Founder of Islam, Mohammad, was a Pedophile


Senate Member
Feb 9, 2011
Vancouver, BC
Possibly the same thing that makes you think that Muslims agree with pedophilia, except I have the ability to think.

You fabricate a belief I haven't expressed, you avoid the question I asked and then proceed to insult me.

If you aren't capable of having a civil or honest discussion, please don't respond to my posts. kthxbai


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Examples of what?
That Christians or Muslims support having sex with minors?

"I would venture to say that the number of Muslims who believe that pedophilia is acceptable are on par with the number of Christians who believe the same thing."

At some point the views of the other 3rd religion that has God as the head should also be examined for similar immoral teaching. Their view of the Gentiles was not always on par with 'equal rights for all'


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
That Christians or Muslims support having sex with minors?

"I would venture to say that the number of Muslims who believe that pedophilia is acceptable are on par with the number of Christians who believe the same thing."

At some point the views of the other 3rd religion that has God as the head should also be examined for similar immoral teaching. Their view of the Gentiles was not always on par with 'equal rights for all'

Your lack of comprehension is astounding sometimes. From your responses I gather that you were thinking that Tenpenny was accusing both Muslims AND Christians of accepting pedophilia. My take on his response is the exact opposite of that,in that, the occurrences of support for pedophilia would be the same in either Faith, and that would be non existent. Only a sick basterd would support pedophilia and that persons religious beliefs or non beliefs would have nothing to do with it.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
I wanted to get a ratio from her, zero would have been a perfectly acceptable answer, examples would support the ratio if it was higher than zero. There is also the aspect of false Christians and they may appear in Church on Sundays but cruise for underage hookers the night before. If you're reading more than that into the post you were spending too much time on it.


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
Tenpenny my point exactly, you cannot compare today with what happened from five hundred
to a thousand years ago. The culture was different, the society norms were different and the
age of consent was in consort with the expected age of life, meaning that people were old long
before forty in some cases. Those in the military were lucky to see twenty five.
People were married with children as a norm by the time they were thirteen or fourteen and in
some cases younger.
Trying to judge the past of centuries ago skews the image if not all the facts are present and this
practise existed in many societies not just the Muslims. Do I subscribe to the Holy Book of Islam
absolutely not, but then the Christian Bible has all kinds of things I would take issue with.
Was Mohammad a pedophile? That is hard to answer because he may have taken a wife in a
society where it was accepted practise, and he may also have been a pedophile. But there is
one telling detail here that gets little coverage, and that is he married a child at the age of six but
did not consummate the marriage until the age of nine the accepted age in the society of the time.
Therefore he may not have been an actual pedophile, by the standards of the day.
Then again how do we know what is in another mans heart? It is an age old question that will
never have a fool proof answer


House Member
May 18, 2010
That is hard to answer because he may have taken a wife in a
society where it was accepted practise, and he may also have been a pedophile. But there is
one telling detail here that gets little coverage, and that is he married a child at the age of six but
did not consummate the marriage until the age of nine the accepted age in the society of the time.
Therefore he may not have been an actual pedophile, by the standards of the day.
Then again how do we know what is in another mans heart? It is an age old question that will
never have a fool proof answer
Marrying a six yr old was never a social norm. How do you know when he consummated the marriage?

Marrying nine yr olds is still being carried out by this sick society.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
Your lack of comprehension is astounding sometimes. From your responses I gather that you were thinking that Tenpenny was accusing both Muslims AND Christians of accepting pedophilia. My take on his response is the exact opposite of that,in that, the occurrences of support for pedophilia would be the same in either Faith, and that would be non existent. Only a sick basterd would support pedophilia and that persons religious beliefs or non beliefs would have nothing to do with it.

My goodness, someone can read.

Thanks for that.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Actually, most of the posters just mocked or ignored the OP.

After 40, the chances of a woman conceiving are greatly diminished and soon enough become impossible. Life expectancy exceeding menopause should have no effect on the urgency of marriage and make it acceptable to hold off marriage longer. And the younger a girl conceives the greater chance she and her baby have of not surviving the pregnancy. It would make sense to hold off marriage until the girl has matured more at any point in history.

The real reason for child marriage is that throughout history female sexuality has been considered a property to be bought, sold and protected, and in the words of escaped rapist Roman Polanski "everyone wants to **** young girls." It's really that simple. No need to imagine some pseudo-anthropological theory about life expectancy. It's about sex.
A hundred years ago, and in some cultures still today, a girl could be betrothed at birth and never know her husband until the day of marriage. Many of those marriages were about power, finances, etc and had very little to do with sex. The history of every culture is littered with child brides. When the average life expectancy was 40 years, marriage at puberty was the norm and had nothing to do with pedophilia and everything to do with survival of the species. The aristocracy was most prone to the practice because the sooner one had a living heir the better chance to carry on the name. Also, many of these child brides died in birth and the men wanted to be able to remarry before it was too late to have an heir. Back then death during pregnancy and birth were very common. Besides that, many men had lovers to take care of their sexual needs. The wife was simply for procreation.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
When you take in the lack of persecution for events like the Franklin affair then I'm not sure what you even mean by 'Christian'. The body of Gov accused of that are those misdeed are from the Christian part of Society. Now were our Indian Schools without that practice, without the marriage part. Today it would also be called rape, that it even exists says the Church is not without problem that exist these very days. Maybe those issues don't factor into your version of the Christian religion. I see them as being a sign that today's churches are not without issues just as severe, if not morso in that they are widely known facts.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Do you know why child abuse and slavery aren't in the 10 Commandments? Because Moses was a pedophile and a slave trader.


