Tories on e-snooping: ‘Stand with us or with the child pornographers’


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
And how is being able to snoop on you and I going to change that?

I also assume you would like the lawyers to NOT do their job

I doubt if there was intent to snoop on "you and I", unless we were believed to be doing something or they had some fairly valid information, generally speaking ( we always stand the risk of some disgruntled bastard trying to set us up)

I would like the lawyers to do their job as it was originally see the accused gets a fair trial.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
I doubt if there was intent to snoop on "you and I", unless we were believed to be doing something or they had some fairly valid information, generally speaking ( we always stand the risk of some disgruntled bastard trying to set us up)

I would like the lawyers to do their job as it was originally see the accused gets a fair trial.

I strongly suggest reading the complete article.

Bill C-30 could give the government new surveillance powers, but shocking what they already know | News | National Post

After a B.C. lawyer’s dinner companion left the restaurant, police officers came to the table and asked everyone still seated to hand over identification. To clear up any misunderstanding, the lawyer complied.

He was then registered in a government database as having a known association with a gangster. Befuddled, he learned the person he had dined with had said hello to a gang member on the way out, the lawyer’s supporters say.

He is quietly fighting, so far unsuccessfully, to have that designation deleted, concerned that anytime police check he will immediately be flagged as suspicious and dangerous.


Law-enforcement databanks allow officers anywhere to check if a person is dangerous or a fugitive. Databanks such as the Canadian Police Information Centre lists criminal convictions, warrants and other important interactions with police. Also flagged are “emotionally disturbed persons” and those who are HIV-positive.

But there is, increasingly, much more to police databanks, with almost anyone who has a police encounter being entered into one.

It is hard to muster worry that a convicted killer or child molester is flagged in a police computer, but what about you being embedded there for complaining about a noisy party or reporting stolen property?

The PRIME-BC police database contains the names of more than 85% of B.C. residents, according to the B.C. Civil Liberties Association, which warns citizens could be passed up for jobs and volunteer positions because of misleading red flags. In Alberta, TALON, a new, $65-million database, is also raising concerns.
Manitoba, under Mr. Toews when he was the province’s attorney-general, was a trailblazer in recording interaction with young men to note markers of gang activity to help identify and declare them as gang members.

The Toronto-area forces have an enormous, shared combined database.

I doubt if there was intent to snoop on "you and I", unless we were believed to be doing something or they had some fairly valid information, generally speaking ( we always stand the risk of some disgruntled bastard trying to set us up)

I would like the lawyers to do their job as it was originally see the accused gets a fair trial.

It is not up to only the lawyer to ensure a fair trial, the Judge, the prosecutor, the Charter of Rights, laws and precedents.
As Canadian citizen you are guaranteed a fair trial. As long as you can afford it. The low and middle class cannot afford good lawyers. Or they bankrupt themselves proving their innocence.
Please look to BC and how many cases will be thrown out because they have passed the 18month average for a timely trial. That is due to the Govt, the Govt is at fault. not someone working the system, but the Govt failing in their duty to protect the Citizen.
Call or email your MLA.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
It is not up to only the lawyer to ensure a fair trial, the Judge, the prosecutor, the Charter of Rights, laws and precedents.
As Canadian citizen you are guaranteed a fair trial. As long as you can afford it. The low and middle class cannot afford good lawyers. Or they bankrupt themselves proving their innocence.
Please look to BC and how many cases will be thrown out because they have passed the 18month average for a timely trial. That is due to the Govt, the Govt is at fault. not someone working the system, but the Govt failing in their duty to protect the Citizen.
Call or email your MLA.

That is one thing that has always bothered me about our justice system. We have already established on another thread, that RIGHTS are supposed to be granted, and I would assume we have a RIGHT to a fair trial and yet to ensure a fair trial we have to pay for it. :smile:


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
That is one thing that has always bothered me about our justice system. We have already established on another thread, that RIGHTS are supposed to be granted, and I would assume we have a RIGHT to a fair trial and yet to ensure a fair trial we have to pay for it. :smile:

And numerous Justices including from the SCOC and the present GG have stated that lawyers fees are to high. Where those that have get justice have money.


