Israel Warns Neighbors Over March To Jerusalem


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
You guys want to keep dragging other threads into it (then CB gets delusional and thinks I'm chasing him from thread to thread). I really have no interest in those other threads. I'm in this thread asking you about Israeli war crimes. Why is it such a touchy subject for you? Does it scare you that you and EAO might be in agreement on something?

No not at all. I had stated that I had in the past condemned Israeli war crimes. You choose to not believe me. I was not going to get into a long drawn out pissing match with you. And that is exactly what you would do. Question answered, then next question and on and on and on.

I have seen how you operate and it is clear you have never left Junior High.

But remember the Senior Bucky left you to hang all alone.

Now give me another reddie, I consider them compliments.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
No not at all. I had stated that I had in the past condemned Israeli war crimes. You choose to not believe me.

On the contrary. I have asked you some simple straight forward questions that you have refused to answer and instead made mention of "other threads".

Let's recap shall we...I stated that EAO has admitted that Hamas/Hezbollah has committed crimes and that many Israeli apologists have not accepted that Israel has....

As much as I figure EAO to be a Joo-hater, he has at least admitted that both sides are committing crimes. Many of the Israeli apologists haven't done that.

You got pissing and refuted EAO's claim despite the fact it was there in black and white for all to see....

Yeah right. You can think that - I do not. And who are you referring to as Israeli Apologists?

After dancing around the issue of what, exactly, you don't believe (to which you never did answer the question), it was stated...

If you believe that the Israelis and Hamas/Hezbollah have both committed crimes than you and EAO are in agreement. If you believe that only Hamas and Hezbollah have committed crimes than I guess I will have to include you in the list of Israel apologists.

You also ran from this as well. You could of very easily said that you accept the former and this would have been done. I asked you a straight forward question again..

Do you believe Israel has committed crimes?

Rather than a simple yes or no, you responded with...

I gave my answer - Like it or not. That is my answer.

Two or three letters is all you had to type to end this. You couldn't or wouldn't. Then you laughingly claim...

I was not going to get into a long drawn out pissing match with you.

...and yet that is exactly what you did because you can't simply type "Israel commits war crimes". I'm not interested in what you have said on other threads. I'm on this thread. Why is it so difficult to type those four words? Why was it so difficult to answer yes when asked if you think Israel has committed crimes. Does it scare you that much to think that you and EAO have something in common?


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Post #1567883 - Re: Israel Warns Neighbors Over March To Jerusalem Bad Cannuck

Love the photo. Sums it up quite nicely.


Senate Member
Mar 18, 2007
IDF Alert Prompts Closure on PA-Controlled Areas

"The closure was imposed as of 11:59 p.m. (Israel time) on Thursday night and will be removed on Friday at 11:59 p.m. (Israel time), pending an assessment of the security situation in the region."

"Arabs from neighboring countries – Lebanon, Jordan and Syria – as well as from Gaza, are expected to march toward the Israeli border in a planned ‘Global March to Jerusalem’. According to intelligence assessments, Iran is behind these initiatives."

"Security forces expect violence by Arab citizens of Israel and Arab residents of Jerusalem. Hundreds of additional police have beefed up security presence in and around Jerusalem. These include snipers and Yasam Special Forces, which will break up violent altercations and break into the Temple Mount if necessary."

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
OK....just stumbled across this Thread. What the Hell?
I'm closing the Thread, & mopping it out. Much of it is
just plain stupid, off-topic, Trolling. Some if it is truely
nasty in its personal attacks, & is so beyond wrong.


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
...Honestly, I can't understand why it is so difficult for Goober to just type "Israel commits war crimes". If he's done it on other threads, there really is no reason he can't do it here. He must have ulterior motives.

The answer is simple. Goober and many others here (Colpy, ES, DaSleeper, TaxSlave...) have never admitted a single specific Israeli war crime as far as I know. I can't claim to have seen every post. CB will admit that both sides commit war crimes if pressed. Their most common tactic to deal with irrefutable evidence of Israeli war crimes is ignore the post and label the poster as a Joo-hater.

Meanwhile back on topic:

Israelis fire on Palestinian Land Day protesters
Land Day marks the annual commemorations in Israel of the killing by police of six Arab citizens in 1976 during protests against land confiscations in northern Israel's Galilee region....
Israeli security forces fired rubber bullets, tear gas and stun grenades to break up groups of Palestinian stone-throwers on Friday as annual Land Day rallies turned violent.... Medics in the Gaza Strip said the Israelis also used live fire...
gulfnews : Israelis fire on Palestinian Land Day protesters

The MSM is downplaying the size of this march and the level of Israeli force used to stop the marches. However, total number participants along or near Israel's borders appear to be in the tens of thousands. Some injuries have been reported and at least one person was killed by Israeli forces:
One Palestinian protester killed, dozens arrested and injured in IDF clashes on Land Day - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Protests seem to be winding down.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
So, you are saying that AFTER the protesters turned violent, the IDF used non lethal force to break up those violent protests.... is that right? Kudos to the IDF.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
So, you are saying that AFTER the protesters turned violent, the IDF used non lethal force to break up those violent protests.... is that right? Kudos to the IDF.

So, you are saying that live fire is not lethal....on what planet?


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
So, you are saying that live fire is not lethal....on what planet?