Senate Member
Feb 9, 2011
Vancouver, BC
Tenpenny my point exactly, you cannot compare today with what happened from five hundred
to a thousand years ago. The culture was different, the society norms were different and the
age of consent was in consort with the expected age of life, meaning that people were old long
before forty in some cases. Those in the military were lucky to see twenty five.
People were married with children as a norm by the time they were thirteen or fourteen and in
some cases younger.
Trying to judge the past of centuries ago skews the image if not all the facts are present and this
practise existed in many societies not just the Muslims. Do I subscribe to the Holy Book of Islam
absolutely not, but then the Christian Bible has all kinds of things I would take issue with.
Was Mohammad a pedophile? That is hard to answer because he may have taken a wife in a
society where it was accepted practise, and he may also have been a pedophile. But there is
one telling detail here that gets little coverage, and that is he married a child at the age of six but
did not consummate the marriage until the age of nine the accepted age in the society of the time.
Therefore he may not have been an actual pedophile, by the standards of the day.
Then again how do we know what is in another mans heart? It is an age old question that will
never have a fool proof answer

You're repeating yourself. "We can't judge the past because the past had different norms." That argument needs to be expanded beyond your wishful thinking. It's not as self-evident as you make it out to be. But you're just ignoring my attempts to have you elaborate on your position. I'm curious if anyone here is capable of having discussion. Should I not bother responding to your posts? Let me know and I'll leave you to continue talking to yourself.

When the average life expectancy was 40 years, marriage at puberty was the norm and had nothing to do with pedophilia and everything to do with survival of the species.

Did you just completely ignore the part where I addressed your life expectancy argument? Because you didn't argue against it, you just repeated the same refuted argument. Are we having a discussion here or are you just going to repeat yourself?


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
You're repeating yourself. "We can't judge the past because the past had different norms." That argument needs to be expanded beyond your wishful thinking. It's not as self-evident as you make it out to be. But you're just ignoring my attempts to have you elaborate on your position. I'm curious if anyone here is capable of having discussion. Should I not bother responding to your posts? Let me know and I'll leave you to continue talking to yourself.

Did you just completely ignore the part where I addressed your life expectancy argument? Because you didn't argue against it, you just repeated the same refuted argument. Are we having a discussion here or are you just going to repeat yourself?
I still don't see a refutation. The life expectancy 150 years ago was considerably shorter than it is today:
Life Expectancy by Age, 1850–2004 —

You are trying to apply today's knowledge and standards to people 100 or 1000 years ago when they had no access to such knowledge or medical help. People died young because, by our standards, they were ignorant.

What was normal then is abhorrent to us today but we can't judge them by our standards. The Europeans who made it their mission in life to try to kill of the aboriginal populations of the world did so because they thought it was their god given duty to rid the world of godless savages. They were led to believe by their leaders, that what they were doing was righteous. We know that they were wrong but they thought they were right. Same thing with child marriage. Women were considered chattel, expendable and possessions. Today we think that is just terrible but that is the way they were raised. Don't forget, that it has been, and continues to be in many cultures, the women who perpetrate some of these awful practices, like genital mutilation.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
I still don't see a refutation. The life expectancy 150 years ago was considerably shorter than it is today:
Life Expectancy by Age, 1850–2004 —

You are trying to apply today's knowledge and standards to people 100 or 1000 years ago when they had no access to such knowledge or medical help. People died young because, by our standards, they were ignorant.

What was normal then is abhorrent to us today but we can't judge them by our standards. The Europeans who made it their mission in life to try to kill of the aboriginal populations of the world did so because they thought it was their god given duty to rid the world of godless savages. They were led to believe by their leaders, that what they were doing was righteous. We know that they were wrong but they thought they were right. Same thing with child marriage. Women were considered chattel, expendable and possessions. Today we think that is just terrible but that is the way they were raised. Don't forget, that it has been, and continues to be in many cultures, the women who perpetrate some of these awful practices, like genital mutilation.
The chart is confusing.

I just read an article earlier today on longevity and the future of mankind.

Pete's quick and easy fact book says life expectancy went from 49 at the turn of the century to 74 today.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
The chart is confusing.

I just read an article earlier today on longevity and the future of mankind.

Pete's quick and easy fact book says life expectancy went from 49 at the turn of the century to 74 today.
But since the topic is whether or not Mohammad was a pedophile, the life expectancy 1400 years ago was considerably less than 49 and the norms of the day were considerably different than they are today. Is it reasonable to project our knowledge and standards on those people? I don't think so. I doubt that sex was the only motivating factor in taking child brides back then. As many have stated, having seventy three virgins in heaven would be more like hell.


Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
Do you know why child abuse and slavery aren't in the 10 Commandments? Because Moses was a pedophile and a slave trader.

The Dajjal has one eye, but you are completely blind; hence, the Dajjal is better than you.

All of Moses, Jesus and Mohammed worked according to God's instruction and revelation. All of them were kind-hearted and righteous; and Jesus came to make a difficult reformation of a wicked generation, so he did not contradict the Law revealed to Moses. Moahammed came later to eradicate the idolatry and correct the distorted scriptures.

A Call from God to the People of the Bible
[: Jews and Christians]


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
There were 12 Commandments but some Heebs didn't like the slavery and child abuse parts.
But JC and Mohamed were supposed to correct all that but they don't seem to have mentioned it. I guess Christians and Muslims don't like those parts either.