Is it wrong to call or name a person or persons coloured


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
Colored people started as a derogatory term people of color wasn't but I'm sure will be considered derogatory in due time.

I wasn't kidding when I said this topic is a tar baby.

It will become a derogatory term when enough people use it in a derogatory manner. That is the problem with political correctness, how it is used not with it's intent. Intentions do, or rather they should, count for a lot but the over use of political correctness in society negates and downright ignores the intent. Personally, I use or don't use words, phrases or terms only when I know, or sincerely believe, that there is genuine offense taken and not simply because it's politically incorrect to say them.

BTW, you should feed your baby, he's looking a little malnourished. ;)


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Sleep? What the hell is sleep? It's 6:30. That is past normal rise and shine time.

Yeah, but you burn the midnight oil too! But I guess you have to be awake a lot to accumulate your knowledge.:lol: Have you thought of doing an avatar change? That one has been there for awhile! Hope I'm not pissing you off. :lol:


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Got any suggestions for an avatar?

I haven't slept in 25 years, why start now?

Mrs was on call again last night and as usual got a call to do a CPS order.


New Member
Aug 12, 2007
Unless you are trying to more accurately describe a person for some kind of clarity, what does it matter what colour they are? Maybe a witness statement, or even just telling another person about a third party's identity.... we seem to base our descriptions on "white" or "non- white". I suppose it will ever be thus, at least until we are genetically homogenized to all be one colour, if we survive as a species that long.........


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
As far as I know it's not a derogatory term. The moment someone slaps my ignorant ass I might then know that is not the case.


New Member
Aug 12, 2007
Unless you are trying to more accurately describe a person for some kind of clarity, what does it matter what colour they are? Maybe a witness statement, or even just telling another person about a third party's identity.... we seem to base our descriptions on "white" or "non- white". I suppose it will ever be thus, at least until we are genetically homogenized to all be one colour, if we survive as a species that long.........

Just an additional note - I hate all this "politically correct" stuff! I grew up with Christmas and like to say "Merry Christmas", not Happy Holidays..... if it's not your "Christmas", then just absorb the well wishes and translate it into your own meaning.

Why can't race and culture be a matter of universal understanding? Why can't we all see that in our diversity we are all really the same? Such a waste of energy looking at differences instead of similarities........ we all love and we all have dreams to be realized. Let it be.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Just an additional note - I hate all this "politically correct" stuff! I grew up with Christmas and like to say "Merry Christmas", not Happy Holidays..... if it's not your "Christmas", then just absorb the well wishes and translate it into your own meaning.

Why can't race and culture be a matter of universal understanding? Why can't we all see that in our diversity we are all really the same? Such a waste of energy looking at differences instead of similarities........ we all love and we all have dreams to be realized. Let it be.
Yup, hear ya man, but some would rather "Let it bleed!"


New Member
Aug 12, 2007
Yup, hear ya man, but some would rather "Let it bleed!"

It comes down to power doesn't it? I want what you have, or I want power over you, to use you for my purpose, so that I can retain my power. It is pure evil and has been the struggle in human existence since we first became aware. I suppose that it will never change, as long as individuals feel that they are more important than others, and that there is no connection to a higher plan (plane?).

I think we will be reminded soon that we are not the "end all" in the big picture. Of course, "soon" could be quite a long time (to us).........


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
Well when we all see that we are all the same things should even out.No such thing as power,we all piss and shi* our pants at one time in our lives.
Some of us have been first aiders at an accident and heard grown men cry for their mommy.
When the shi* hiys the fan were all the same color,we all bleed red.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
Dont worry,in a couple hundred years the worlds population will all be the same color.

People say things like this all the time...are all cows the same colour? In order for us to be all the same colour, we'd need lots of inbreeding...which I just don't see taking off in popularity any time in the next couple hundred years.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
People say things like this all the time...are all cows the same colour? In order for us to be all the same colour, we'd need lots of inbreeding...which I just don't see taking off in popularity any time in the next couple hundred years.
It will take more than just a couple hunred years.It's been 524 years and only 50% of Mexican's are dark from asimilation with the native population


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Time will wound all heels.

It is easy to lament the way humans treat each other, but in the end the only one we can change is ourselves. I have found that the vast majority of people will respond in kind to being treated with respect and kindness. Most people want to be decent humans. Too bad some just want to be or can't help themselves but be assholes. Try not to let them get you down.