hmmm...I can think of a couple groups that are likely responsible..and they ain't Norwegian...
Oddly enough, it appears that 55 Mercury is absolutely correct.
That's just weird.
And disturbing.
Keep digging. Don't stop there.
How many "others" have such a record I wonder.
Cripes - just do an explosive beer fart in a crowded mall food court and someone look at the person next to them and someone else will claim credit for the event....
This is your source of information? A site devoted to misinformation and incitement of hatred towards Muslims?
Do you have any interest in real facts or do you like to be willfully ignorant?
No one could seriously go to these websites and take anything that's on it with any more than a grain of salt.
Would it matter if Haaretz or NY Times that used the same CIA data? You read the CNN aricle I posted too I hope or you skipped that?And is a good place to start???:roll:
This is your source of information? A site devoted to misinformation and incitement of hatred towards Muslims?
Do you have any interest in real facts or do you like to be willfully ignorant?
No one could seriously go to these websites and take anything that's on it with any more than a grain of salt.
This is your source of information? A site devoted to misinformation and incitement of hatred towards Muslims?
Do you have any interest in real facts or do you like to be willfully ignorant?
No one could seriously go to these websites and take anything that's on it with any more than a grain of salt.
Are you or have you ever been a member of ELF (earth liberation front).......:lol:![]()
Well you should wait until the facts are clear. Looks like it was likely a right-wing Christian Norwegian extremist.
What "misinformation"????
The accusation that the site is inaccurate is yours, therefore the onus to provide evidence that it is inaccurate is yours........
I doubt you can provide the required information.
I doubt you are simply gifted with some higher knowledge than the rest of us poor unfortunates...........which leaves only one possibility........
You prefer to deny the existence of an extensive Islamist terror campaign.
Did you say something about "willful ignorance"??????
Find a mirror, and repeat it three times.
Really? What misinformation??? The entire site is set up by ignorant islamophobic kids trying to incite hatred towards Muslims. That's literally it's only purpose for the website existing. No different than if a Neo-Nazi put up a site about Jews and blamed jews on the ills of society ...
This is a website that smart people wouldn't take seriously. It's not meant for fact-collection but basically a website where racist and bigots can feel good about promoting their negative views.
Apparently this guy is a fan of Geert Wilders and Pamela Geller. you are admitting you can not debate the matter with fact and/or a logical are only capable of heaping derision on the gentleman that originally posted.
Look around the'll find lots of Jew haters and holocaust deniers quoting idiotic web sites. You will also find that I have torn them into little bits, with documented facts.....which trumps innuendo and ideological BS without basis every time.
Stuff you just pull out of your arse is just need to back up your argument.
I just gave you a factual and logical argument.
But look at how people will immediately jump to the conclusion that it must be a Muslim as a knee-jerk reaction. Same happened after the Oklahoma bombings.
Well, first off, Islam is not an "immigrant group", seeing that it's a religion that anyone can adopt or reject.
I don't see what race has to do with religion. A white guy can just as easily be Muslim as a black buy or any shade in between.
The reason we suspect it's not a Muslim is because it's believed the suspect is in fact a white supremacist, not because he's white.
It's not unreasonable to assume that this type of attack is due to islamic barbarians, hoever."right wing extremists" will never be able to match the carnage of the islamists tho...
Yeah, well....Hitler liked dogs. That doesn't make a dog the anti-Christ.