Investigation appears underway in Kadaffy's death.

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
I'm still trying to figure out how the death of an armed despot at the hands of his own people, a mand who was responsible for hundreds if not thousands of deaths over the years, all in the name of maintaining his power,in the midst of a civil war is an attrocity...

When you realize that he was captured alive , was dragged , and beaten , shot a few times while begging for his life by a pack of salivating killers , you might realize the INHUMANITY of it.

It is up to the COURTS to decide what he was guilty of. NOT you ( who obviously bought into ;the Media accusations) or anyone else . It is up to the COURTS to provide FACTUAL evidence of his crimes ( as it is for any other suspect/ accused ) and not what the propganda machine has portrayed.

No one is supporting him or his actions. But it is IMPERATIVE that we of the so called civilized part of the world maintain the rule of the law or we too will regress to his level of babarism. How he was captured , shot in cold blood ( premediated MURDER of the worst kind) a throwback into the dark ages. thinking about can almost see why it happened that way. AFTER ALL A PRECIDENT WAS ESTABLISHED BY the AMERICANS when they executed an old, sick man (OBL ) in front of his kids and family ......when they too could have easily taken him alive and showed the worlds a sense of decency even to the worst of criminals. THAT IS how civilized people behave. They follow the rule of the law ........NO MATTER WHO THE ACCUSED IS

and please don't go into the cost of the that is pure bunk. A trial for both men would have been a profound learning experience for the entire world.....about what takes place in the dark rooms of politics.

Heck........they could have televised it just as they did the Anthony case.....and now the Conrad Murray case. What better way to "punish " a prideful , insolent , arrogant dictator and terrorist then to HUMIILIATE him in front of television cameras for the world to see.

And the evidence of their crimes. Have witnesses come forth with personal experiences that resulted from their crimes.

and for the record" TERRORISM is a it not a statement of war.........AS if it was one could consider the many mass shootings in the US a "statement of war" , when they are terrorism at its worst. But that is another topic ...

Heck.......the blood thirsty revenge fueled contingency could have made sure to have their executions televised as well. That would be the ULTIMATE in humiliation.

Killing someone provides an easy way out. Once dead....they cannot feel humiliated .......particularly when Pride and arrogance are such a big part of these criminals. That is what made them delusional ....power does that to people. Xtreme power is even worse.


Internet Lawyer
Mar 15, 2006
When you realize that he was captured alive , was dragged , and beaten , shot a few times while begging for his life by a pack of salivating killers , you might realize the INHUMANITY of it.

You know what? People are murdered like that in Canada on a weekly basis, do you get all wild eyed and frothing at the mouth over those deaths? I highly doubt it. Ohh, the INHUMANITY, THE INHUMANITY I SAY! DOES ANYONE HEAR ME?

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
Possibly because the accusations against him were not true. They may have been manufactured by those who bombed the country and financed the uprising.

Good point. and the correct word is ACCUSATIONS Manufacturing accusations is part of the politicians trademarks....

for eg. BUSH MANUFACTURED a stupid story about some "MASSIVE STOCKPILES OF WMD" in order to justify invading Iraq

You see, follks , we have precidence.& what that Don't be gulllible and believe all the crap that politicans say. Most of it is just trash. Don't forget most politicians have the gift of the gab and can spin a very cionvincing "story" to further their agenda. By nature of their job......and personalities that are attracted to such a job.......they have a flare for swaying a population in any direction they want and to have the population follow them .......even if what they are doing is illegal, immoral and unethical.

Both the OBL execution ( WHICH SET THE PRECIDENT For ATROCIOUS illegal "justice" ) and now Gadhaffi slaughter were all three.

OF course it is well known that the US likes to think of itself as an example to the world. (self appointed and highly arrogant. one is an example without making a big deal about it ) So now we have Precidents in : elective wars of choice based on lies. targetted executions that are supposed to pass as "justice". and those are the recent and OBVIOUS ones.


an aside: but makes one wonder what WikiLeaks has about Libya / West relations , If ever we needed an organization like that .....truth seekers is now.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
OF course it is well known that the US likes to think of itself as an example to the world. (self appointed and highly arrogant. one is an example without making a big deal about it ) So now we have Precidents in : elective wars of choice based on lies. targetted executions that are supposed to pass as "justice". and those are the recent and OBVIOUS ones.

And now after a Canadian General COMPLETELY setting up Gaddafi for the kill shot you are still insinuating that Canada is above reproach?

