Nycole Turmel’s flirtation with sovereignty was not a secret.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
"The RoC has spent years begging Quebec to give Canada a chance, to engage with the federation. As soon as we do so we are slapped across the face and told we are unworthy for our past thought crimes."

That's hilarious! The Quebec tail has been wagging the Canadian dog for 50 years.

It stops now.

With seat redistribution and the split on the left, Quebec's influence on the nation is going to slip radically.

And that is a very good thing.........and HOW is Turmel having her face slapped by the exposure of her political past????????

It is more like a wife having her affair revealed to her husband (the Canadian people) The face slapping won't start until the next

So you say, yet here you are, doing your best to pull something out of context. I had plenty of horrid teachers that did that. Good thing my parents were better teachers.

tch tch...I don't teach BTW, not anymore.

What out of context???lol

The woman is a supporter of separatist parties and the extreme left. As of TUESDAY!!!!

That IS the context......:)


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
That's hilarious! The Quebec tail has been wagging the Canadian dog for 50 years.

It stops now.

With seat redistribution and the split on the left, Quebec's influence on the nation is going to slip radically.

And yet, Turmel is a threat to national interest because she's a "sovereigntist" according to you.

Even though we've proven:

1.) She's not a sovereigntist, she's a federalist


2.) Quebec sovereignty is flailing (which both you and I actually agree on)

Sorry, but your logic is flawed and you lost on this one, mate. Just accept it and move on.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
This is a pretty $hitty post, and I don't think I really have to explain why.

Why, because you don't agree????

And yet, Turmel is a threat to national interest because she's a "sovereigntist" according to you.

Even though we've proven:

1.) She's not a sovereigntist, she's a federalist


2.) Quebec sovereignty is flailing (which both you and I actually agree on)

Sorry, but your logic is flawed and you lost on this one, mate. Just accept it and move on.

Go read my blue-crested parrot

You've proven nothing, except that Turmel is incredibly two-faced, and a supporter of the extreme left.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Why, because you don't agree????

No, because Colpy "everyone else is a Neo-Nazi" doesn't make any sense.

You've proven nothing, except that Turmel is incredibly two-faced, and a supporter of the extreme left.

I'm sorry, but where does Quebec sovereignty fit into this?

Earlier in the day, Turmel said she backs the NDP position on federal support for the Lower Churchill hydroelectric megaproject, despite opposition from the Quebec government and many Quebec politicians.

You seem to have bits of crow dribbling from your chin. Can you clear that bit up again?
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
No, because Colpy "everyone else is a Neo-Nazi" doesn't make any sense.

I'm sorry, but where does Quebec sovereignty fit into this?

You seem to have bits of crow dribbling from your chin. Can you clear that bit up again?

It doesn't, except as a part of Turmel's political make-up........and I don't care about Turmel.......if you guys want to continue to support a party that can't find a single sane, secure, moderate person in its 103 member caucus to lead it..........well, keep on keeping

The rest of Canada is SOOOOO gonna turf them next time, this is just a small step on their road to perdition........

I'm tired of this conversation, it has gotten silly with the defense of the indefensible.......Good Day to you.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
That's hilarious! The Quebec tail has been wagging the Canadian dog for 50 years.

It stops now.

Quebec voted very differently than they ever have in the past.

tch tch...I don't teach BTW, not anymore.

Not officially.

What out of context???lol

Well, as a lover of history, you ought to know when you form accounts of the past and ignore details, that is called being out of context.

The woman is a supporter of separatist parties and the extreme left. As of TUESDAY!!!!

That IS the context......:)

Not when you're talking about the motives of a person, when there are other sources that place more importance on other motives. She's far more progressive and federalist than she is a separtist. You're being intellectually lazy by ignoring the complexity.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
It doesn't, except as a part of Turmel's political make-up........and I don't care about Turmel.......if you guys want to continue to support a party that can't find a single sane, secure, moderate person in its 103 member caucus to lead it..........well, keep on keeping

The rest of Canada is SOOOOO gonna turf them next time, this is just a small step on their road to perdition........

I'm tired of this conversation, it has gotten silly with the defense of the indefensible.......Good Day to you.

And so, another rowdy peasant dropped their pitchfork that day while the Canadian political landscape experienced it's inevitable, cataclysmic shift to the right.

Praise be to Ezra!
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The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Wakie, wakie, hands off snakie!

Sovereignty....what have any of you done to stop Harper/Martin/Cretien from going deeper into SPP and the inevitable NAU?

Even Harper himself says sovereignty is a goner but where the **** were all of you to stop it?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
"I know some people don't like it, it's a loss of National Sovereignty but it is a simple reality".

Stephen Harper - G20 Toronto 2010


Council Member
Mar 29, 2009
Calgary, AB
There are some differences here, that people seem to be willing to ignore.

- Do we want to have external trade relationships with other countries? If so, we have to cede some sovereignty to our partners, just as they have to cede it to us. Its a political compromise on the next step up (the international level), just as we do at various other levels going from municpal to provincial to federal. Now we can argue about some of the deals we have and continue to make at the international level (I don't disagree that we may have allowed too much foreign ownership of some sectors, such as the energy industry), but thats not the same as saying we don't want it altogether.

- Is there a difference between essentially trading some sovereignty with other nations and simply ceding it to a portion of the populace that wants to use it as leverage in dealing with the rest of the country? Absolutely.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
You can trade all you want and still retain sovereignty. You're falling for a lie.

‪Stephen Harper "Its a loss of CANADA'S sovereignty"‬‏ - YouTube

It's not global government but global governance......

What the f***? Boy he is a good liar and Canadians are dumber than bags of hammers.

Government and governace are the same ****ing thing.

gov·er·nance (g
n.1. The act, process, or power of governing; government: "Regaining a sense of the state is thus an absolute priority, not only for an effective policy against . . . terrorism, but also for governance itself" (Moorhead Kennedy).
2. The state of being governed.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010

Turmel and the Bloc: er, so what?

The deep lefty streak that runs through Quebec is, by definition, proudly coloured fleur-de-lys blue. Translation: if, in the last 40 or so years, you are French, of a certain baby boomer age, and are of the leftward persuasion, it’s pretty much a slam dunk that you will have expressed as much through one of the various sovereignist options available to you. Before the suddenly-viable NDP of Jack Layton, there was simply no other way. And, by virtue of your membership in one of these sovereignist parties, you would have endorsed the prevailing line that Quebec is better off without its English rest-of-Canada cousins in the mix.

But here’s the wee nuance that seems lost on the rest of the country, and one that is particularly important in the case of Turmel: the members of these parties, whether they are on the left or the right, endorse this supposedly bedrock belief to varying degrees. The Bloc is/was made up of people like Jean Dorion, former president of the endlessly entertaining Société St Jean Baptiste; it’s also the former home of Jean Lapierre, who after co-founding the sovereignist party went on to be a cabinet minister in Paul Martin’s “home of the Clarity Act” Liberal government. Many, many members of the Bloc, along with the Parti Québécois and Québec Solidaire, are happy to live with Quebec’s current status as a province within a larger country.

Turmel and the Bloc: er, so what? - Deux maudits anglais -

Joining the chorus of criticism against Turmel, Harper said Canadians expect that any political party that wants to run the country be "unequivocally committed" to it.

But the New Democrats say the Tories are in no position to criticize anyone. "Knowing that... Conservative minister Denis Lebel was an active member of the Bloc Québécois and that Maxime Bernier was a political aide to former premier Bernard Landry who made all employees declare their loyalty to an independent Quebec, we wonder why politicians who live in glass houses are throwing stones," the party said in a news release.

Turmel confirmed Tuesday that she was a member of the Bloc for more than four years before returning her membership in January, a few months before the federal election.

She also said she was a member of provincial sovereigntist group Québec Solidaire, but plans to send her card back.
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Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Hmmm....Interesting to see the lefties here circling the wagons on this one:smile:

Might be interesting for an hour or two then kinda borring.........


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
No you aren't getting to me at all. If you contributed something worth discussing then perhaps you could piss me off but you're just a ****ing useless lurker who does nothing. Are you brain dead that you can't contribute or you just lurk?

Come on Mr Right Winger Lurker I have something for you to do. Find a Liberal policy on international trade that Cons have reversed to regain our sovereignty That is what the thread is about right? Sovereignty?

Do you approve of "Global Governance" and the loss of sovereignty yes or no? Spill your guts. Lets hear some real opinions that aren't right/left b h u l l s h i t.

What have you personally done to ensure Canada's sovereignty as a lurking troll?