More Needless Multiculturalism Problems From Immigrants


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
I KNEW I recognized that name! one of the good guys......

America Alone, by Mark Steyn. page 86

Dr. Kanwar can stay. :)

I am discriminating in my bigotry.

Nope, brush is still to wide.....even Saddam had a few christians kicking around for show.

Again....what question was asked in the survey and what were the responses based on?

Just askin.

Btw, one of my best friends is Muslim....can he stay?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Nope, brush is still to wide.....even Saddam had a few christians kicking around for show.

Again....what question was asked in the survey and what were the responses based on?

Just askin.

Btw, one of my best friends is Muslim....can he stay?

So is one of my co=workers....she calls her co-religionists "barbarians"....her family fled Algeria during the Islamist uprising there....she still has nightmares, she told me.

No head scarf for her.

Yep, she can stay.


Electoral Member
May 20, 2010
It's not my fault white folk aren't settling down and having big families.

Great Great Grandfather: Bought 180 Acres of fertile farmland for $240, started farming and could support 9 children. Land back then was either owned by the government or by the railroad companiesand it wasn't being flipped every couple of months in a real estate bubble.

Me: I own a condo and it's nowhere large enough for 8 children let alone 1. Most in the city will never own a home and most men will never earn a single income to send even just the one child to university.

I imagine this could be solved overnight if women were removed from full time employment, employers started paying their workers the means of subsistence, if it became illegal to own more than one home (good bye housing bubble), prohibit foreigners (that means the Hong Kong businessmen) from buying up houses, ease zoning restrictions and add all surplus housing to a state controlled real estate board.

Easy solution but good luck getting others to listen. Easiest thing to do is to get an education and participate in the real estate bubble which will never collapse in Vancouver aslong as immigration continues.
My condo's value should double within a decade or two and I should also have a couple of homes by then as well.

Bar Sinister

Executive Branch Member
Jan 17, 2010
Multiculturalism produces division. Division destroys unity. Division produces paralysis in the body politic.

Conformity produces parochialism. Parochialism produces chauvinism. Chauvinism produces hatred, war, and intolerance. Take your pick on what sort of society you want.


Electoral Member
May 20, 2010
I'm sure if the United States was state capitalistic, as oppose to military-corporate industrial complex capitalistic, the United States wouldn't be "declining".

Over 180 billion is spent on the communication functions of the DoD and cutting that wouldn't compromise the fighting ability of the armed forces,
that means more than a trillion has been spent on pencil pushers and ironically no one can cough up a cent for dream projects like the HIgh Speed Rail Network.

Some of the same statements on this thread are found on the David Duke website.

YouTube - Immigration and the Moral Right to Save Europe and the West!

I'm sure you read his site all the time

Conformity produces parochialism. Parochialism produces chauvinism. Chauvinism produces hatred, war, and intolerance. Take your pick on what sort of society you want.

Someone's been watching too much Star Wars


Senate Member
Jan 25, 2011
Santa Cruz, California
Conformity produces parochialism. Parochialism produces chauvinism. Chauvinism produces hatred, war, and intolerance. Take your pick on what sort of society you want.

I pick a society that doesn't have a big government.

I'm sure if the United States was state capitalistic, as oppose to military-corporate industrial complex capitalistic, the United States wouldn't be "declining".

Tell that to Obama. He's actually increased the military share of the budget in the proposed budget released on Monday. Tell it to the Man himself.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Quote: Originally Posted by petros
Some of the same statements on this thread are found on the David Duke website.

I'm sure you read his site all the time
Of course. Were else would I learn about those who are afraid of losing their white heritage.

Have you ever wondered how people in Germany, Russia, China, Chile, Rawanda, Sudan all went along for the ethnic cleansing ride in a heartbeat?

Xenophobia and emotional mass hypnosis that someone was out to get them and take away their cultures.

Bar Sinister

Executive Branch Member
Jan 17, 2010
It's the usual right wing over-reaction. Ignore the tens of thousands of immigrants who accept Canadian education and customs for what they are and focus of the tiny minority that don't fit in. We've been going through this ever since the first wave of Irish immigrants in the first part of the 19thy century; then it was the Germans; and then the Ukrainians; and so on and so on. Right wing chauvinists never seem to notice that given one or two generations most immigrants integrate almost seamlessly.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
I'd rather spend $20 in aid to help reform someone's home nation that accept their immigrants. Give them a reason to stay home.


