So, What's Your Perspectrum Of Canada? About/For Anything Canadian.


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
But he's still got a ways to go to match the wisdom of the likes of Teddy and Cannuck. :lol: (I predict you might see a couple of "reddies" by this post in the next 10 minutes)

Then I'll give you a greenie to start you off and check back later. ;)


Nominee Member
Oct 19, 2012
Biloxi, MS
Wow.... you really don't know squat about Canada. You'd be better off just reading and not posting anything.

So, your father and brother were in Vietnam eh? Do you have a big party on the anniversary of My Lai?

No My brother served two tours in the Navy there, My father was a forward air controller flying an O1E Bird Dog, He never celebrated or talked about it his medals rotted out in the garage. I know in a country as large and diverse as Canada you must represent a small minority with your rudness and lack of hospitality. It is a fact that many draft dodgers did flee to Canada, leftists and hippie types who were probably pot smokers. We are well rid of some of them. There are atrocities in all wars on both sides, the vietcong skinned people alive on occasion for collaborating with us. You are giving someone who is interested in learning about and communicating with Canadians a bad impression of at least a certain percentage of the people who live in Canada. I am sure there are many who are from the center and more on the conservative side who are much more tolerant and have manners as well as a sense of humor. What is wrong with having a conversation and telling me something about your wonderful country instead of hurling insults from a political perspective? Being nice doesn't cost anything even if you agree to disagree with me about politics - eh?
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
TaxSlave; You say "Canada is being overrun by people who are against work"...

Who are these people?...
Perhaps People aren't against working, as much as they are sick are tired of working for nothing(which ammounts to a form of slavery)...While a wealthy, seemingly privileged few, reap an ever increasing, over abundance, of rewards off the backs of hard working "labourers".

Where do you see Canada heading in the future?..
Keeping in mind we are in "Post" industrial times..

Peaches; Who is this " socialist ", and these "commie loving hangers on" you refer to?...Harper?...Mcquinty and fellow liberals.?


How would YOU change Canada for the betterment of All?..What is your Perspectrum ?

That is a large part of the problem. You and the citiots that are working hard to destroy the economy might be in post industrial times but the people that work for a living and actually produce goods are still involved in industry. Look where the good wages are. Resource industries and some manufacturing. Serving fries and fancy coffees to each other produces nothing and the pay is commensurate.

SO you view us as a colony of england?

No My brother served two tours in the Navy there, My father was a forward air controller flying an O1E Bird Dog, He never celebrated or talked about it his medals rotted out in the garage. I know in a country as large and diverse as Canada you must represent a small minority with your rudness and lack of hospitality. It is a fact that many draft dodgers did flee to Canada, leftists and hippie types who were probably pot smokers. We are well rid of some of them. There are atrocities in all wars on both sides, the vietcong skinned people alive on occasion for collaborating with us. You are giving someone who is interested in learning about and communicating with Canadians a bad impression of at least a certain percentage of the people who live in Canada. I am sure there are many who are from the center and more on the conservative side who are much more tolerant and have manners as well as a sense of humor. What is wrong with having a conversation and telling me something about your wonderful country instead of hurling insults from a political perspective? Being nice doesn't cost anything even if you agree to disagree with me about politics - eh?

We OTH were quite happy to get citizens that are not interested in killing someone just because they have a different skin color. It is people like you we do not want. How much cheap whiskey do you gulp before you make negative comments about people that smoke pot?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
That is a large part of the problem. You and the citiots that are working hard to destroy the economy might be in post industrial times but the people that work for a living and actually produce goods are still involved in industry. Look where the good wages are. Resource industries and some manufacturing. Serving fries and fancy coffees to each other produces nothing and the pay is commensurate.

I'll repeat what I've said before..........."to generate money you generally have to kill something or mine something"


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
You are giving someone who is interested in learning about and communicating with Canadians a bad impression of at least a certain percentage of the people who live in Canada.

Who are you referring to that is interested in learning about and communicating with Canadians? It certainly isn't you, is it a friend of yours? Why not invite him to come on here?


Nominee Member
Oct 19, 2012
Biloxi, MS
That is a large part of the problem. You and the citiots that are working hard to destroy the economy might be in post industrial times but the people that work for a living and actually produce goods are still involved in industry. Look where the good wages are. Resource industries and some manufacturing. Serving fries and fancy coffees to each other produces nothing and the pay is commensurate.

SO you view us as a colony of england?

We OTH were quite happy to get citizens that are not interested in killing someone just because they have a different skin color. It is people like you we do not want. How much cheap whiskey do you gulp before you make negative comments about people that smoke pot?

Whisky is a poison, all alcohol is, it is also loaded with calories but I do enjoy a Miller Genuine Draft after mowing the lawn on a hot day. The colony of england is nothing I raised, but no I don't but the US cut ALL ties to England though we are now close allies.

