I wish to share with you the current situation I'm having with my coworkers at my job. It all started by having the odd discussion with persons who were willing to debate, listen, show respect, and be serious. Now however, this has developed into CONSTANT harassment by a group of people, ten or so, mostly young aged 18 to 30. Instead of actually coming up with arguments for their false philosophies they would rather boast themselves with what they think is intelligence. They do this by asking ridiculous questions, making extraordinary claims that are purely based on assumption, whatever "fits" and makes them comfortable. Or sometimes they just act offensive as if it would change anyone's mind about God. Here is a list of quotes that I have recorded:
"If God existed he would totally be in favor of abortion." Believe it or not this comment was shouted across a warehouse right in front of two elderly customers! This is the level of immaturity and lack of restraint I have to endure. I just covered my face and got the heck out of there!
"Fukk your God!"
"Who would win in a battle to the death, God the Father or God's son Jesus?" This is suppose to stump me?
"People believed in God in biblical times because they more dumb and gulliable."
"If your a sinner why should God allow you into heaven?"
"Jesus was a pedophile."
"Jesus isn't real, he's a fairytale."
"There's no way God was a filthy Jew!"
"Is it a sin to be black?"
"Does God really hate fags?"
"Hail Satan!"
"Satan is 'cooler' than God."
"God hates me because my name is Dameon." Believing his name is derived from the word "Demon".
"I'm God!"
"How do you know I'm not Jesus?"
"Hell will be a great place, not a bad one, and I' m going to live my life the way I want to before I go."
"How can you believe in such a load of sh it?"
"Are you brainwashed?"
This is just a taste of the UNCHANGING comments and questions I hear from coworkers as we walk past each other to and fro. I wish to give them the benefit of the doubt and label them as agnostic but they PRIDEFULLY call themselves atheists, even when they don't understand the basics of well, anything! They don't understand their own atheism, they don't understand Christianity, and they don't enter the arena with a single ounce of humility. They think they have the all the answers all by themselves. If your Godless, you need to know that this is the generation that coming up behind us and they wish to represent your side. They think mocking is debating!
You can see it written on their faces, they're lost, deceived, prideful, hateful, rude and even racist. When I was young and new to Christ I used to wonder how can God send people to hell forever, and then I hear comments like "I would rather suffer in hell eternally than be with God in heaven" and it then becomes evidently clear. Regardless of whether they want hell or not, they certainly will it.
"If God existed he would totally be in favor of abortion." Believe it or not this comment was shouted across a warehouse right in front of two elderly customers! This is the level of immaturity and lack of restraint I have to endure. I just covered my face and got the heck out of there!
"Fukk your God!"
"Who would win in a battle to the death, God the Father or God's son Jesus?" This is suppose to stump me?
"People believed in God in biblical times because they more dumb and gulliable."
"If your a sinner why should God allow you into heaven?"
"Jesus was a pedophile."
"Jesus isn't real, he's a fairytale."
"There's no way God was a filthy Jew!"
"Is it a sin to be black?"
"Does God really hate fags?"
"Hail Satan!"
"Satan is 'cooler' than God."
"God hates me because my name is Dameon." Believing his name is derived from the word "Demon".
"I'm God!"
"How do you know I'm not Jesus?"
"Hell will be a great place, not a bad one, and I' m going to live my life the way I want to before I go."
"How can you believe in such a load of sh it?"
"Are you brainwashed?"
This is just a taste of the UNCHANGING comments and questions I hear from coworkers as we walk past each other to and fro. I wish to give them the benefit of the doubt and label them as agnostic but they PRIDEFULLY call themselves atheists, even when they don't understand the basics of well, anything! They don't understand their own atheism, they don't understand Christianity, and they don't enter the arena with a single ounce of humility. They think they have the all the answers all by themselves. If your Godless, you need to know that this is the generation that coming up behind us and they wish to represent your side. They think mocking is debating!
You can see it written on their faces, they're lost, deceived, prideful, hateful, rude and even racist. When I was young and new to Christ I used to wonder how can God send people to hell forever, and then I hear comments like "I would rather suffer in hell eternally than be with God in heaven" and it then becomes evidently clear. Regardless of whether they want hell or not, they certainly will it.
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