Electoral Member
May 20, 2010
We've been going through this ever since the first wave of Irish immigrants in the first part of the 19thy century; then it was the Germans; and then the Ukrainians; and so on and so on. Right wing chauvinists never seem to notice that given one or two generations most immigrants integrate almost seamlessly.

What about the left wing chauvinists who are so keen on assimilation and white man's burden?!?

Your examples consist of Europeans and are quite narrow and biased, I might add. Because we have something called "Black Americans" in the United States who are still identified with a hyphen on physical appearance and a hyphenation is still a hyphenation.

Much like the Chinese have been in Canada longer than certain European ethnic groups but to this day they still remain the "other"

Leave North America and ask locals to draw a picture of an American and Canadian and almost all will draw a white person (or a fat white person with a baseball cap for the United States).

The only change from the status quo is when mixed people become so common in the Canada and the United States that 'White' people, much like in Southern Brazil, become a hyphenation themselves but such a societal preception of what defines American and Canadian won't change within our lifetime


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
At the same time the Germans Ukes and Irish showed up so did ****loads of Lebanese, Turks, Arabs who all came to homestead. They assimilated so ****ing well you never even knew they were already here and married white chicks.

Are you people blind or just racists?


Electoral Member
May 20, 2010
At the same time the Germans Ukes and Irish showed up so did ****loads of Lebanese, Turks, Arabs who all came to homestead. They assimilated so ****ing well you never even knew they were already here and married white chicks.

Are you people blind or just racists?

Ah, sometimes I like replying to Petros but this one comment of his is a bit strange. Maybe he was referring to the historical populations which came in the 1950s/1960s and never drew controversy from the general public.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
No I'm talking homesteading. Building a nation type thing about 50 to 60 years before.

At the end of the nineteenth century, Lebanese emigration moved to North America, and the first arrivals to Canada were settled in the Port Cities of Saint John, New Brunswick and Halifax, Nova Scotia. From there they expanded to the other regions of Canada, where they have continued to enrich the cultural fabric of their adopted country.
The 1880 Lebanese Maronite settlers were called Turks, Syrians, Assyrians and arabs. They did not have a chance to deny these false attributions, or to claim their Lebanese origin, until some members of the small Maronite community volunteered in the Royal Canadian Legion.


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
So is one of my co=workers....she calls her co-religionists "barbarians"....her family fled Algeria during the Islamist uprising there....she still has nightmares, she told me.

No head scarf for her.

Yep, she can stay.

Now we are getting somewhere.

Is she guilty by association?

A question you were quite vague about earlier.

My friend isn't although he has been critical of the Jews at times but also very critical of Islamo nut jobs.

His wife wears a head scarf.


Electoral Member
May 20, 2010
A head scarf doesn't mean a thing,
it was still common fashion for women until the 1950s which gave us hair spray and ridicilous hair fashion and head scarves could become fashionable in the future. At least that's my prediction, as "sexified" our society is and even though pornography is readily available, we're a far cry from the 1970's era of free love and have been becoming more modest with each passing generation.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
The curriculum will just become more fragmented as these issues continue to prop up. Private schools might be the right way to go, but there are very few around, and that also tends to segregate people, which is kind of counter-intuitive to 'multiculturalism'. As far as I remember, music and phys-ed were mandatory only for the first 2-3 years and then they become optional toward the end of secondary school.

In elementary schools - who really cares? Grading isn't as stringent and music and phys-ed are synonymous with singing, humming a tune, maybe playing a bit of recorder and having recess. And even then, the kids are barely conscious in the classroom so it's really nothing to get your panties in a bunch about is it?

I think muslims should just let this go at the elementary level as it doesn't really pose a threat to their religious values. Secondary school is where the curriculum becomes multi-faceted, and that's where they can have the option to take music or phys-ed or drop it if they want to.

Also, our national anthem, is a terrible terrible song that shouldn't be forced upon anyone at any age.
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