Who are you referring to that is interested in learning about and communicating with Canadians? It certainly isn't you, is it a friend of yours? Why not invite him to come on here?

Look, I am sorry to have offended you purely because you do not agree with my politics. I will stop hurling items if you will. I am interested really. You do have a beautiful country what point is there is personal attacks. Anticipating your next insult I will be what every you tell me that I am. Why is this site open to people from outside your country if all you can do is attack them because you disagree. Perhaps like that skit on Monty Python this is the office to enter when to have an argument - funny skit but it does not foster communication. I have learned that there are many people who simply wish to argue. Seems many on this site are like that - are they? If so I will make you happy and leave then you can chase your tails and preach to the choir in one sided political agreement instead of finding some common ground and bipartisan ship reaching across the isle to find some common agreement on some issues? If Canada is in trouble and needs improving perhaps that is one of many reasons - we are currently facing that in the United states but will overcome IF the right people are elected. In our country having full control of the presidency, Senate, and congress then locking the other party out of all negotiations until their plan was completed then shoving suggestions aside with quips like "WE WON" sit down and shut up it is our way but the highway is a dictatorship - it can and will tear a country apart. I suppose I will anticipating deleting this site with an overall bad impression of Canadians - at least those on the left side of the spectrum, this must be a leftist site so so long in advance. I will wait for the insult but will delete after reading and never return, I will imagin your high fiving with the other statists. Nah I'm outta here I won't give you the pleasure of further insulting me.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
Look, I am sorry to have offended you purely because you do not agree with my politics. I will stop hurling items if you will. I am interested really. You do have a beautiful country what point is there is personal attacks.

I suggest you go back and read your previous posts, if you're looking for insults. Think carefully about what you wrote. If you are interested, you have a strange way of showing it.


House Member
Apr 16, 2008
Here's something positive about Canadians ..We tend to know a lot more about other countries, than other countries know about us..Comes in handy ..

I still haven't heard anything about Canada...

No one has any perspectrum at all?

I was hoping to have a discussion about Canada.

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
What's your Perspectrum Of Canada ?
Constantly changing.

What would be your perfect Canada?..
A lot fewer idiots and a lot less politics.

What Do You like?
At the moment, lunch.

What Would You Change?
Whatever needs it.

See my reply to your 2nd question.

See my reply to your 2nd question.

I like living where I am. It just happens to be my favorite spot in Canuckville despite all the peripheral crap that Canada is about.


House Member
Apr 16, 2008

Should Harper be making a one sided deal with China?

XL Pipeline a Good idea?

In your opinion, who is the hardest working politician? Most favourable politician? Worst Politician?

What is something positive about Canada?

What would you change about Canada?

Are there too many political Parties in Canada?

Will Trudeau be the next Liberal Leader/P.M.?

Should McQuinty Run for Federal Liberal Leader?

I know where I stand, as a Canadian Citizen, and Why..

- My Personal Preference

- I could settle for this Canada; with proportional representation(PR)

Some examples..

I am an Environmentally Minded Social Conservative.. A Proud Canadian.. :)

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the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia

Should Harper be making a one sided deal with China?
Harper should frack off and Canada should cut all the deals with China that we can. China has real money and gold and good business sense.

XL Pipeline a Good idea?

In your opinion, who is the hardest working politician? Most favourable politician? Worst Politician?
Your trick question designed to infer working politicians really exist.

What is something positive about Canada?
We are not as broke as Uncle Sam.

What would you change about Canada?
A super heavily militarized border complete with hidden maple syrup and sand traps big enough to swallow Ahbrams MK5 tanks.

Are there too many political Parties in Canada?

Will Trudeau be the next Liberal Leader/P.M.?

Should McQuinty Run for Federal Liberal Leader?
Another one won't hurt I suppose

I am an Environmentally Minded Social Conservative..:)
So was Hitler.



House Member
Apr 16, 2008
Harper should frack off and Canada should cut all the deals with China that we can. China has real money and gold and good business sense.

China has a lot to offer Canada , but I don't see how this deal will help Canada/Canadians?..Except Perhaps by opening the door to more business ..Harper needs to state to Canadians what's in it for us..Many oil deals, yet oil/gas prices keep going up..Canadians continue to get gouged.. I don't call that progress..Only few ever seem to profit..

Your trick question designed to infer working politicians really exist.

Was a Bit of a trick question - Believe it or not there are a few hard working/quality/caring, Politicians .. Elizabeth May being 1. Canada could use more politicians like her ;):)

We are not as broke as Uncle Sam.


A super heavily militarized border complete with hidden maple syrup and sand traps big enough to swallow Ahbrams MK5 tanks.


So was Hitler.

