Nycole Turmel’s flirtation with sovereignty was not a secret.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,

Yep, we're enjoying ourselves......watching the NDP exposed as the collection of Quebec nationalists, Israel haters, radical unionists, conspiracy theorists, and simple morons is a complete joy. And, BTW, that is just at the very top of the party!!!!

No manipulation necessary, they do it to themselves.......which was my point.

Yep, nice to see them exposed.

God help us if they ever form government!!!!

Which is why their exposure is so sweet, and so necessary.

The Liberals will be back.

Good call that the Liberals are behind the push to discredit Turmel....after all that seat had been a Liberal seat for years much so that the residents of Gatineau (I have lots of relatives there) would laughingly say that if the Liberals were to nominate the farmer's cow, the constituents would elect her...:lol:


House Member
Jan 18, 2005
Jack Layton's NDP is sworn to "protect" Quebec in the case of an expected seat redistribution.............

The NDP IS the new BQ.

The NDP and BQ have much in common on social issues, and they both want to milk taxes as much as possible, but soverreignty should raise more alarm bells with them. The NDP is a good example of how the elites are just so blase about everything. Separatism? Just downplay it all and say it's no problem. the rubes will eat it they think.

That's why it's good we get new parties, because the old ones get too entrenched and smug. They need to be eradicated for renewal.
Maybe the Greens will wipe out the NDP. Or the Liberal-NDP merger. Hey, that's suddenly not so crazy if the NDP takes a major hit in the polls over this.

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury

Yep, we're enjoying ourselves......watching the NDP exposed as the collection of Quebec nationalists, Israel haters, radical unionists, conspiracy theorists, and simple morons is a complete joy. And, BTW, that is just at the very top of the party!!!!

No manipulation necessary, they do it to themselves.......which was my point.

Yep, nice to see them exposed.

God help us if they ever form government!!!!

Which is why their exposure is so sweet, and so necessary.

The Liberals will be back.
I always wonder at folk who feel the need to point out the other guy's "faults". Does it really deflect the attention from your own?

NDP got to be opposition. Why does it have you worked up so much? NDP and everyone else is in minority.


House Member
Jan 18, 2005
With the NDP being the official opposition party they have the opportunity to be the govt, in theory at least. That possibility has never occurred before in its history, they will have to be more responsible to look more creidible. And taking on a separatist candidate without thoroughly checking her out, is a sign they are not responsible enough to govern. If they don't improve they may become a fringe party after the next election.

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
Bloc were official Opposition in 1993. What happened then? - seeing as how some of you want to turn getting a party membership to support a friend into rabid separatiste....


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Bloc were official Opposition in 1993. What happened then? - seeing as how some of you want to turn getting a party membership to support a friend into rabid separatiste....

Come on Lone Wolf....

1. The BQ never had a chance to form a gov't in Canada as they only RAN in 75 ridings.....the NDP have 28 seats MORE than the maximum the BQ could ever elect.

2. If you want to see the reaction of the Canadian people to the idea of Quebec nationalists in ANY position of power in Ottawa, look at the polls just after the entire "coalition" fiasco in 2008.

3. She was not simply a BQ supporter, but is STILL (as of yesterday) a member of Quebec Solidaire.....another separatist group.....with communist connections.

Certainly, as Leader of the Opposition, interim or not, Turmel must be accountable to the people for her actions. Certainly this is the peoples' business, and in their interest that it was exposed. This is not a private personal matter, but a political act, and therefore very much in the public realm......we need to know the political persona of the people we voted for, and who we will be voting for.....


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I think most parties that benefit from a protest vote are generally just a "flash in the pan", after the next election they will have fallen back to their benchmark level of 30-35 seats.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
I think most parties that benefit from a protest vote are generally just a "flash in the pan", after the next election they will have fallen back to their benchmark level of 30-35 seats.

Depending....if they truely become the defender of Quebec nationalism to the detriment of the Federation as a whole, they might do very well, actually displacing the BQ as the party of Quebec in Ottawa.......

But I do believe that would kill them in the ROC.

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
Come on Lone Wolf....

1. The BQ never had a chance to form a gov't in Canada as they only RAN in 75 ridings.....the NDP have 28 seats MORE than the maximum the BQ could ever elect.

2. If you want to see the reaction of the Canadian people to the idea of Quebec nationalists in ANY position of power in Ottawa, look at the polls just after the entire "coalition" fiasco in 2008.

3. She was not simply a BQ supporter, but is STILL (as of yesterday) a member of Quebec Solidaire.....another separatist group.....with communist connections.

