high and shows no signs of slowing down. The rate of inter-marriage has never been higher....

...The time has come for ALL JEWS to know and understand that they, their children and their grandchildren have become legitimate targets to be “wiped off the face of this earth”. The time has come when Jews have to realize that we are in a war of survival on a much grander scale than that which the Nazi’s proposed – the annihilation of European Jewry. Each one of us had to stand and declare himself and herself ready.

JDL’s goal today is to mobilize all Jews and Jewish Organizations to unify and speak with one voice


Zionist groups and organizations in Canada donate money to political parties and vote as a block.... and as a result influence election outcomes.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
Why should Palestinians have any rights? Their ancestors lost their right to the land when they decided to convert to Islam, just as those who remained Jewish or converted to the Jewish Faith maintained or gained it. Case closed.

Never mind, I'm just trolling on this post.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
The purpose of this thread was to have a somewhat reasonable discussion. Not to pillory Israel or the Palestinians.

So how does the PA deal with Hamas if a deal is reached.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
So how does the PA deal with Hamas if a deal is reached.

That's the easy part; 2 options really:

  1. Keep reelecting Hamas under the guise of a democratic process and despite it being contrary to the best interests of the PA; lean on the 'democratic process' as the excuse (kinda like Quebec and separation).
  2. The PA can wring their hands and rail to the heavens every time that missiles are lobbed into Israel - while secretly being highly satisfied with the result.

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
From the Isrealie perspective, why would they agree to negotiations unless the Palestinians actually were to agree to anything. They've already tried mulitple times to no affect. They gave up Gaza in hopes it would bring peace. That really succeeded didn't it? Abbas may be an honerable man, but he is the lone wolf so to speak. Hamas has no intention of agreeing to ANYTHING without completely destroying Israel. Until the Palestinians themselves are made aware of what is happening and revolt (not unlike Egypt), nothing will change and there is nothing that Isreal can do to make things better. It takes two to tangle and it seems the world wants Isreal to give everything and the Palestinians nothing. Not gonna happen.



Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
From the Isrealie perspective, why would they agree to negotiations unless the Palestinians actually were to agree to anything. They've already tried mulitple times to no affect. They gave up Gaza in hopes it would bring peace. That really succeeded didn't it? Abbas may be an honerable man, but he is the lone wolf so to speak. Hamas has no intention of agreeing to ANYTHING without completely destroying Israel. Until the Palestinians themselves are made aware of what is happening and revolt (not unlike Egypt), nothing will change and there is nothing that Isreal can do to make things better. It takes two to tangle and it seems the world wants Isreal to give everything and the Palestinians nothing. Not gonna happen.


As for Hamas, that's a different matter. As for giving up Gaza though, that's like the Uk giving Hong Kong back to China, or more like giving part of it back.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
From the Isrealie perspective, why would they agree to negotiations unless the Palestinians actually were to agree to anything.
Good point, there are no records showing they voted on and agreed to any part of UN 181 and I'm pretty sure some of the 33 that voted yes to that can be water-boarded into admitting they were 'coached' making the original vote worth nothing because it was not the wishes of the locals that was being served. Or would the US like so see their vacant lands given to others that would come in mass numbers despite the cares and concerns of the locals. Had the proposal been for the right of Jews to assemble there for religious purposes while having their personal homes in the Gentile world. There is also the issue of Gentiles and Jews and how close they are, Christians who believe in Christ, as promoted in the NT, have been gathered to God through the writings of Jewish men, making us their children according to OT law.
They've already tried mulitple times to no affect. They gave up Gaza in hopes it would bring peace.
I want to make sure we are both looking at the same picture. From 1967 - 1988 Gaza was under occupation by the IDF in a 'brutal fashion' and you are disappointed that they are not showering the IDF with flowers for that exit move that could only have come from deep in the heart? At the same time material goods allowed in was done by two lists, one given to the outside world and the other that is a long way down the path to action done in war-time that are still being compensated for today. By giving up you are admitting that Israel had full possession of Gaza at that time, .... right? You are probably going by the media material from before 1970 if you thing the 1967 War was as noble as Israel fed the media. How noble is it to have an attack plan in print and being practiced in earnest until the required tasks are done to perfection and then mysteriously the exact thing they were trained for just happens to present itself as a target and the only option is 'to wipe it out' in the exact way the two years of practice were done. That **** was accepted then and it still is today unless you consider what is available today. Take that very same pattern and that is a standard Israeli tactic. In 1947 they had no qualms about killing many innocents in the King David Hotel incident, in the last few incidents false-flag incidents are so fine tuned they can wound rather than kill (fellow Jews that is)

That really succeeded didn't it?
You seem to be advocating that Gaza should have been under Military occupation for 40 years instead of the 20 they were actually under. How much use is giving the land back when the tools to work the land are withheld to the extent the stone-age people had freeer access to tools and food an ..... a lot of things. Si in 20 years of IDF rule it never occurred to ant Jews in charge that they might be doing the wrong thing? The RCC and the Indian schools are not mentioned in Israel are they? ( a real link please)

Abbas may be an honerable man, but he is the lone wolf so to speak. Hamas has no intention of agreeing to ANYTHING without completely destroying Israel.
Who broke most (all actually) of the treaties between the white man and the (beaten) Indians? (history really does repeat itself when nothing changes)
If there was any hint of revolt was death in many numbers the usual reply by the same ones who wrote the treaties?

Until the Palestinians themselves are made aware of what is happening and revolt (not unlike Egypt), nothing will change and there is nothing that Isreal can do to make things better.
How fast are they supposed to be in that area when the IDF bombs schools and targets for assassination anybody with a task having more authority than a crossing guard. (such as the US did to the Northern Alliance before the cash started to flow, get rid of the moral leader). How about Canada put up some job openings just on the Rez for card carrying members only the education it takes to become at least a legal-aid and more full lawyers that specialize in getting the wording in the coming treaties down right before they are signed. At the same time that means they all need diplomatic passports and when they travel family members can go along. Lets try that kind of education before we start having Gaza get into something that is in court for the next 100 years. If Gaza has it so good send lots of them on a world cruise so they can see it for themselves, how hard is that to figure out. In the meantime they have every right to try and get the right to return implemented and that automatically sets the border back to Nov 1947.

It takes two to tangle and it seems the world wants Isreal to give everything and the Palestinians nothing. Not gonna happen.
That's right, however it is not a fair tangle when the one opponent has one hand tied behind their back all the time, If Israel went through a 'cast lead' the people would have demanded a surrender.

Do you have your eyes-wide shut about 1967?