TheGuy's repeating theme Threads, that're all on the same tangent, merged here.


Electoral Member
Mar 25, 2011
Re: Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteous, for they will be filled..

And one might say that (The) + (Guy) + Statements Squared minus- Thought to the 3rd minus Tolerance to the Nth minus intelligence plus the square root of Zero = Intolerant, Dumb Ashole Mo Fuk

Ad Silly.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Re: Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteous, for they will be filled..

I hunger for pizza. Holy pizza. Pizza made the way the Pope would make pizza.
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Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Re: Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteous, for they will be filled..

Ad Silly.
Well as I like to say, the Good Lord has a special place in his heart for stupid people. Why. Because he made so many of them. You are just another that I had not met until recently - Again my point is proven


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Re: I think it make a lot of sense that people would BASH Christians.

I bet angels are amazing in bed. Although, there would be the problem of cleaning up the feathers.
I assume you are referencing staying power and a short 'recovery time'. Perhaps the feathers are for taking you to cloud 9 for dinner with a view. Just because he is an angel don't expect it to be like a man and a kangaroo where it helps to move all the furniture to one side of the room.

Yup..Judging by the balls he has fallen.
Small wings, small ........, well you get the idea and it may have been chilly out that day or the sculptor was a man and this is a hetro angel


Electoral Member
Mar 25, 2011
Re: Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteous, for they will be filled..

Well as I like to say, the Good Lord has a special place in his heart for stupid people. Why. Because he made so many of them. You are just another that I had not met until recently - Again my point is proven

Clearly you have made NO POINT, and most certainly have PROVEN NOTHING, as you merely spew your irrelevant and presumptuous opinion as if it is TRUTH..

Ad Hominem is a general category of fallacies in which a claim or argument is rejected on the basis of some irrelevant fact about the author of or the person presenting the claim or argument.

So I guess it's lucky for you that the Good Lord has a special place in his heart for stupid people. And further what of the intellegent people, does the Good Lord, hate them?

Silly would be to conclude that you are RIGHT, because you SAY SO, or because some presumpous person agrees with you...

Silly would be to make arguments by provideing nothing but Sillyness and Ad Hominem...


Sillyness and Ad Hominem would go something like this..

{And one might say that (The) + (Guy) + Statements Squared minus- Thought to the 3rd minus Tolerance to the Nth minus intelligence plus the square root of Zero = Intolerant, Dumb Ashole Mo Fuk }

1 Judge not, that ye be not judged.

2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. Mk. 4.24
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Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Re: Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteous, for they will be filled..

Clearly you have made NO POINT, and most certainly have PROVEN NOTHING, as you merely spew your irrelevant and presumptuous opinion as if it is TRUTH..

well, you get what you give.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Re: Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteous, for they will be filled..

Clearly you have made NO POINT, and most certainly have PROVEN NOTHING, as you merely spew your irrelevant and presumptuous opinion as if it is TRUTH..

Ad Hominem is a general category of fallacies in which a claim or argument is rejected on the basis of some irrelevant fact about the author of or the person presenting the claim or argument.

So I guess it's lucky for you that the Good Lord has a special place in his heart for stupid people. And further what of the intellegent people, does the Good Lord, hate them?

Silly would be to conclude that you are RIGHT, because you SAY SO, or because some presumpous person agrees with you...

Silly would be to make arguments by provideing nothing but Sillyness and Ad Hominem...


Sillyness and Ad Hominem would go something like this..

{And one might say that (The) + (Guy) + Statements Squared minus- Thought to the 3rd minus Tolerance to the Nth minus intelligence plus the square root of Zero = Intolerant, Dumb Ashole Mo Fuk }
No again you take what I have stated and run off to stupidity - And as to intelligent - Are you referring to yourself????


Electoral Member
Mar 25, 2011
Re: Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteous, for they will be filled..

No again you take what I have stated and run off to stupidity - And as to intelligent - Are you referring to yourself????

I am referring to whatever it is that you consider to be the opposite of stupid...
You have stated NOTHING, you have only uttered irrelevant insults that clearly more appropriately apply to YOU.. even in your own opinion.. You simply choose to ignore that FACT..

and further the more you argue that I am WRONG and you are RIGHT, the more you confirm your hypocrisy..


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Re: Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteous, for they will be filled..

I am referring to whatever it is that you consider to be the opposite of stupid...
You have stated NOTHING, you have only uttered irrelevant insults that clearly more appropriately apply to YOU.. even in your own opinion.. You simply choose to ignore that FACT..

and further the more you argue that I am WRONG and you are RIGHT, the more you confirm your hypocrisy..

Gee Goob, I think you're getting to the little twerp. He's making even less sense than he usually does.


Electoral Member
Mar 25, 2011
Re: I think it make a lot of sense that people would BASH Christians.

I assume you are referencing staying power and a short 'recovery time'. Perhaps the feathers are for taking you to cloud 9 for dinner with a view. Just because he is an angel don't expect it to be like a man and a kangaroo where it helps to move all the furniture to one side of the room.

Small wings, small ........, well you get the idea and it may have been chilly out that day or the sculptor was a man and this is a hetro angel

Rolling on the floor LMFAO...


Electoral Member
Mar 25, 2011
Re: Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteous, for they will be filled..

Gee Goob, I think you're getting to the little twerp. He's making even less sense than he usually does.

Absurdity is what I like most in life, and there's humor in struggling in ignorance. If you saw a man repeatedly running into a wall until he was a bloody pulp, after a while it would make you laugh because it becomes absurd.
David Lynch


Senate Member
Feb 9, 2011
Vancouver, BC
Re: Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteous, for they will be filled..

I just want to interject into this thread to make a side point.

An argumentum ad hominem is not a logical fallacy when the argument it is attacking relies on the personal characteristics of the person making it. If for example the argument made depends on the persons reliability or honesty or intelligence, you can logically rebut that argument by questioning those qualities - attacking the person's reliability, honesty or intelligence.

What petros said would have been a fallacious ad hominem had he called TheGuy silly in order to refute an argument he made. But he didn't. He just said TheGuy was silly. And that makes it only an insult. There's no need to slap a Latin word on it and pretend you're operating on some higher level of debate here (that's my job :p). Most people know and use your incorrect definition of ad hominem anyway.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Re: Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteous, for they will be filled..

Absurdity is what I like most in life, and there's humor in struggling in ignorance. If you saw a man repeatedly running into a wall until he was a bloody pulp, after a while it would make you laugh because it becomes absurd.
David Lynch, I wouldn't. I would come to his assistance. If I came upon the man AFTER the fact and found that no one came to his assistance and just watched and laughed, I would think very little of those people.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Re: I think it make a lot of sense that people would BASH Christians.

People , at least in Canada have a right to their religious beliefs no matter how wacky or lack there of. What they don't have is the right to impose those beliefs on others.


Electoral Member
Mar 25, 2011
Re: Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteous, for they will be filled.., I wouldn't. I would come to his assistance. If I came upon the man AFTER the fact and found that no one came to his assistance and just watched and laughed, I would think very little of those people.

What is good about being in Japan, is their advanced technology, you don't have to go to the beach, it comes to you..


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Re: Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteous, for they will be filled..



Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Re: Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteous, for they will be filled..

Some of these posts remind me of someone in Beamsville:lol: