More Needless Multiculturalism Problems From Immigrants


Electoral Member
May 20, 2010
Which culture has pushed the hardest for multi-culturalism in the Western world?

Generational culture of the Babyboomers,
most were told going back to the 1980s that the system was unsustainable with decreasing fertility and instead of having more kids they decided it would be easier just to import Somalians. It would be poetic justice if, much like the Soviet Union in 1991, if the boomer's savings were all wiped out in inflation and crisis and the lot of them, especially the ones without children to support them, were forced to scrounge for cans of half-eaten Campbell's soup in the local dumpsters.

Johnny Utah

Council Member
Mar 11, 2006
Australia had the same problem until they took a stand with immigrants basically saying if they wanted to become citizens there they were more than welcome but they were not going to be allowed to force their religious and cultural beliefs upon the country..


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Now we are getting somewhere.

Is she guilty by association?

A question you were quite vague about earlier.

My friend isn't although he has been critical of the Jews at times but also very critical of Islamo nut jobs.

His wife wears a head scarf.

Not at all.........I don't have a problem if your parents and yourself understand the inherent superiority of the culture you ran to, ........nor do I have a problem if you call God Allah instead of Yahweh. As long as you are not trying to drag us back into the Dark Ages, hey, welcome!

My problem starts at the "submission" thing, if you believe you must follow all the instructions of the Koran and the Hadith, we'd best get you the hell out of our country now.

I don't have a problem with the head is simply a symbol of your belief, like a cross, a cresent, or a star of biggie.....

But when it comes to the veil, there I draw the line.

If you are wearing a tent, whether you chose to or you were forced into it, you don't belong here.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
My problem starts at the "submission" thing, if you believe you must follow all the instructions of the Koran and the Hadith, we'd best get you the hell out of our country now.
Even the Jesus and Moses parts of the Quran?

What about the Religion of the folks who call Jesus a bastard and Mary a wh*re? Can we punt those ****heads too?


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
Not at all.........I don't have a problem if your parents and yourself understand the inherent superiority of the culture you ran to, ........nor do I have a problem if you call God Allah instead of Yahweh. As long as you are not trying to drag us back into the Dark Ages, hey, welcome!


My problem starts at the "submission" thing, if you believe you must follow all the instructions of the Koran and the Hadith, we'd best get you the hell out of our country now.

That can be said for more than just one religion, the book of leviticus comes to mind.

Douche bags like reverend Phelps has found a nice way to twist the bible into hate. Thing is he lives in an open society that allows it.

Gay marraige is a hot topic in the West opposed by most religions, I don't agree with them on this but I certainly don't want to strip them of the right to say it.

Christains have gotten people fired, books removed from libraries, songs removed from radio, advertisers to boycott shows, science challenged in the classroom etc etc biggie....but if a Muslim were to do any of those know the rest.

I don't have a problem with the head is simply a symbol of your belief, like a cross, a cresent, or a star of biggie.....

Why did you bring it up then if it's no biggie?

But when it comes to the veil, there I draw the line.

I don't, if the woman chooses to wear it.

If you are wearing a tent, whether you chose to or you were forced into it, you don't belong here.

Why? If someone chooses to wear it, let them. What kind of freedom are we promoting here. I don't like baggy pants on kids but I'm not about to kick them out because of it.

Liberty is a good word.
Last edited:


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Recognize her??????



Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
Ah, yes. A dress code for immigrants.

What's the acceptable uniform, blue jeans and striped shirts?
Hats, are immigrants allowed to wear hats?

This thread isn't about immigrants.....never was.

It's about Muslims.

The attack on multuculturalism isn't about's about one culture within it....Muslims.

Whenever it comes up they are the only ones that are brought up.

It's a fluffy way of attacking one group without actually saying it.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Avro;1382027) That can be said for more than just one religion, the book of leviticus comes to mind.
Yep....except that the Christian New Testament outdates and negates the old law........."Let he who has not sinned cast the first stone"

Avro;1382027) Douche bags like reverend Phelps has found a nice way to twist the bible into hate. Thing is he lives in an open society that allows it.
I only wish we could deport Phelps, along with radical Muslims in North America that are US and Canadian citizens.

But we can't.

In fact, I want to deport Phelps to a Muslim country! Heh-heh.......BTW, you realize his church is basically made up of members of his own extended family, and VERY few others......

Avro;1382027) Gay marraige is a hot topic in the West opposed by most religions, I don't agree with them on this but I certainly don't want to stripe them of the right to say it.
I would have preferred completely equivalent civil unions myself, I think semantics counts sometimes....but hey, the debate on this one is over......

Avro;1382027) Christains have gotten people fired, books removed from libraries, songs removed from radio, advertisers to boycott shows, science challenged in the classroom etc etc biggie....but if a Muslim were to do any of those know the rest.
Yep. They have, by forming lobby groups to exert political pressure. I don't like it, but it is a perfectly legitimate tactic. All we need to do is get in the habit of REFUSING to be cowed by those that would restrict freedom........usually, BTW, campaigns by Christians are polite, and completely ineffective.

Now, how many artists and writers are in hiding because of the disapproval of Islam? How many are in fear of their lives?

Van Gogh was murdered, Ayaan Hirsi Ali is on the run, Salman Rushdie has only lately come out of hiding, the woman that proposed "Draw Mohhamed Day" has disappeared into hiding, despite her tearful apology, all the cartoonist involved in the original Danish episode live in fear of their lives as plot after plot is revealed against them years later..........

This despite the fact that the most offensive cartoon broadcasts in the west withdraw episodes at the whim of Islam, that politicians and spokespersons in the west are increasingly under pressure to STFU by their own governments, dragged before Kangaroo courts wherein the truth is no defense, Canada, in Norway, in France, in England (fer crying out loud!) in Austria.........

BIG difference.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
recognize her??????

Fatima Ayisha Khomeini is an internet prank. Looking at an enlarged version of the image, there appear to be some unexpected artifacts, the license has no DOB, and NJ licenses of this type have sort of a swoopy security overlay to the right of the photo. And, why would someone draw a black bar through the state (New Jersey) and city (Princeton), while leaving the person's name, address, and signature visible? Confirming the fraud, there is a supposed Serbian driver's license for the same name, with the same photo and signature, as well as a Facebook page, again the using same photo (right down to the curved lower left corner). Finally, it makes no sense for someone born in Kirkuk, Iraq to be wearing an Afghan-style burqa.

But I wouldn't put it past you to be deceptive to try and make a point.


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
Yep....except that the Christian New Testament outdates and negates the old law........."Let he who has not sinned cast the first stone"

Like I said, some christians still defend the book of leviticus. I had an employee who was black defend it...crazy.

I only wish we could deport Phelps, along with radical Muslims in North America that are US and Canadian citizens.

But we can't.

In fact, I want to deport Phelps to a Muslim country! Heh-heh.......BTW, you realize his church is basically made up of members of his own extended family, and VERY few others......

We can't and it's tolerated, made fun, ignored but still tolerated.....and he's not the only kook.

I would have preferred completely equivalent civil unions myself, I think semantics counts sometimes....but hey, the debate on this one is over......

It's not over in the excited states, Bush wanted to amend the constitution to prevent it. If a couple believe in god and want to get married in a church what's the problem?

I see none other that the fact they are foolish enough to believe in a fairy tale.

Yep. They have, by forming lobby groups to exert political pressure. I don't like it, but it is a perfectly legitimate tactic. All we need to do is get in the habit of REFUSING to be cowed by those that would restrict freedom........usually, BTW, campaigns by Christians are polite, and completely ineffective.

Yep, still with religous those Muslums get the same even hand you just dealt the christians. Personaly I think they all should just STFU....christians, jews, hindus, muslims....if they don't like a book...don't read it...if they don't like a show...don't watch it....if they don't like a persons life style....don't participate.

Now, how many artists and writers are in hiding because of the disapproval of Islam? How many are in fear of their lives?

Probally lots, but they aren't hiding from every Muslim just the crazy ones.

This despite the fact that the most offensive cartoon broadcasts in the west withdraw episodes at the whim of Islam

Difference is they listen to the Muslims....they shouldn't.

, that politicians and spokespersons in the west are increasingly under pressure to STFU by their own governments, dragged before Kangaroo courts wherein the truth is no defense, Canada, in Norway, in France, in England (fer crying out loud!) in Austria.........

They can have their day in court as should anyone.....still dosen't reflect all Muslims.

Do I like their religion.....nope...I don't like any religion. It's a crutch for the weak minded.

I do however believe they have a right to be relgious.


Senate Member
Jan 25, 2011
Santa Cruz, California
This thread isn't about immigrants.....never was.

It's about Muslims.

The attack on multuculturalism isn't about's about one culture within it....Muslims.

Whenever it comes up they are the only ones that are brought up.

It's a fluffy way of attacking one group without actually saying it.

Hola mi amigo.:)

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
Who said anything about ceding to these demands? I won't begrudge the complaint though.

Basically you did... Apparently, anyone that evens hints at the issue is met by derision and insinuations of racism/bigotry by folks like you... What do you think will happen regarding the 'demands' when the knee jerk reaction is to kill any opposition to the issue on any level?

We make it more difficult by funding Catholic schools....end that (I would) and they have little grounds for complaint for unfair use of tax dollars.

Contrary to what you and Machjo believe, the Separate system was funded by a demographic that wanted a Catholic system... Funded is a key word here. That said, don't vilify that system just because they have paid off these facilities and service the demand from the community.

That said, there are a multitude of Charter and Private schools that accommodate a specific demographic and they still receive the per student contribution from the provincial gvt(s)... So, if you 'demand' a school that is custom-fit to comply with Wiccan society; crack-open your wallet like everyone else and put your money where your mouth is.

In my experience, when folks moan about immigration they are referring to people with dots and people with un-christian religions.....this spans all political strips as well. The most visious I have ever encountered was from a card carrying NDPer....go figure.

Fair enough... In my experience, when folks moan about immigration, it relates to the perpetual assumption of more and more costs to support a group that came from a culture that elected not to support those folks.

You can hear it under the breath of Canadians....go home you brown bastards.

You need to find a better class of friends.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Fatima Ayisha Khomeini is an internet prank. Looking at an enlarged version of the image, there appear to be some unexpected artifacts, the license has no DOB, and NJ licenses of this type have sort of a swoopy security overlay to the right of the photo. And, why would someone draw a black bar through the state (New Jersey) and city (Princeton), while leaving the person's name, address, and signature visible? Confirming the fraud, there is a supposed Serbian driver's license for the same name, with the same photo and signature, as well as a Facebook page, again the using same photo (right down to the curved lower left corner). Finally, it makes no sense for someone born in Kirkuk, Iraq to be wearing an Afghan-style burqa.

France banning the burqa - Why? - BMWSportTouring Forums

But I wouldn't put it past you to be deceptive to try and make a point.
You sure put a lot of effort in debunking a joke:lol:

Pollitical correctness will do that to ya;-)


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Ah, yes. A dress code for immigrants.

What's the acceptable uniform, blue jeans and striped shirts?
Hats, are immigrants allowed to wear hats?
GMC mesh hi-top ball caps, flannel macks, AC/DC shirts, 521 Original wal mart jeans and hi-top sneakers with the laces untied.

That way the cops would have no reason to pull them over anymore.