Side-Track Posts re: Moslems, Stonings, Intolerance, ect...


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
Tell me nice things about it, don't talk about how one tribe believes and worships wrong.

If you believe in Allah, then I believe you believe in Allah. I honour that.

If I don't believe in Allah, but I believe that the Deer and the brook speaks to me, and the Mother guides my paths, believe I believe in her, and honour that.

I have no love for Islam, nor Christianity, nor Judaism, when it comes at the end of a sword, or an even sharper word.

Selin should read my topic on the medicine wheel.


Electoral Member
Feb 8, 2010

i read and love it -thanks :D

Tell me nice things about it, don't talk about how one tribe believes and worships wrong.

If you believe in Allah, then I believe you believe in Allah. I honour that.

If I don't believe in Allah, but I believe that the Deer and the brook speaks to me, and the Mother guides my paths, believe I believe in her, and honour that.

I have no love for Islam, nor Christianity, nor Judaism, when it comes at the end of a sword, or an even sharper word.

I don't like tribes and their doings-it cannot affect my view of Islam, believe me.

If you honour my belief, i should honour your belief-if you don't honour my belief, i should honour your belief again.

but, do i have permission to give my hand to you just for looking into something different and weird to you?

if you are open to everything, i can share my thoughts demanding nothing but your tolerance...


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
I don't like tribes and their doings-it cannot affect my view of Islam, believe me.
I actually do believe you.

If you honour my belief, i should honour your belief-if you don't honour my belief, i should honour your belief again.
I'm not as gentle and forgiving as you selin.
but, do i have permission to give my hand to you just for looking into something different and weird to you?
Muslims aren't different and weird to me selin. I actually hold no ill will to the individual, until I see the individual, hold and honour the misgivings of the collective. Which is when you and I bump heads.

I would never slap a hand away in bigotry. I will however condemn a thought that is vile and against my code.

if you are open to everything, i can share my thoughts demanding nothing but your tolerance...
selin, you have my ear, and my open mind.

Fill them both with your words.


Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
What's your objection, atheists?

What's your objection, atheists? Is it to the law God prescribed in His revealed Torah and the Quran, or to the practice of people, or that your laws and way of living is better and you want to substitute your atheistic ways in stead of God's law?

Isn't it then that Satan is leading you while you are unaware?

Are you more merciful than God Most Gracious and Most Merciful?

Such way of punishment is not like what is practiced now; I tell you how this is:

>> If a man/a woman that is not married commits the adultery, and it is proved --> then he/she will be lashed 100 lashes, and no pity concerning the law of God should be given to her or him by believers, and a group of believers should attend the punishment (to be a lesson to them maybe)

>> If a married man or woman commits adultery with another woman or man other than the husband or wife:
>> There should be 4 witnesses: 4 just witnesses.
>> If one claims or accuses a woman or man of adultery and he does not produce the 4 just witnesses to give their witness, then such man will be lashed 80 lashes, and considered a liar whose testimony will not be accepted afterwards in any case.
>> When the 4 just witnesses give their testimony, then it is proved.
In such case the punishment will be hitting his/her head with one rock or stone.
>> If the woman or man comes of himself or herself and says he/she committed the adultery, then that's it.

>> If a man accuses his wife of adultery, and he has no witness other than himself, then he has to swear 4 times by God that he is truthful, and the fifth oath will be to say: God's curse be on him if he is a liar.
>> this will be justified, unless the wife swears 4 times by God that he is a liar, and the fifth oath will be that God's wrath be on her if he is truthful.
>> In this case the woman will be held in a woman jail for one week without food or drink until either they die or after elapsing of this period they are still alive, they will be released.

>> All this is confirmed by the ayat of the Glorious Quran.

>> Those who claim they are humanitarian and they are kind and feels sorry for humanity as do they allege, they should know that such punishment in its correct way has not practiced but only in very few cases; because people will refrain from adultery when they know about such severe way of dealing with the adulterer and adulteress.

While in fact God told us in the Quran that the corruptors want to mislead Muslims and to corrupt their community.

This is in the Quran 4: 26-28
يُرِيدُ اللّهُ لِيُبَيِّنَ لَكُمْ وَيَهْدِيَكُمْ سُنَنَ الَّذِينَ مِن قَبْلِكُمْ وَيَتُوبَ عَلَيْكُمْ وَاللّهُ عَلِيمٌ حَكِيمٌ
وَاللّهُ يُرِيدُ أَن يَتُوبَ عَلَيْكُمْ وَيُرِيدُ الَّذِينَ يَتَّبِعُونَ الشَّهَوَاتِ أَن تَمِيلُواْ مَيْلاً عَظِيمًا
يُرِيدُ اللّهُ أَن يُخَفِّفَ عَنكُمْ وَخُلِقَ الإِنسَانُ ضَعِيفًا

The explanation:
(God likes to explain to you, and to acquaint you about the rites of those [Children of Israel ] before you [which He revealed to their prophets], and to turn towards you; God is All-Knowing, Most Wise.

