Tories on e-snooping: ‘Stand with us or with the child pornographers’


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
1. they need to merg these to topics.. Dam'it!!

2. The amount of people that have no clue about technology. Criminals DO NOT use their ISP, they use YOURS!!. They steal access and use proxies, only innocent people will be charged for things they had no clue about.

"But I've secured my WIFI" guess what?? can break through within about 10 seconds (even shown on youtube how to break in).

"The ISP assigned my IP and is attached to my MAC Address", guess what?? Can all be altered and changed. This bill is a farce in the fact it won't find anything other than the IP's and Computer connections criminals have STOLEN and the innocents will go through hell trying to prove it.

People drive around in cars looking for unsecured networks so they can log in and use them to commit crimes.

Way to go politicians!!! You should really hire people with the right skills to help you create laws.

Bill C-11... the Canadian equivalent of SOPA!


Vic Toews vs. Vic Toews :iconbiggrin: :iconbiggrin: :iconbiggrin:



Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
I'm getting e-mails from friends about this so you know it's really starting to hit mainstream.


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head

Classic.. must have not CHMOD a file or something.. or they had an old script they didn't patch or update and they submitted a vulnerability into it.

The Internet is full of them.. this site for instance. vBulliten gets a vulnerability in it's script and someone can come along and see IP's or Usernames & Passwords or worse just take the site down.
(Youtube video on how to do it too) lol

The easiest way to take out a website is find where the server is located, find a vulnerability with the server, which is easiest and flood the server with UDP packets.. essentially a DOS attack to the whole network.

Folks from China and Russia try endlessly to take my website down.. last one was someone trying to introduce a {php}dbase64 string into the script. Bastards. Didn't work and I excluded further entries into the forum. My patches are all up-to-date.. Thank GOD!!

What I think is cool is the (TDoS) attack, which utilizes Skype's system to shut down a phone system. You ever get those annoying calls from telemarketers, and ask them not to call back but they continue. Just take out their phone systems so that are flooded with calls.. lol
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Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Bill C-30: Tories inch away from lawful access bill as poll shows backlash in heartland | Full Comment | National Post

But what might give the government pause is which particular Canadians object in the strongest terms. That the people don’t like Bill C-30 is bad enough. But all the people the Tories need onside seem to really dislike it.

Specifically, Angus Reid found that while Bill C-30 isn’t exactly beloved anywhere in our fair dominion, the three regions that are most opposed to Bill C-30′s passage are Alberta (66% opposed), Ontario (58% opposed) and the Atlantic provinces (63% opposed). Those are huge numbers, and very significant for this government — if you had to name three areas of the country where the Tories must absolutely be competitive if they intend to continue winning majorities, Alberta, Ontario and the Atlantic provinces are three pretty good places to start. Indeed, under the current plan to add more ridings in fast growing areas of the country, the Tories could win majority governments with just those three regions (though whatever support they can get elsewhere is obviously something they’ll want).

It’s not surprising that areas of the country that are vital to the Conservative coalition are strong in their opposition to the Bill. It strikes many as being an unreasonable extension of the powers of the state without a strong sense among the population that such powers are necessary or even desirable — always a surefire way to get a small-c conservative’s back up. While law-and-order initiatives are typically crowd pleasers for the right, it’s easy to lose them when those measures begin to look like undue state interference in the lives and activities of law-abiding citizens.

Again, nothing surprising about that. But what is odd is how the same government that just voted to scrap the gun registry — with strong support from its base — because it was expensive and targeted at the law-abiding citizen, not just criminals, would think no one would object when it tried to create a new version of the registry with exactly the same flaws.


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
Again, nothing surprising about that. But what is odd is how the same government that just voted to scrap the gun registry — with strong support from its base — because it was expensive and targeted at the law-abiding citizen, not just criminals, would think no one would object when it tried to create a new version of the registry with exactly the same flaws.

What I find truly odd, personally, is that the tactic of proposing ridiculously harsh and at times constitutionally questionable legislation and then "rethinking" or "reducing" the harshness of it because of public outcry is not recognized for what it is. A tactic. It's just politics.

This is not a Conservative thing any more than a Liberal thing. This is just a political thing. This particular government is, in my opinion, just exceedingly good at 'playing politics'.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
When they hit the two year mark, they'll chill out and start offering goodies so you forget the harsh come next election.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Well Vic after giving this much thought and learning more about both how the internet works and your proposed law I will have to stand with the child pornographers. Your government was elected to remove one oppressive law(Long Gun Registry) which you finally did but now you want to bring in an even more repressive and interfering law in a misguided attempt to stop a few child porn sites.
I am all for giving the police the power they need to prevent crime but this is too much like allowing them to kick your door in without any reason just to see if you have contraband cigarettes in your house.
Go back to the drawing board and try thinking about innocent taxpayers rights first this time.

