So, What's Your Perspectrum Of Canada? About/For Anything Canadian.


House Member
Apr 16, 2008
What's Your Perspectrum Of Canada?....

A Thread About/For Anything Canadian...

Urban Dictionary: Perspectrum

The Urban Word - Perspectrum - The Spectrum of Perception..

" To understand what was going on in the world, Vin needed to imagine the whole perspectrum of humanity."

"I don't believe in keeping beliefs", said Cortexelus, "I rather take in the perspectrum of things"

My sentence using the Urban word, Perspectrum? ..Ur Perspectrum of Canada is Spectacolour!:)


Here's some of my Perspectrums(Perspectrals?) of Canada using Canadian Flags...

- Here's Canada Now ..In my Personal View..(Perspectrum)

- Here's my own Personal Preference

- This Would be an acceptable Canada..

- I'd Settle for this Canada..:)

I call this one The " 80's Sport Sock " Canadian Flag...Posted for no particular reason at all..

So which one do you prefer?...If any..

Perhaps this one ...The tryed and tested

True Canadian Flag ...

What's your Perspectrum Of Canada ?

What would be your perfect Canada?..

What Do You like?

What Would You Change?



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Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
Canada is dysfunctional and personally I like it that way it keeps things interesting.
I wouldn't change much because that wouldn't be Canadian. I would change the
present government though but to what I don't know that is also Canadian. We do
not elect governments we throw them out that is Canadian. Preference, well a
preference is what you are used to and when Canadians get used to something they
discard it for something else until they become used to that. it is changing something
without changing anything really.
That is Canada. We fight each other all the time until someone from the outside
is critical of us then we all attack them drown the outsiders out and go back to our
original bickering with each other. Aren't we wonderful?


Nominee Member
Oct 19, 2012
Biloxi, MS
I like the current canadian flag, I own stock in PGH and receive a distribution each month. I remember watching Sgt ? of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police with his sled dog in the early 60's and ...AND!!!!!

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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Canada is being overrun by people that are against work and anything that might create good paying jobs outside of the government.


Nominee Member
Oct 19, 2012
Biloxi, MS
It looks like we are about to run our socialist and his commie loving hangers on out of town on a rail. It would be wonderful if they were stripped, tied to it, were doused in hot tar and covered in chicken feathers - that's the American way!


House Member
Apr 16, 2008
TaxSlave; You say "Canada is being overrun by people who are against work"...

Who are these people?...
Perhaps People aren't against working, as much as they are sick are tired of working for nothing(which ammounts to a form of slavery)...While a wealthy, seemingly privileged few, reap an ever increasing, over abundance, of rewards off the backs of hard working "labourers".

Where do you see Canada heading in the future?..
Keeping in mind we are in "Post" industrial times..

Peaches; Who is this " socialist ", and these "commie loving hangers on" you refer to?...Harper?...Mcquinty and fellow liberals.?


How would YOU change Canada for the betterment of All?..What is your Perspectrum ?
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Nominee Member
Oct 19, 2012
Biloxi, MS
Peaches; Who is this " socialist ", and these "commie loving hangers on" you refer to?...Harper?...Mcquinty and fellow liberals.?


How would YOU change Canada for the betterment of All?..What is your Perspectrum ?[/QUOTE]

Alright sick fish, I was just messing around must have forgotten y'all are talking about Canada - leaping from tree to tree! My best girl by my side...I'm a Lumberjack and I'm ok...etc. I did hear Canada's economy has improved by cutting back to 11% on social welfare programs and pushing more free market capitalism. Beyond that I am ignorant on Canada because I live on the Gulf Coast hahaha I have an excuse. No I was talking about Obama.


Nominee Member
Oct 19, 2012
Biloxi, MS

I gather you live your life based on the old adage "ignorance is bliss".

In truth I do not live anywhere near Canada, Chicago when I was 4 is as far north as I have ever been. Conosco mas sobre Mexico, lo siento. I suppose were I to travel through your beautiful country I would learn more about it but I think I would freeze because I think temperatures in the 50's are rather cold. Why should I have an in depth knowledge of Canada anyway? We share a long border and are friends and traiding partners. You have french seperatists in Quebec, Parts of your country is like the American west - cattle, horses, cowboys and indians. You have lovely fishing communities on the east and west coast, and further north it is more like Alaska with inuits, permafrost. You have oil and gas fields, tar sands. and large cities. You have limits on freedom of speech like the USSR, and a somewhat left of center quasi socialist government. What more do I really need to know? I'm retired and takng care of my wife and raising my teens by myself. Yes I am largely ignorant about Canada I will confess. Perhaps I will learn something on this site but one thing I am learning is that you have no sense of humor and are really not too friendly it seems. Are you one of those expatriots who evaded the draft in Vietnam? My father and brother fought there but I was just a kid, though I did deploy to Saudi Arabia - I still hold a license as an RN and a certification as a Diabetic Educator with 20years experience in the Military. and I do hold a Master's degree in Adult Health. Hey it says to refrain from personal attacks, I suppose It is ok to defend myself.

