the master race ain't what it used to be


Senate Member
Feb 9, 2011
Vancouver, BC
They are birds of a feather with our latest national edition of these sentiments better financed by BIG OIL and more adept at deception and disguise.

Can we get our conspiracies straight in here? Is it the Jews or is it big oil? Or is it both?

I refuse to have competing insanity in this thread. I'm making an executive decision: it's not the Jews or big oil. It's aliens. Please rant accordingly.
Last edited:


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
As pathetic as this little band of Bozos may be it is still an indicator and telling symptom of the Canadian political psyche. Arising in Alberta, Canada's fundamentalist bible-belt and compost heap of right-wing American ex-pats it is also the home town field of the Reform Party of Canada and Stevie Harpers Conservatives.

They are birds of a feather with our latest national edition of these sentiments better financed by BIG OIL and more adept at deception and disguise.

Still can't accept responsibility for your own people? Your own racist people? Have some integrity.

Can we get out conspiracies straight in here? Is it the Jews or is it big oil? Or is it both?

I refuse to have competing insanity in this thread. I'm making an executive decision: it's not the Jews or big oil. It's aliens. Please rant accordingly.

Fear not Cord... they are all Americans up there doing this.


Nominee Member
Jan 7, 2011
mmm...and you just can't stand it that the Reformers re-united with the PCs, and now are doing a competent job of running the country, can you??


And the Natural Governing Party is no more.

Rant, rage, shake your fists at the uncaring sky, it changes nothing. The Conservatives are in power, and are expected to stay there for quite some time.

All your impotent
That would be a coalition of parties, Colpy? But you said that was evil.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
That would be a coalition of parties, Colpy? But you said that was evil.

Ah....I know this might be beyond your capabilities, but you should really try to quote me accurately.....

I said a coalition that included the Bloc would be a disaster for Canada.

I have no problem with a Liberal-NDP coalition.

I encourage a Conservative-Liberal coalition.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
I do, but I won't give it away so easily. I'll tell you what I know if you tell me why in a thread about how pathetic Neo-Nazis are do you feel compelled to hate on Jews? You see a thread mentioning "master race" and think "hmm, this might be worth a read" and then conclude "hmm, this would be a good place to blame Jews for the Nazis." It's very curious.

Well Corduroy you made the connection in your OP. Sentence two I think. So you have the "useful idiot nazis" conducting a hatefest on the permanently victimized Jews and you wonder where I could have gotten the idea. Both the chosen race and the master race claim an exceptional special deal with some god or other. Who can be blamed for confusing them sometimes? I don't hate Jews I hate Nazis and Zionists Israelis Bankers English French Austrailians the Scots dogs February and lima beans. Religions don't bother me at all anymore.


Senate Member
Feb 9, 2011
Vancouver, BC
Well Corduroy you made the connection in your OP. Sentence two I think. So you have the "useful idiot nazis" conducting a hatefest on the permanently victimized Jews and you wonder where I could have gotten the idea.

Pretty much yeah. Though I'm not talking about victimized Jews, because obviously this band of bus riding losers aren't victimizing anybody. It raises another question I suppose, why from an OP not about victimized Jews do you scoff at the idea of victimized Jews?

My second sentence is this: "If the Jews can pull off such an amazing conspiracy and actually run the world in secret wouldn't that make Jews the superior race?"

Maybe you were thinking of another sentence, because I can't see how you'd read that sarcastic sentence in which the premise is an obviously joke and think "ah ha but the Jews created the Canadian Nazi Party."

The letter you linked to uses the Canadian Jewish Congress, CJC, and "the Jews" interchangeably.
Why did the Jews even arrange for Beattie to have an apartment to meet in (page 128)? At some meetings of the Nazis, half the people in the room were there on behalf of the Jews.

I support Ezra Levant's right to free expression against Canada's kangaroo human rights commissions and hate speech laws, but whoopsie that little slip up let the cat out of the bag there didn't it? And you quoted the man as a reputable source so...

Why do you make all these free associative connections and say critical things about Jews in a thread that has nothing to do with anything you're saying?

Last year a group of anti-defamation organizations (I can't remember which ones) got together for a conference in Ottawa and made a few pronouncements about hate and antisemitism. One of the things they decided was that people who constantly criticize Israel and never bother criticizing anything the other side does are antisemitic. That bothered me because it just wasn't logical, but it still seems like a reasonable suggestion, a good way to gauge it if you wanted to make a guess, or the beginning of a Jewish Jeff Foxworthy joke: "if you take every opportunity to criticize Israel and Jewish organizations despite little connection to the topic at hand, you just might be a Jew-hater."

Sorry the delivery was so bad.


Council Member
Mar 29, 2009
Calgary, AB
As pathetic as this little band of Bozos may be it is still an indicator and telling symptom of the Canadian political psyche. Arising in Alberta, Canada's fundamentalist bible-belt and compost heap of right-wing American ex-pats it is also the home town field of the Reform Party of Canada and Stevie Harpers Conservatives.