PS. Hire someone that understands the internet to help draft the law this time.

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
What I find truly odd, personally, is that the tactic of proposing ridiculously harsh and at times constitutionally questionable legislation and then "rethinking" or "reducing" the harshness of it because of public outcry is not recognized for what it is. A tactic. It's just politics.

This is not a Conservative thing any more than a Liberal thing. This is just a political thing. This particular government is, in my opinion, just exceedingly good at 'playing politics'.
My opinion, too.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Looks like the Tories were wrong in blaming the NDP for vikileaks.

A member of the Liberal Research Bureau (whatever that is) was the creator of the twitter account. He has submitted his resignation. Rae just made a direct apology to Toews in the house on behalf of the LPC.

NDP are now calling the CPC to apologize for calling the party 'dirty, sleazy', etc..

Peter Van Loan of the CPC has acknowledged that the "information he has received" that the NDP was responsible was incorrect, but is deferring to Baird re: the apology...

Toews accepts Rae's apology, but says that there are members of the Liberal caucus that encouraged people to use vikileaks and he is still requesting an investigation from the speaker.

Baird: "At times emotions get strong (blah blah blah) and I unequivocally apologize and retract those remarks."
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Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Looks like the Tories were wrong in blaming the NDP for vikileaks.

A member of the Liberal Research Bureau (whatever that is) was the creator of the twitter account. He has submitted his resignation. Rae just made a direct apology to Toews in the house on behalf of the LPC.

NDP are now calling the CPC to apologize for calling the party 'dirty, sleazy', etc..

Peter Van Loan of the CPC has acknowledged that the "information he has received" that the NDP was responsible was incorrect, but is deferring to Baird re: the apology...

Toews accepts Rae's apology, but says that there are members of the Liberal caucus that encouraged people to use vikileaks and he is still requesting an investigation from the speaker.

Baird: "At times emotions get strong (blah blah blah) and I unequivocally apologize and retract those remarks."

I cannot believe this, why the firmament has moved, really, a Liberal playing dirty tricks. What is next, the Conservatives will do it. Just you wait and see. Truer words have not been spoken. Now i know some will not believe it, but once one starts they all join in. Just you wait and see.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Vic Toews takes to Twitter to question Justin Trudeau’s involvement in Vikileaks

An angry Vic Toews wants an investigation into whether Justin Trudeau encouraged personal Twitter attacks against him after it was revealed a Liberal staffer was the mastermind of the Vikileaks Twitter controversy that aired details of Public Safety Minister’s divorce in retaliation for an online surveillance bill.

A subdued Rae, who identified the staffer as Adam Carroll, made the admission in the House of Commons before offering Toews an unconditional apology.

“I want to offer to the minister my personal apology to him,” Rae said. “Matters of personal and private conduct are not to be the subject of political attack or political rhetoric.”

Toews accepted Rae’s apology but also noted that some Liberal MPs had been encouraging the public to participate in personal, online attacks on him, and he asked the Speaker to look into that issue separately.

“While I’m prepared to take [Rae’s] comments at face value that he had nothing to do with it,” Toews said, “I think the evidence is clear on the public record that there was at least one member who advocated on a continuous basis the use of that.”

But Toews later took to Twitter to directly question the Liberal MP, asking when Trudeau learned Vikileaks was run by a Liberal staffer, and “What did you do to stop this personal attack?”

About a half an hour later, Toews remarked that Trudeau “discovered Vikileaks quickly for an innocent bystander.”

Trudeau had participated in a Twitter campaign entitled #TellVicEverything that followed the emergence of Vikileaks30 and saw Twitter users post random information about their activities. But he said Monday he never endorsed Vikileaks30 or its personal attacks.

“Appalled to find out Vikileaks came from us Liberals,” Trudeau wrote earlier in the day. “Yes, I tweeted about it, but I did not endorse it. Personal attacks are always wrong.”

Vic Toews questions Justin Trudeau's involvement in Vikileaks via Twitter | News | National Post


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
So really all this bill is.. the Government wants to take some of your freedom away for security. what's that saying...???

They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.

Bill C-30: Does Your Freedom Belong to the Canadian Government?

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