I have an idea on how to improve canada, impose a $5.50 tax on Americans entering Canada by boat or car until Romney wins and repeals it. What about the Travel bureau sending some commercials our way with beautiful cinimatography of your most scenic spots with some brief snippits of what Canada has to offer visitors , canadian musical artists I am purchasing Loreena Mckennitt albums, She's from Canada - beautiful music. Did not much care for the mannish gal singer from out west though - somehow I get the same feeling about Wayne Newton when I see her.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
In truth I do not live anywhere near Canada, Chicago when I was 4 is as far north as I have ever been. Conosco mas sobre Mexico, lo siento. I suppose were I to travel through your beautiful country I would learn more about it but I think I would freeze because I think temperatures in the 50's are rather cold. Why should I have an in depth knowledge of Canada anyway? We share a long border and are friends and traiding partners. You have french seperatists in Quebec, Parts of your country is like the American west - cattle, horses, cowboys and indians. You have lovely fishing communities on the east and west coast, and further north it is more like Alaska with inuits, permafrost. You have oil and gas fields, tar sands. and large cities. You have limits on freedom of speech like the USSR, and a somewhat left of center quasi socialist government. What more do I really need to know? I'm retired and takng care of my wife and raising my teens by myself. Yes I am largely ignorant about Canada I will confess. Perhaps I will learn something on this site but one thing I am learning is that you have no sense of humor and are really not too friendly it seems. Are you one of those expatriots who evaded the draft in Vietnam? My father and brother fought there but I was just a kid, though I did deploy to Saudi Arabia - I still hold a license as an RN and a certification as a Diabetic Educator with 20years experience in the Military. and I do hold a Master's degree in Adult Health. Hey it says to refrain from personal attacks, I suppose It is ok to defend myself.

I have an idea on how to improve canada, impose a $5.50 tax on Americans entering Canada by boat or car until Romney wins and repeals it. What about the Travel bureau sending some commercials our way with beautiful cinimatography of your most scenic spots with some brief snippits of what Canada has to offer visitors , canadian musical artists I am purchasing Loreena Mckennitt albums, She's from Canada - beautiful music. Did not much care for the mannish gal singer from out west though - somehow I get the same feeling about Wayne Newton when I see her.

Your point being...........................................


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
In truth I do not live anywhere near Canada, Chicago when I was 4 is as far north as I have ever been. Conosco mas sobre Mexico, lo siento. I suppose were I to travel through your beautiful country I would learn more about it but I think I would freeze because I think temperatures in the 50's are rather cold. Why should I have an in depth knowledge of Canada anyway? We share a long border and are friends and traiding partners. You have french seperatists in Quebec, Parts of your country is like the American west - cattle, horses, cowboys and indians. You have lovely fishing communities on the east and west coast, and further north it is more like Alaska with inuits, permafrost. You have oil and gas fields, tar sands. and large cities. You have limits on freedom of speech like the USSR, and a somewhat left of center quasi socialist government. What more do I really need to know? I'm retired and takng care of my wife and raising my teens by myself. Yes I am largely ignorant about Canada I will confess. Perhaps I will learn something on this site but one thing I am learning is that you have no sense of humor and are really not too friendly it seems. Are you one of those expatriots who evaded the draft in Vietnam? My father and brother fought there but I was just a kid, though I did deploy to Saudi Arabia - I still hold a license as an RN and a certification as a Diabetic Educator with 20years experience in the Military. and I do hold a Master's degree in Adult Health. Hey it says to refrain from personal attacks, I suppose It is ok to defend myself.

Wow.... you really don't know squat about Canada. You'd be better off just reading and not posting anything.

So, your father and brother were in Vietnam eh? Do you have a big party on the anniversary of My Lai?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Maybe because you're posting on a Canadian forum, in a thread about Canada no less? Just a thought.

No kidding, generally when someone comments on a topic you can take it for granted they know something about it. :lol::lol: :lol:


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
No kidding, generally when someone comments on a topic you can take it for granted they know something about it. :lol::lol: :lol:

ROFL. Have you read a lot of the comments around here??? Not only does everyone know what they're talking about, many of them claim to multiple experts in multiple areas, LOL. Not everyone, but many. :)

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
ROFL. Have you read a lot of the comments around here??? Not only does everyone know what they're talking about, many of them claim to multiple experts in multiple areas, LOL. Not everyone, but many. :)

As an expert on most topics, I can easily support your theory.

I'm available for expert testimony if need be