Epic Anti-Global Warming Monologue


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
It would help matters if you would just present your case without the snarkiness. Then I would treat you more seriously and give more attention to your educational needs.
The irony is palpable.

1, You aren't worth anything less that my utter contempt.
2, You parroting science you yourself don't understand, isn't really educational.
3, Your insinuation that I need to be educated, is funny, since I've proven you wrong so many times, it's become boring. Funny, but boring.

Here is the rebuttal to MacLean, De Freitas and Carter. Quoting those three is not a credible argument. All have been totally discredited for all their work on climate. Notice the gentle reproach that the three stooges use "inappropriate filtering." A euphemism for either gross negligence or outright fraud.

I was already aware of that. It wasn't the AGW theory that I was trying to prove wrong, it was you.

Which I did. If you weren't such an ideologue, in dire need of an education, I wouldn't have had to point that out to you. Maybe if you spent a little more time actually getting smart, instead of pretending to be, I wouldn't be able to make you look like such an ass, so consistently... ;-)
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captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
I have no idea what Bear's position is on this. He seems to swing between acceptance of the science and a personal desire that the science be ignored because it will affect him monetarily. However, that is not the issue.

He has made his position on this issue quite clear.

What I give you IS logic and science. You return irrationality.

What you provide is the train of logic that you accept and denounce all other forms that have a contrary message... Hardly objective

It is totally irrational to state that you have More support`for the position of the GWPF when they have thoroughly discredited. Thay have no scientists on staff: no research. They do nothing but publish statements for the media intended to discredit science and scientists. I do not need to discredit the source . It has no credit.

Every position has been discredited by detractors and simultaneously supported by proponents. In the end, what we do have is a geologic record that highlights multiple episodes of extreme climatic swings long before the presence of an anthropogenic inputs... That said, does humanity contribute to climate change in some form - sure we do, but in the scope of this issue, it's akin to sounding the alarm that the Atlantic ocean is drying up because I removed a tablespoon of water.

In the end, the record is clear in that humanity or not, the climate will still swing on it's heel regardless of all of the arm-flapping that goes on.

THere is only an overwhelming scientific consensus that the Planet is warming more rapidly than at any time in its existence and that Man is responsible for this. As I have said previously, there is not now a single peer reviewed paper that contradicts the fact of AGW. Not one. There have been perhaps half a dozen in total in the past four or five years - all published in vanity magazines and completely refuted.

Consensus? - Only at the 'true believers' meetings held in Cancun annually

Planet warming faster than any other time? - Here's a thought; how long have we had real records kept and how does that time frame compare to geologic time... Sorry, but that is a specious argument at best.

Man is responsible? - Who/what was responsible for the multiple episodes over the millenia?

Finally, Peer Review? - Please spare me on that. The IPCC and East Anglia have stripped away any value in that process (on this issue at least) with their fraudulent gaffes.

Do you seriously think that anyone wants this to be so? The world that the children or grandchildren of the participants in this forum will grow into will be a nightmare and it is the responsibility of us, all of us, to change that. Already, for just one example (and I could give you pages of others) there are fifty million climate refugees in this world. Within four or five decades, that figure will be in the hundreds of millions.

No sensationalism here.... Lemme guess, IF we don't engage a program of cap and trade, we will burn in a virtual hell on earth, eh?


Council Member
Apr 24, 2012
He has made his position on this issue quite clear.

What you provide is the train of logic that you accept and denounce all other forms that have a contrary message... Hardly objective

Every position has been discredited by detractors and simultaneously supported by proponents. In the end, what we do have is a geologic record that highlights multiple episodes of extreme climatic swings long before the presence of an anthropogenic inputs... That said, does humanity contribute to climate change in some form - sure we do, but in the scope of this issue, it's akin to sounding the alarm that the Atlantic ocean is drying up because I removed a tablespoon of water.

In the end, the record is clear in that humanity or not, the climate will still swing on it's heel regardless of all of the arm-flapping that goes on.

Consensus? - Only at the 'true believers' meetings held in Cancun annually

Planet warming faster than any other time? - Here's a thought; how long have we had real records kept and how does that time frame compare to geologic time... Sorry, but that is a specious argument at best.

Man is responsible? - Who/what was responsible for the multiple episodes over the millenia?

Finally, Peer Review? - Please spare me on that. The IPCC and East Anglia have stripped away any value in that process (on this issue at least) with their fraudulent gaffes.

No sensationalism here.... Lemme guess, IF we don't engage a program of cap and trade, we will burn in a virtual hell on earth, eh?
If you would try giving some support for all those claims, we could disabuse of your false ideas. You have posted a lot of nonsense. But, if you want to make a point, I will show the counterpoint.

You don't need to ne a more verbose edition of Bear who gives idiocy a new dimension with his one line claims that he thinks evidentiary argument.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
If you would try giving some support for all those claims, we could disabuse of your false ideas. You have posted a lot of nonsense. But, if you want to make a point, I will show the counterpoint.

You don't need to ne a more verbose edition of Bear who gives idiocy a new dimension with his one line claims that he thinks evidentiary argument.

You really are a hoot. Please don't ever leave CC.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
If you would try giving some support for all those claims, we could disabuse of your false ideas. You have posted a lot of nonsense. But, if you want to make a point, I will show the counterpoint.

You don't need to ne a more verbose edition of Bear who gives idiocy a new dimension with his one line claims that he thinks evidentiary argument.

... So, no answer to any of it then? Previous glacial periods never happened unless I provide a link that you, personally approve?

I figured as much


Council Member
Apr 24, 2012

You really are a hoot. Please don't ever leave CC.
My sense of responsibility would not let me leave before you and the Captain have taken in some small amount of information.

... So, no answer to any of it then? Previous glacial periods never happened unless I provide a link that you, personally approve?

I figured as much
It is not whether they happend, It is how and why.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister

You really are a hoot. Please don't ever leave CC.

My sense of responsibility would not let me leave before you and the Captain have taken in some small amount of information.

It is not whether they happend, It is how and why.

Get out your Sunday best Bear - looks like we'll be the J(AG)W's knocking at the door presently


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
... So, no answer to any of it then? Previous glacial periods never happened unless I provide a link that you, personally approve?

I figured as much
So did I, which is why I almost lost my sh!t when he demanding links and evidence from you, lol.

Good thing I wasn't taking a sip of coffee as I read that.

My sense of responsibility would not let me leave before you and the Captain have taken in some small amount of information.
Well if it's coming from you, it's guaranteed to be small, and a long time in coming.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
Absolutely ****ing hilarious how thick the bull**** is spread by the usual convicts.

Ain't it great!?

Any non-conformist position is met with "but you just don't understand" or the always popular "that theory has been debunked". Of course, all of it followed-up with the expected Peer Review trump card.

Bloody hilarious


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
The problem is I do understand but my focus isn't so narrow I miss all the details. There is huge issue with Toningtons reply to water vapour with the phase diagram and he completely missed it or quite possibly ignored it.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
The problem is I do understand but my focus isn't so narrow I miss all the details

Sure you have, in fact missed the most important details. You have never even acknowledged that the fraction of water that can exist in the atmosphere as vapour is a function of temperature and pressure.

You can't deny the physics there. Well you can but it just makes you look even more foolish.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
Or are you ignoring it?

You've been ignoring physics from the start. water vapour cannot drive temperature, as the amount the atmosphere can hold is a function of temperature and pressure. You just don't seem to get it. You're giving me an hour so you can scramble to try to find some explanation that supports your magic fairy dust view of physics. It's not going to work Durpy.

Prove me wrong. Spill it now.

You can't. It's funny nonetheless.