I read somewhere that Nostradamus wrote WW III is coming to in 2027. If true, then most of us won't be around to worry about it.
I doubt if I'll get drafted.
I read somewhere that Nostradamus wrote WW III is coming to in 2027. If true, then most of us won't be around to worry about it.
People guess at years in his quatrains. WW3 could come tomorrow, in 2027, or in 5012.I read somewhere that Nostradamus wrote WW III is coming to in 2027. If true, then most of us won't be around to worry about it.
I read somewhere that Nostradamus wrote WW III is coming to in 2027. If true, then most of us won't be around to worry about it.
Haaa! That's another reason not to worry.No need to worry. Nostradamus has never made a single accurate prediction. Instead what he did was write thousands of lines of confused poetry that can be interpreted in almost any manner. Whenever something important happens (the attack on the World Trade Center, the US invasion of Iraq, Obama getting elected, etc.) the Nostradamusites crawl out of the woodwork and claim that Nostradamus made that prediction in his confused ramblings. However, they have never been able to do this before the event happened, thus making all of his predictions useless.
Someone must have scared them off, I guess.Three giant spaceships to attack Earth in 2012?
The only thing that might be a serious threat is if any of the current Republican Candidates
becomes President of the USA, these people all appear to be escapees from a Barnum
and Baily Circus show of horrors. Don't they have anyone, even someone with artificial
intelligence? Good God today I hear Ron Paul's kid criticize Romney for adding three,
count them three, medications to seniors medicare when he was Governor. Do these people
really understand how silly they look on Television? Perhaps the planet will spin out of
control if one of these miscreants gets elected, the planet would revolt for sure.
Can't take any of this stuff seriously
it is embarrassing to have to admit that these candidates are part of our human race, human
just like us.
Can the people really be fooled by all of this, it can't be true.
Even the fundamentalist christians must be mumbling to themselves wondering how these
embesiles are going to spread their word as they always have.
I they get elected, doomsday might be the better choice.
I'm not sure how they differ from any other politicians! :lol:
I have noticed a big difference from the democrats to the republicans, but I guess it depends
if you are a democrat or a republican at heart.
They aren't all the same, when one sees beyond the bad eggs in every walk of life, there is
the good, I do not like many of the policies of the republicans, and also their direct link
with religion, so what they spout links that together in my mind, it is not where I put my
This years group of republican candidates are a joke, very shallow, very childlish.
No need to worry. Nostradamus has never made a single accurate prediction. Instead what he did was write thousands of lines of confused poetry that can be interpreted in almost any manner. Whenever something important happens (the attack on the World Trade Center, the US invasion of Iraq, Obama getting elected, etc.) the Nostradamusites crawl out of the woodwork and claim that Nostradamus made that prediction in his confused ramblings. However, they have never been able to do this before the event happened, thus making all of his predictions useless.
Even the fundamentalist christians must be mumbling to themselves wondering how these
embesiles are going to spread their word as they always have.
There's two problems I see, How many running as Dems are actually Dems and How many running as Republicans are actually Republicans and then if you can get that sorted out how many of them start acting like the opposite once elected? They run according to how they will get the most votes. Remember David Emerson and Belinda Stronich?