Council Member
Nov 29, 2009
Nova Scotia
Anybody that think that the government{any government}has your best interest at heart is dim. They will use that information for whatever the hell they want,then sell it to somebody else.I don't trust politicians,I don't trust people that trust politicians


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Anybody that think that the government{any government}has your best interest at heart is dim. They will use that information for whatever the hell they want,then sell it to somebody else.I don't trust politicians,I don't trust people that trust politicians

And that is sad because after all is said and done we ARE the government! :smile:


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
More like: We are SUPPOSED TO BE the Govt.

Since we are pretty much the sole source of the money, I'll stick with the original statement! :lol:

Apologies if this is posted elsewhere, a cursory search turned up notta.

Anonymous threatens Vic Toews, demands complete retraction of the legislation, and Toews resignation, or else they will release all the information they have learned about him.
Hacker group Anonymous posts video demanding Vic Toews resign and scrap Bill C-30 |

Looks like old Toews has had his toes held to the fire! :lol: Actually "a tempest in a teapot"! :smile:


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Since we are pretty much the sole source of the money, I'll stick with the original statement! :lol:

Looks like old Toews has had his toes held to the fire! :lol: Actually "a tempest in a teapot"! :smile:
Money has what to do with shiity policy?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Money has what to do with shiity policy?

I think these guys get paid the same regardless of the quality of their policies. There's always going to be sh*tty policies or at least the potential - thankfully these guys have to face us every four years or so. :lol:


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Why do we have to wait 4 years to offload a ****ty politician or policy imposed? Their job should stand teetering on a knife's edge. Zero tolerance.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Why do we have to wait 4 years to offload a ****ty politician or policy imposed? Their job should stand teetering on a knife's edge. Zero tolerance.

Which policy has been imposed? Do we want to foot an election every time a sh*tty member's bill is flown?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
No unpopular bills have been tabled or passed recently?

There are always going to be unpopular bills tabled but I don't see that as a problem. Some may get passed, but unpopular doesn't mean they aren't good for the majority in the long run. The electorate can be a fickle many of those who scream bother to vote? Most good steps forward, start from somewhere, even sh*tty suggestions, that just need tweaking and fine tuning! :smile:


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
If it is the people you call the "govt" (you and I) who don't like the bill and it is supported by less than a majority of the people, then it is imposed and has nothing to do with a Democratic decision.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
If it is the people you call the "govt" (you and I) who don't like the bill and it is supported by less than a majority of the people, then it is imposed and has nothing to do with a Democratic decision.

When we elect a majority gov't. that means we've trusted decisions in their hands, so if they betray our trust that means they are susceptible to being turfed after four years. Do we really want a regime like Italy had years ago? Some people (generally the same people who demand services) scream blue bloody murder if our taxes are increased by two bits. :lol:


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
No it doesn't. The second you submit to govt is the minute you've tossed democracy into the ditch and stomped on it.

Do you want an unelected govt like Italy today?


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
When we elect a majority gov't. that means we've trusted decisions in their hands, so if they betray our trust that means they are susceptible to being turfed after four years.

Bah. Everyone has a different idea of what an X on the ballot means. To some, they vote for the election platform. To others they vote for the party leader. To others they vote for the local MP. To others, they eliminate the least palatable options and vote for whatever remains. Some even go eeny meeny miny mo. And yes, some trust the decisions of those they gave their X to.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Bah. Everyone has a different idea of what an X on the ballot means. To some, they vote for the election platform. To others they vote for the party leader. To others they vote for the local MP. To others, they eliminate the least palatable options and vote for whatever remains. Some even go eeny meeny miny mo. And yes, some trust the decisions of those they gave their X to.

Maybe that is part of being a democracy............each voter gets the choice of how he/she votes and the reasons why! :smile: