US VP Debates -A**** Kickin


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
Without knowing much about either person in the VP debate, and
without a vested interest in it....I've come to the following conclusion.

Ryan come across as polite, and try'n to state things that he rarely
gets to explain as he's continually cut off by Joe.

Joe comes across to me as a loudmouth arrogant blowhard with

little to no manners.

Just the way I'm seeing it so far. Ryan comes across as someone
I wouldn't mind sitting down with over a coffee or a beer, and Joe
would be the guy I get up and walk away from once he started being
an arse.

That's all I saw too.

Both repeated party talking points.

Biden almost sounded like he'd had a few drinks early on.

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Keep Calm and Carry On
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
VP Post Debate Polls: 56 Percent Say Paul Ryan Won Vice Presidential Debate

Joe Biden was not fooling around tonight. The vice president brought the smack-down to the VP debate in Kentucky and put Congressman Paul Ryan squarely on the defensive. While some outlets are calling tonight’s display a draw, or even a Paul Ryan win, to Democrats it reads loud and clear that Biden brought all that was missing from Obama’s performance last week: passion, vigor, and vision. Biden hit the debate floor without a moment of hesitation; Ryan came in looking like exactly what he is, a newbie.

Already, eager internet searchers are wondering what happened to the polls over this 90-minute battle. Did Biden win the hearts of the waffling independents or did he, as Nicholas Kristof tweeted, make those “middle of-the-road voters” cry rude.

Prior to the debate, CNN polling showed that despite Biden’s experience-edge, CNN polling showed that 55% of respondents expected Ryan to win the debate. After the 90-minute showdown it definitely feels like those respondents were wrong, though polling numbers are surprisingly calling this a much closer battle.

The debate show-cased an extreme difference in ideology between the two candidates on issues ranging from foreign policy to abortion. If viewers were looking for a clear choice between party platforms, they were given one tonight. Peter Baker of the New York Times tweeted, “Suspect this will be remembered as the Biden debate – either you loved his feistiness or hated his dismissiveness but it’s all about Joe.”

As the poll numbers trickle in from the evening, it is clear that some viewers were off put by that Biden feist. CNBC is reporting that Ryan crushes Biden by 20 points; 56% believed Ryan won to Biden's 36%.

If these numbers are accurate, then the evening might not be the game changer that immediate social media reactions made it seem to be.

more: Vice President Debate poll numbers are in. RYAN beat Biden in all 4 polls(CNN, NBC, CNBC, and a Danville newspaper) Is Ryan's win and Biden's rude behavior during the debate more bad news for Obama?


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006

Vice President Joe Biden and Paul Ryan square off in Thursday night's debate.

Whether you'd call it a smirk, a smile, a gentle curve of the mouth, a chuckle or a full-blown laugh, Vice President Biden appeared to be doing a lot of it during Thursday night's campaign debate with Republican vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan, and people noticed.

No matter whether the two contenders sparred over borrowing from China, Medicare, unemployment in Scranton, Pa., or the economy during Thursday night's campaign debate, Biden often appeared to grin.

The Twitterverse responded.

About 20 minutes into the debate, a Twitter account called @LaughinJoeBiden emerged, spotlighting a photo of the vice president showing his teeth, and the account occasionally sent out images of Biden in various stages of smiling during the verbal contest. Tweets took on a general theme: "heh," "looooooooool," "lolollllolll," and the succinct ":D." After the debate, the account had more than 7,500 followers.
Biden's frequent smiles during debate ignite Twitter | Politics/Election 2012 | Detroit Free Press |

Laugh-in star Ruth Buzzi: "This morning by 10:00 AM, Joe Biden has to return those teeth to The Joker."


Electoral Member
Jun 13, 2006
The polls seem to differ. Some sat that Biden won by a big margin, while others say that Ryan eked out a victory.
I lean left, but I'll admit that Ryan's general demeanor was more respectful, and courteous.

When I first turned it on, I heard Ryan talking about funding a 20% tax cut across the board by eliminating loopholes, and I understood why Biden was laughing. But then he continued to laugh throughout the debate at everything Ryan said, and I felt he went a bit overboard on it.

He should have only laughed/mocked a couple key areas to make it seem genuine. The overuse of it, made it feel like a gimmick.


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
I didn't watch the debate, but from what I saw on the news, Biden is a jack___ , constantly interrupting Ryan. Not exactly my idea of a 'debate'. Either way, I’ll be glad when the U.S. election is over.
From a strictly getting Obama elected perspective, Biden's strategy was deliberate. Biden doesn't have to be liked. That's Obama's job. VP's are supposed to throw dirt and act like a bully. Mission accomplished.

Biden was on his heels a lot of the debate. His 'chuckling' was a sure sign of nervousness and a lot of highly unprofessional interruptions.

That said, he was light years better than Obama
Biden's manufactured smile and laugh were probably practiced for hours during debate prep in front of focus groups.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
The polls seem to differ. Some sat that Biden won by a big margin, while others say that Ryan eked out a victory.

That's usually the way it works, the ones who say Biden wins would be Democrats and the ones who say Ryan won would be Republicans. That's one of the problems with people who align themselves with a party...............can't believe a God damned thing they say. :lol:

Biden was on his heels a lot of the debate. His 'chuckling' was a sure sign of nervousness and a lot of highly unprofessional interruptions.

That said, he was light years better than Obama

There's an example that clinches the point I just made. :lol::lol:


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
The moderator screwed up about 30 minutes into the debate and not only allowed Biden to interrupt, but encouraged Biden to interrupt. From that point on, the moderator lost control. Biden took advantage first and more often than Ryan. But they interrupted each other.. just not to the same degree.... proving Biden was the alpha male.