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
You know what? People are murdered like that in Canada on a weekly basis, do you get all wild eyed and frothing at the mouth over those deaths? I highly doubt it. Ohh, the INHUMANITY, THE INHUMANITY I SAY! DOES ANYONE HEAR ME?

first of all that is off topic. BUT if you must insist..........please provide STATISTICS of who, what , where and when these types of slaughter took place your silly generalization is meaningless without facts to support it.

and YES..........when such an atrocity takes place in Canada bet we are aghast. & right ly so. We are NOT a US type of culture that loves its guns, and has mass killings more often than some change their underwear. They are used to this kind of inhumane violence.

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
On second thought, I should have said the charges against him were greatly exaggerated to justify bombing Libya back into the dark ages.

speaking of charges..........WHAT WERE THE OFFICIAL CHARGES??? IS there a court documented statement of same??

Or has all this taken place on heresay??

haha, too funny. "The OBL execution". Is there a terrorist you don't love? Seriously.

so SAD that you find any of this funny. You have totally discredited yourself as a poster now.


Internet Lawyer
Mar 15, 2006
first of all that is off topic. BUT if you must insist..........please provide STATISTICS of who, what , where and when these types of slaughter took place your silly generalization is meaningless without facts to support it.

and YES..........when such an atrocity takes place in Canada bet we are aghast. & right ly so. We are NOT a US type of culture that loves its guns, and has mass killings more often than some change their underwear. They are used to this kind of inhumane violence.

Murder via firearm happens all the time, are you denying that? Ghadaffi died from a gunshot to the head, leave your hysterics out of it and his death is not different then any other.

Your delusions about Canada are surreal, Canadian criminals love guns just as much as their American counterparts.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
and YES..........when such an atrocity takes place in Canada bet we are aghast. & right ly so. We are NOT a US type of culture that loves its guns, and has mass killings more often than some change their underwear. They are used to this kind of inhumane violence.

And in the US we are not aghast?


Internet Lawyer
Mar 15, 2006
so SAD that you find any of this funny. You have totally discredited yourself as a poster now.

You discredited your self the moment you started posting here, you're a delusional moonbat. You're a cookie cutter clone of every other conspiracy theorist that has shown their face, keep up the battle!


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
speaking of charges..........WHAT WERE THE OFFICIAL CHARGES??? IS there a court documented statement of same??

Or has all this taken place on heresay??
It is a media "People's Court". The media created the "monster" perception, the media records the "Justice". Everyone cheers when the cue card is held aloft. What more do you want? Reality?


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
speaking of charges..........WHAT WERE THE OFFICIAL CHARGES??? IS there a court documented statement of same??

Or has all this taken place on heresay??

so SAD that you find any of this funny. You have totally discredited yourself as a poster now.

Lockerbie - invading countries - That is not enough - Gotta has that old seal of approval - And who the hell are the Xtians?????
Oh yes -- arranging the kidnapping and hostage taking of OPEC Oil Ministers -


Internet Lawyer
Mar 15, 2006
It is a media "People's Court". The media created the "monster" perception, the media records the "Justice". Everyone cheers when the cue card is held aloft. What more do you want? Reality?

He didn't create that perception at all by blowing up passenger Jets by chance?


Council Member
Mar 29, 2009
Calgary, AB
At the risk of triggering more hysterical nonsense...

When you realize that he was captured alive , was dragged , and beaten , shot a few times while begging for his life by a pack of salivating killers , you might realize the INHUMANITY of it.

According to whom? The initial reports were that he was captured alive but there were also ones immediately following that he was dead. I don't know what happened and neither do you. We don't know if he was beaten or begging for his life. If you have footage to support this or even credible eye witness testimony, then post it.

It is up to the COURTS to decide what he was guilty of. NOT you ( who obviously bought into ;the Media accusations) or anyone else . It is up to the COURTS to provide FACTUAL evidence of his crimes ( as it is for any other suspect/ accused ) and not what the propganda machine has portrayed.

It is fact that Libya supported various terrorist groups and housed training camps for them prior to 9/11. W labeled Libya as part of the "axis of evil" and scared Gaddaffi into cooperating for a while. It is well documented fact that Libya sponsoured and aided the group responsible for acts like and including the Locherbie Pan-Am bombing. You can rant about my buying into media accusations but the fact is he waged a war against civilians who initially were peacefully protesting his rule. Hundreds of Libyan rebels died. Additionally, what courts do you think have the jurrisdiction to preside over crimes Gaddaffi committed? Personally I think it would be Libyan ones, not the politically motivated witch hunts orchestrated from the Hague.

No one is supporting him or his actions. But it is IMPERATIVE that we of the so called civilized part of the world maintain the rule of the law or we too will regress to his level of babarism. How he was captured , shot in cold blood ( premediated MURDER of the worst kind) a throwback into the dark ages.