Here's the quote.....

..Israeli security forces fired rubber bullets, tear gas and stun grenades to break up groups of Palestinian stone-throwers on Friday as annual Land Day rallies turned violent...

Now, for the "medics" comments... I would want to see collaboration, or at least some context.


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
So, you are saying that AFTER the protesters turned violent, the IDF used non lethal force to break up those violent protests.... is that right? Kudos to the IDF.

Its hard to know who started the violence first. Considering these people marched from all directions and were blocked from Jerusalem in many places, I'd say probably both sides initiated violence in different locations.

I'd have to see the videos which I suspect should be hitting youtube already.

If I find something I'll post it.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
Now, for the "medics" comments... I would want to see collaboration, or at least some context.

So in other words, you didn't want to wait for all the facts before you congratulated the Israelis...or are you not interested in collaboration (sic) on their part?


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006

Land Day - Jerusalem - March 30 2012 - YouTube
May contain bad Bollywood-like track...

Looks to me like ordinary people pressing toward Jerusalem until they encountered a barrier. I did not see any violence until the riot police rode up in their horses and sprayed everyone with noxious gases.


Different locations had different experiences... and probably different allocation of blame for initiating violence..
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Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Just thought I would re-post that comment as Goob and CB can't seem to wrap their heads around it. Honestly, I can't understand why it is so difficult for Goober to just type "Israel commits war crimes". If he's done it on other threads, there really is no reason he can't do it here. He must have ulterior motives.

Yes, a hidden agenda, of course - Really - I thought I was clear - I am not going to be trolled by someone like yourself that just goes on and on.

Bear posted a thread which puts paid to your false claim.

And EAO - You know as well as I do that I have condemned the Israeli's for War Crimes - You left Cannuck out to hang in the wind.

Clearly showing your integrity there now.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Can you prove this? Otherwise its a belief system.

The proof is in the extant histories of the previous five or six thousand years. The selection of the name Israel has meaning other than the mundane. What was the message in that, I wonder? Even stranger than Israelites is the fact that you cannot march to Jerusalem, it never existed on earth. The one in the ME is made of dirt. hahahahahah

The Lost Light A B Khun pg 87
(It becomes evident on this thesis that the historical element of the scriptures is of far less significance than has been supposed. It is the philosophy of history and not the data of history that is of foremost concern. As exhibiting providential design in world life it becomes of epic moment. The Hebrew race has exploited this phase of the old methodology to its highest possibility, only, however, as Egypt had done before it; and has been so successful that it has left the impression of a unique and exalted hierarchical status for the Jewish race. The outcome of our correction of vision will be that we shall for the first time properly regard the Old Testament books as, in the main, the universal drama of the spiritual life masquerading in the disguise of Hebrew history subtly woven into the great cosmic epic! The Biblical title Israelites is a spiritual designation purely, and is wrongly taken in the sense of the name of an ethnic group. "My people of Israel" or "the children of Israel" of the Hebrew deity are just the divinized humans, mortals who have put on the immortal spiritual nature, men graduated into Christhood, a spiritual group in the early Mysteries. Gentiles were those who were not yet spiritually reborn. The word comes from the Latin and Greek roots, "gen," "gent," meaning simply "to be born." They were those born as the first or natural man, but not yet reborn as the spiritual Christ. It can be given no ethnic reference. The name "Israelite" is obviously compounded of "Is," abbreviation of Isis, or Eve’s original name, Issa (See Josephus); "Ra," the great Egyptian
solar god, male and spiritual; and the Hebrew "El," God. It would then read, Father-Mother-God, making his "children" the sons of God, i.e., Christs. Likewise the name "Hebrews" means "those beyond" (the merely human state), and therefore is practically identical with "Israelites." Finally the term "Jews" (from the plural of the Egyptian IU--Latin JU) refers to the "male-female divinities," a title given in the Mysteries to men made gods and thus restored to androgyne, or male-female, condition. The national Jews thus adopted for their historical name all three of the exalted spiritual designations conferred in the Mysteries on the Epoptae or completely divinized candidates.)
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Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
The answer is simple. Goober and many others here (Colpy, ES, DaSleeper, TaxSlave...) have never admitted a single specific Israeli war crime as far as I know. I can't claim to have seen every post. CB will admit that both sides commit war crimes if pressed. Their most common tactic to deal with irrefutable evidence of Israeli war crimes is ignore the post and label the poster as a Joo-hater.
Meanwhile back on topic.
EAO - You claim that I have not condemned Israeli War Crimes is utter BS.
Care to have your ass handed to you again. I can. But a retraction of your comment would be expected, without any qualifiers.
Game on - Game off -
Over to you Bucky.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
So in other words, you didn't want to wait for all the facts before you congratulated the Israelis...or are you not interested in collaboration (sic) on their part?
The topic is Israel, not Gh.

If I had made that post to Fuzzy, or OB, or any one of your new pet members, I would receive a neg for it.

I hope me pointing out your hypocrisy, doesn't leave you to butthurt. I wouldn't want to ruin your weekend.
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Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
So in other words, you didn't want to wait for all the facts before you congratulated the Israelis...or are you not interested in collaboration (sic) on their part?

The IDF responded using non lethal force. Would you prefer they used lethal force?
And what is this collaboration comment about Gerry- care to explain to a DDH?