They are birds of a feather with our latest national edition of these sentiments better financed by BIG OIL and more adept at deception and disguise.

Another clueless idiot wanting to slam Alberta, who has probably never visited the province. Someone who doesn't realize that Quebec and Ontario contain more (per capita and actual numbers) of Christians belonging to "fundamentalist" denominations (go check the last census). And who cares if our immigrants are from the US instead of anywhere else? Last time I checked, the US has one of the longest running (if not THE longest) democratically run gov'ts in the world.

Only a leftist lunatic would refer to Alberta's politics as "right wing": even by Canada's left-skewed perspectives, Alberta is predominantly center-right. By the standards of pretty much most functioning democracies, Alberta would be viewed as centrist. But I guess it is a crime to some to want to be able to earn a living and keep half of it, instead of losing most of it to pay for every socialist dream program to come along...

I'm also curious to see the proof that big oil would have anything at all to gain by supporting such a bunch of clueless idiots. Outside the Tin Hat pavillions, most of us realize that supporting rabid dogs like the neo-Nazis or any other racist group would be BAD FOR BUSINESS because it gains nothing while alienating part of your consumer base.

Don't get me wrong and think thats its all roses out here because we do have our share of idiots in Alberta too: we have elected the occasional Liberal and odd NDPer which pretty much proves that fact... Thankfully, we're not as gullible as so many other parts of the country are...


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
One thing I've never understood about Nazis is how they can believe they're the superior race and at the same time believe the Jews secretly run the world. If the Jews can pull off such an amazing conspiracy and actually run the world in secret wouldn't that make Jews the superior race? Why aren't the Germans secretly running the world? And Hitler blamed the Jews for Germany's loss in the First World War. You'd think that the supposed top race on the totem could avoid being foiled so easily by the lowest one. And then after losing a second world war, you'd think they'd finally realize they aren't so hot, but no, we still have Neo-Nazis.

One of life's little mysteries. Probably easier to figure out how to get toothpaste back in the tube.


Nominee Member
Jan 19, 2011
New Jersey, USA
Master race, master class, master anything, can grab the power again. What are the most effective ways of preventing this?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Ludwik Kowalski, author of a free ON-LINE book entitled “Diary of a Former Communist: Thoughts, Feelings, Reality.”

Former Communist: Thoughts, Feelings, Reality

It is a testimony based on a diary kept between 1946 and 2004 (in the USSR, Poland, France and the USA).

The more people know about proletarian dictatorship the less likely will we experience is. Please share the link with those who might be interested, especially with young people, and with potential reviewers. Thank you.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
As pathetic as this little band of Bozos may be it is still an indicator and telling symptom of the Canadian political psyche. Arising in Alberta, Canada's fundamentalist bible-belt and compost heap of right-wing American ex-pats it is also the home town field of the Reform Party of Canada and Stevie Harpers Conservatives.

They are birds of a feather with our latest national edition of these sentiments better financed by BIG OIL and more adept at deception and disguise.

Hate to break your little socialist heart but Harper is not from Alberta. He grew up back east and moved to Alberta to find a job.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I hate people who use Nazi as a synonym for German people. Had the original poster paid more attention in class; as opposed to texting some kid with a Justin Bieber haircut, she would realize that Hitler had killed thousands of German socialists and communists in the concentration camps.

"Hate" is a pretty strong word- Would you hate a person who called an American a "Democrat"?


Senate Member
Feb 9, 2011
Vancouver, BC
I hate people who use Nazi as a synonym for German people. Had the original poster paid more attention in class; as opposed to texting some kid with a Justin Bieber haircut, she would realize that Hitler had killed thousands of German socialists and communists in the concentration camps.

How does the OP indicate that I didn't know that? It wasn't relevant to anything I said so I didn't mention it. And please point out where I used Nazi as a synonym for German people.

And was the snark at all necessary? It's particularly ridiculous considering how unfounded all your accusations were.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Hey show some respect. My grandfather died in a Nazi concentration camp.

He got drunk and fell from his guard tower.


Senate Member
Feb 9, 2011
Vancouver, BC
What was the point in creating this thread, in the first place?

Because I thought it was hilarious that the Nazis took the bus home.

It comes off as a typical reverse-racist; racism against the majority population,

I'll have to plead ignorance here then. I've been to Calgary many times but I didn't know Nazis were the majority of the population there. I thought the Nazis having 16 members to the counter-protesters 200+ was a good indication of how few Nazis there were in Calgary. I also didn't know Nazi was a race.

post which claims to be "Anti-Racist" but in reality it's not and it comes across as a misguided attempt for trolling. Nothing more ironic to call someone bigoted whilst being clearly bigoted themselves.

I will admit I do have a bias against Nazis. If there are any Nazis here who are offended by me laughing at them, I don't give a ****. I am unabashedly insensitive to the feelings of Nazis. Bold statements, I know, but that's just how I roll.