Again, show us the evidence. The reports were that he had his infamous golden gun with him. Armed is "in cold blood" in your world? thinking about can almost see why it happened that way. AFTER ALL A PRECIDENT WAS ESTABLISHED BY the AMERICANS when they executed an old, sick man (OBL ) in front of his kids and family ......when they too could have easily taken him alive and showed the worlds a sense of decency even to the worst of criminals. THAT IS how civilized people behave. They follow the rule of the law ........NO MATTER WHO THE ACCUSED IS

This is laughably ridiculous. The precident of using lethal force on an accused criminal who threatens to use the same predates the United States. Hell, it predates most western countries.

and please don't go into the cost of the that is pure bunk. A trial for both men would have been a profound learning experience for the entire world.....about what takes place in the dark rooms of politics.

What a trial can show depends on a number of issues, including the scope of the trial and the law(s) it is upholding. I don't know how much of a trial would have made the news and become general information under Libyan law. Are you an expert on Libyan law?

And the evidence of their crimes. Have witnesses come forth with personal experiences that resulted from their crimes.

What a second... what about unproven accusations, like those you continually cast at the US?

and for the record" TERRORISM is a it not a statement of war.........AS if it was one could consider the many mass shootings in the US a "statement of war" , when they are terrorism at its worst. But that is another topic ...

No one is arguing that terrorism isn't a crime... you seem to arguing that Gaddaffi didn't support terrorists, however.

Heck.......the blood thirsty revenge fueled contingency could have made sure to have their executions televised as well. That would be the ULTIMATE in humiliation.

Killing someone provides an easy way out. Once dead....they cannot feel humiliated .......particularly when Pride and arrogance are such a big part of these criminals. That is what made them delusional ....power does that to people. Xtreme power is even worse.

I'm not going to argue that killing him didn't give him an easy way out, but dealing with deposed leaders, especially in situations without a strong democratic history, is dicey. Show trials, exile, prison sentences, even having them in custody while undergoing their country's version of due process, all have risks associated with them. Risks of generating enough public sympathy to revive hostilities. When a dictator is dead, a few sympathizers may long for the good old days, but they have to find someone to rally behind (and its possible that some may rally behind his sons), so they start off in a more precarious position to start with.

In short its easier on the Libyan populace to not have to deal with the circus and gives them a better chance for short term stability. Now I realize that doesn't seem all the palatable to the sensibilities of some but to the more pragmatic, I think the trade off is acceptable.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
He didn't create that perception at all by blowing up passenger Jets by chance?
You have proof that he blew up that plane personally, or do you have accusations by the same media that vilified him? If there was proof that he had anything to do with Lockerbie(?) he would have been attacked a long time ago. Instead the US used him as their defacto terrorist torturer. I'm certainly not saying he was a saint, but there has been some serious manipulation of the facts to manufacture consent on his murder.


Internet Lawyer
Mar 15, 2006
You have proof that he blew up that plane personally, or do you have accusations by the same media that vilified him? If there was proof that he had anything to do with Lockerbie(?) he would have been attacked a long time ago. Instead the US used him as their defacto terrorist torturer. I'm certainly not saying he was a saint, but there has been some serious manipulation of the facts to manufacture consent on his murder.

The fact that Ghadaffi handed over one of his intelligence agents for trial, who in turn was found guilty would indicate he was involved with it. Regardless, as the saying goes "the buck stops here", he was in control of the country at the time and if something like that happens under his command, knowingly or not, he's guilty.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
I mentioned that in late Feb or early March. Did it sink in then? Will it sink in now?
Why should it? It was all hot air. and in the past. Suncor/PC operated unmolested until SUNCOR/PC, THEMSELVES, decided it was time to go for safeties sake.

Yup, Harpo has guaranteed our place in the big league of rapers and pillagers and his minions of sheeple are cheering from their ditches.
And so you use zero petroleum products at all?

Possibly because the accusations against him were not true. They may have been manufactured by those who bombed the country and financed the uprising.
You think that kind of hate comes out of a short propaganda blitz?

On second thought, I should have said the charges against him were greatly exaggerated to justify bombing Libya back into the dark ages.
Perhaps. But the Libyan people seemed to think differently.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
You have proof that he blew up that plane personally, or do you have accusations by the same media that vilified him? If there was proof that he had anything to do with Lockerbie(?) he would have been attacked a long time ago. Instead the US used him as their defacto terrorist torturer. I'm certainly not saying he was a saint, but there has been some serious manipulation of the facts to manufacture consent on his murder.

Exactly - Cliff - He was just handing out Christmas candy - whoops - Candies for EID. Look at his history - Is it all media hype and BS???