Certainly, as Leader of the Opposition, interim or not, Turmel must be accountable to the people for her actions. Certainly this is the peoples' business, and in their interest that it was exposed. This is not a private personal matter, but a political act, and therefore very much in the public realm......we need to know the political persona of the people we voted for, and who we will be voting for.....
I think you're working on a new ulcer for nothing. Let's see how long it takes before some Conservative backbencher spouts off something off-colour - or some Minister alters another document and gets away with it. Like I said previously: I have a Conservative membership - paid for by a friend so I could help give him the riding's nod. If Turmel used BQ membership to get on better with Quebec Unions, so be it. What politician isn't a chameleon?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
You get what you pay for.

No we don't. We pay good money for our political representatives but rarely get quality and sometimes get absolute ****.

I think most parties that benefit from a protest vote are generally just a "flash in the pan", after the next election they will have fallen back to their benchmark level of 30-35 seats.

Not too sure about that anymore. After all many of us voted for reform not so much because of their platform or that we wanted them to become the government but simply because they were A) from the west and
B) not the Liberals or Conservatives.
We couldn't use the dippers for a protest because they are dippers and also because they actually think they have a shot at ruining our country.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
I think you're working on a new ulcer for nothing. Let's see how long it takes before some Conservative backbencher spouts off something off-colour - or some Minister alters another document and gets away with it. Like I said previously: I have a Conservative membership - paid for by a friend so I could help give him the riding's nod. If Turmel used BQ membership to get on better with Quebec Unions, so be it. What politician isn't a chameleon?

I'm not wound about this at all, I knew something like this was inevitable...........I actually think it is somewhat amusing.

The fact is, the NDP simply do not represent in any way the principles that guide the vast majority of Canadians. They are, for the foreseeable future, simply not capable of being elected to gov't..............this last election was a blip.

Oh, and I wanted to say.........Turmel's political associations are relevant in the same way Harper's "firewall" letter was (and is) relevant.....perfectly legitimately.


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
I am only surprised that this got the party nod. I understand that Layton is sick and an interim leader had to be named, but certainly someone without baggage. Do I care if she flirted with separtists?

Nope, but then I am never going to vote for the NDP.

What this does is give the NDP's arch nemesis (nope not the Conservatives) the Liberals a building block to rally their grass roots and start rebuilding. What it demonstrates is that the NDP is not quite ready for Prime Time.

It is easy to be the Mouse that Roared, but now they are in the big leagues and everything they say and do will be scrutinized, therefore they will have to start considering who they put up as their leaders and how they handle scrutiny.

The NDP has achieved official opposition status, now everything they say and do will be looked at.

Looked at hard.

Amateur hour is over.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
I'll wait until Parliament has sat for a couple months to comment on recently elected or re-elected types.


House Member
Jan 18, 2005
The NDP have far too many rookies from a province they were always outsiders in to really grow up fast. Suddenly they have Quebec caucus that is too big to be coherent and forceful. There are too few old pros to show them the ropes and the party culture. Even the new temp leader was never a long time NDPer. They needed some clear sailing for a while to have a hope, but they just hit two icebergs. Lost their leader and got a bad new one. They are shark food.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
The off season is so hard on partisan drama hunters....

Especially when an interim pick who actually claims to be a federalist gets this much heat, and she hasn't even done anything yet, lol. All the usual suspects have come in with the pitchforks to contribute to the shadow puppet theather and have already made themselves look pretty foolish if you ask me.

If this woman does become the permanent leader of the party, I would like to resurrect this thread in a year to see if she really pushes any sort of sovereignty or if this theater is all just... partisan nonsense. Hey guys, I can already hear this woman calling for a referendum...

"I represent Canada. I am a federalist," said Turmel, sticking to a series of answers about what she called "a mistake."

Earlier in the day, Turmel said she backs the NDP position on federal support for the Lower Churchill hydroelectric megaproject, despite opposition from the Quebec government and many Quebec politicians.

"I support the request of Newfoundland on this issue. This is clear to me," said Turmel, referring to the Newfoundland and Labrador government's application for a federal loan guarantee to develop power at Muskrat Falls, on Labrador's Churchill River.

Turmel said she will put pressure on Prime Minister Stephen Harper to follow through with an election pledge to support the project. "At this point nothing is signed, so we need to make sure this [happens]," she said.

Turmel's Bloc ties questioned at Regatta - Politics - CBC News 5 pieces of crow today.. I'll have to ration these throughout the year. :)
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