Comparing me to hitler ? Unfair ..Considering I believe in democracy..And peace, for starters...In the end I am probably the farthest from being anything like Hitler..

Anyway ..Other Than that ..Thanks for your comments/input ...
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House Member
Apr 16, 2008
A lot fewer idiots and a lot less politics.

I would agree we need less politics... In my opinion there are too many political parties/Canada is too political/There are too many unproductive/self serving politicians...

( Although I would probably support PR - Would be more representative of Canadians than the current chaotic system.Current System Is unproductive, and does not represent true Canadian Values..Money Talks..The Rest Walk )

The Left must merge..Orange is too close to red..One and the same..NDP are just liberal "lite"

If we lived in a world free of curruption/self interest/Greed ..etc. ..Perhaps 1 central, Liberal party could work ..But we don't live in a perfect world..Absolute power corrupts, and therefore two parties are necessary..
..Green and Blue...( Vancouver Canuck Colours; L.Gilbert ) :)
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the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
China has a lot to offer Canada , but I don't see how this deal will help Canada/Canadians?..Except Perhaps by opening the door to more business ..Harper needs to state to Canadians what's in it for us..Many oil deals, yet oil/gas prices keep going up..Canadians continue to get gouged.. I don't call that progress..Only few ever seem to profit..

Was a Bit of a trick question - Believe it or not there are a few hard working/quality/caring, Politicians .. Elizabeth May being 1. Canada could use more politicians like her ;):)



Comparing me to hitler ? Unfair ..Considering I believe in democracy..And peace, for starters...In the end I am probably the farthest from being anything like Hitler..

Anyway ..Other Than that ..Thanks for your comments/input ...
Hitler was up for peace as well. I never actually met Hitler actually. I was tending to bend your way until you made the unfortunate indigestion noise Elizabeth May. What in hell do you think she will do for Canada? She's a professionally greenwashed adherent to the globalist agenda who would gladly have us pay the insane carbon taxes. As far as I know she's saved not so much as one bunny. I thought the Hitler thing was pretty funny. I didn't mean to offend. He's dead you know.


House Member
Apr 16, 2008
Sorry, allow me to clarify. Here's Canada Now ..In my Personal View..(Perspectrum)


Good 1, In between man..

Your Perspectrum of Canada is very colourful...


Hitler was up for peace as well. I never actually met Hitler actually. I was tending to bend your way until you made the unfortunate indigestion noise Elizabeth May. What in hell do you think she will do for Canada? She's a professionally greenwashed adherent to the globalist agenda who would gladly have us pay the insane carbon taxes. As far as I know she's saved not so much as one bunny. I thought the Hitler thing was pretty funny. I didn't mean to offend. He's dead you know.

Elizabeth May is a very Trust Worthy Politician( That would be an oxymoron if it wasn't for the too few good politicians like Ms.May ).She has worked very hard to get where she is...Becoming the First Federally elected Green Party Leader..Quite an achievement.
Seems like Every-time I skim Cpac, Or virtually attend a committee meeting, she is in attendance taking notes and giving her piece/peace.
She is a very involved Lady, of Whom I have had the privilege of meeting during my days in the Green Party(while learning the gist of politics)..The Country needs more Politicians like her..

Her main issue, right now, is this China Deal Harper will probably sign off on...Lady May wants to ensure the deal is good for Canada/Canadians...An issue that could have a huge(negative)impact on Canada's social/economic future for generations to come..Canada/Canadians need to know what this deal will mean for Canada..Elizabeth; speaking on behalf of concerned Canadians, has raised legitimate concerns..

One of my own concerns about this China deal is with wages and labour...I am not a great supporter of oil and the mindless, wasteful, reckless reaping of non-renewable resources, that all too often, comes along with such industries. However,... Oil companies do tend to pay well...
My concern with this china deal, is that once Canada(Harper Gov.) begins to open the door to China (and other/Powerful/"communistic"/"Republican"/"Capitalistic" countries) Oil Labourers wages will begin to fall, along with 1st world living standards, in an attempt to compete with China's industrial business sense(low wage slavery), and Migrant workers will be called in at lower wages( which in turn are higher wages to Chinese workers)....ultimately leading the way to a lower standard of living and collapse of competeing markets.While Gas and Oil prices Canadians Pay will likely continue to rise..

Just 1 concern I have ..;)

Harper needs to reassure Canadians that this deal is good for Canada and Canadians...Ms.May will make sure these and other Canadian Concerns are confronted..

China and other Countries may have a lot to offer Canada ...But Canadians need to know what those benefits are..

You got me rantin' Dark Beaver ...Way to go ....Just take it as retaliation for your tasteless Hitler Comment.:)


Why would Capitalistic Marketeers want to invest in a country; like China(Sorry China; No Offense Eh), if it will be at their own countries peril ?
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