50 minutes into the debate the moderator had become more or less passive... What was her purpose again?

I suspect Biden/Obama will get a bump even if a majority believe Ryan won the debate.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
When I first turned it on, I heard Ryan talking about funding a 20% tax cut across the board by eliminating loopholes, and I understood why Biden was laughing. But then he continued to laugh throughout the debate at everything Ryan said, and I felt he went a bit overboard on it.

He should have only laughed/mocked a couple key areas to make it seem genuine. The overuse of it, made it feel like a gimmick.

Ryan also stated (near the end of the debate) that not increasing taxes like Obama wants to do to the middle income earners was not equivalent to a cut.

Biden had very little to say on what Obama had actually accomplished in 4 years of running the gvt

He should have only laughed/mocked a couple key areas to make it seem genuine. The overuse of it, made it feel like a gimmick.

The smirks and chuckles really seemed to indicate (to me) that Biden was nervous


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
You must have missed Biden's references to killing OBL, pulling out of Iraq, turning the economy around....


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
From reading the responses to the C.B.C. report, I'd say the Dems gained back a couple of points tonight. (For what it's worth)

Well thus far they've not.

It was always the plan for the Dems to claim a smashing victory regardless whether they one or lost after last week's thumping.

Nope- CNN is basically Conservative- I understood the person that stated the count at 82 was a Republican during a short interview.
I was out of the room but listening.

CNN is basically conservative? Since when?

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
You must have missed Biden's references to killing OBL, pulling out of Iraq, turning the economy around....

The 'turning the economy around' sure made me chuckle right along with Joe...

Maybe he was cracking a joke to lighten the mood

It was always the plan for the Dems to claim a smashing victory regardless whether they one or lost after last week's thumping.

The Dems could have entered a fence post in the debate - it would still have had a better showing than Obama


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
The moderator screwed up about 30 minutes into the debate and not only allowed Biden to interrupt, but encouraged Biden to interrupt. From that point on, the moderator lost control.

Lost control? Obama was a guest at her wedding. Moderators are supposed to be neutral... not drinking buddies.

Biden took advantage first and more often than Ryan. But they interrupted each other.. just not to the same degree.... proving Biden was the alpha male.

Smirking, constantly interrupting, and basically out-creeping the opposition does not make an Alpha Male. Joe Bidden was that guy at the end of the bar that acts like an idiot last night.

I suspect Biden/Obama will get a bump even if a majority believe Ryan won the debate.

As I said... thus far it does not appear to be the case. I will say that the Dems will claim victory in all the rest of the debates from here on out. They were shocked at the way Romney schooled Obama and did not know how to respond. Now the word is out... claim victory no matter what... simply say the GOP candidates lie... and bring Sesame St characters into the debate.


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
Lost control? Obama was a guest at her wedding. Moderators are supposed to be neutral... not drinking buddies.

Smirking, constantly interrupting, and basically out-creeping the opposition does not make an Alpha Male. Joe Bidden was that guy at the end of the bar that acts like an idiot last night.

As I said... thus far it does not appear to be the case. I will say that the Dems will claim victory in all the rest of the debates from here on out. They were shocked at the way Romney schooled Obama and did not know how to respond. Now the word is out... claim victory no matter what... simply say the GOP candidates lie... and bring Sesame St characters into the debate.

I wouldn't make that assumption. I hope Obama wins, but even I admitted that Romney beat Obama in their first debate. I just didn't think it would make as big a difference as it did:

The debate wasn't that bad for Obama or that good for Romney. It was Romney by a narrow margin mostly based on appearances and how he carried himself... not substance which was a draw.

Finally they talked policy, which should be the main reason why people vote one way or the other. Competence and integrity are the other factors. Appearances can be misleading and should not be a significant factor in a rational voter's choice.

Mitt postured better than Obama. Obama seemed flat.

I doubt the polls will budge much in Romney's favor as a result.

I'm given this one to Biden by a hair. Yes he was rude and that will make him less liked, but that won't matter as most people like Obama.

I expect Obama will do better in the next debate... but I still think Romney will beat Obama. Romney is more polished than Obama. It might have something to do with a year of Republican leadership debates.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I expect Obama will do better in the next debate... but I still think Romney will beat Obama. Romney is more polished than Obama. It might have something to do with a year of Republican leadership debates.

Sophisticated crooks have that trait! For a good president without polish take a gander at Abraham Lincoln.


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
I don't think Romney is a crook. I think he represents the interests of 3% of Americans, which is why 97% of Americans should vote for Obama.


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
President Romney and a Republican controlled congress would result in policies which would make the desperately poor, poorer and more desperate. The result will be a trend toward increased poverty, while the uber wealthy get wealthier. A continuation of the ongoing wealth transfer from the poor and middle class towards the very wealthy 3%. The resulting instability and unrest will force the wealthy to continue to retreat behind their gates and inside their private clubs for safety reasons.


Council Member
Jan 28, 2010
In my opinion Joe gave us another demonstration of what he is best at. He Opens mouth, inserts foot and never moves a muscle while seated. He is just brimming over with numbers and information. Much of which can't be verified and other subject to personal interpretation. But he shouldn't worry. With talent like that the Circus always has room for his talents. Ryan did his best to keep from laughing too. Lets wait and see who gets sworn in on Jan. 21, 2013. I think big surprises are in store.