God wills to turn towards you, but those following their lusts try to let you deviate with so much deviation.

God wills to alleviate [the statement] for you; for surely man has been created weak.)

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Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
If you believe in the bible, then how do you interpret, "Judge not lest ye be judged"? It is god's/allah's job to pass judgement, not man's. You judge all those who do not accept your version of god or your belief in the Quran as being atheists and adulators but that is not your job. You judgments just make you look like a fanatic fundamentalist. I think Selin's version of the Muslim faith is far more palatable than yours because she is tolerant and forgiving, whereas you would condemn all to an eternity of torment because they don't agree with you. It is you, eanassir, who is condemning yourself with your intollerance.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
What's your objection, atheists?

What's your objection, atheists?
Why must I be an atheist to you?

Is it to the law God prescribed in His revealed Torah and the Quran, or to the practice of people, or that your laws and way of living is better and you want to substitute your atheistic ways in stead of God's law?
You see that highlighted part? Kind of defeats your point, doesn't it?

Isn't it then that Satan is leading you while you are unaware?
One of Satan's tenets is "Please just live and let live"?
Are you more merciful than God Most Gracious and Most Merciful?
Apparently I'm more merciful than your God.
Such way of punishment is not like what is practiced now; I tell you how this is:

>> If a man/a woman that is not married commits the adultery, and it is proved --> then he/she will be lashed 100 lashes, and no pity concerning the law of God should be given to her or him by believers, and a group of believers should attend the punishment (to be a lesson to them maybe)

>> If a married man or woman commits adultery with another woman or man other than the husband or wife:
>> There should be 4 witnesses: 4 just witnesses.
>> If one claims or accuses a woman or man of adultery and he does not produce the 4 just witnesses to give their witness, then such man will be lashed 80 lashes, and considered a liar whose testimony will not be accepted afterwards in any case.
>> When the 4 just witnesses give their testimony, then it is proved.
In such case the punishment will be hitting his/her head with one rock or stone.
>> If the woman or man comes of himself or herself and says he/she committed the adultery, then that's it.

>> If a man accuses his wife of adultery, and he has no witness other than himself, then he has to swear 4 times by God that he is truthful, and the fifth oath will be to say: God's curse be on him if he is a liar.
>> this will be justified, unless the wife swears 4 times by God that he is a liar, and the fifth oath will be that God's wrath be on her if he is truthful.
>> In this case the woman will be held in a woman jail for one week without food or drink until either they die or after elapsing of this period they are still alive, they will be released.
Your not winning this heart and mind sunshine.

>> All this is confirmed by the ayat of the Glorious Quran.
And manipulated by man.
>> Those who claim they are humanitarian and they are kind and feels sorry for humanity as do they allege, they should know that such punishment in its correct way has not practiced but only in very few cases; because people will refrain from adultery when they know about such severe way of dealing with the adulterer and adulteress.
Very few instances eh?

Are you really this out of the loop? Or are you merely being willfully blind to the facts, that this is still practiced, that many cases have happened in out country and that we find abhorrent and ignorant?

If you want me to embrace and honour you or your God, than I suggest that you stop being blind, start condemning acts, instead of defending them as you have done here.
While in fact God told us in the Quran that the corruptors want to mislead Muslims and to corrupt their community.

This is in the Quran 4: 26-28
يُرِيدُ اللّهُ لِيُبَيِّنَ لَكُمْ وَيَهْدِيَكُمْ سُنَنَ الَّذِينَ مِن قَبْلِكُمْ وَيَتُوبَ عَلَيْكُمْ وَاللّهُ عَلِيمٌ حَكِيمٌ
وَاللّهُ يُرِيدُ أَن يَتُوبَ عَلَيْكُمْ وَيُرِيدُ الَّذِينَ يَتَّبِعُونَ الشَّهَوَاتِ أَن تَمِيلُواْ مَيْلاً عَظِيمًا
يُرِيدُ اللّهُ أَن يُخَفِّفَ عَنكُمْ وَخُلِقَ الإِنسَانُ ضَعِيفًا

The explanation:
(God likes to explain to you, and to acquaint you about the rites of those [Children of Israel ] before you [which He revealed to their prophets], and to turn towards you; God is All-Knowing, Most Wise.

God wills to turn towards you, but those following their lusts try to let you deviate with so much deviation.

God wills to alleviate [the statement] for you; for surely man has been created weak.)

If by corrupt, you mean bring you into the 21st century, ya, we want to corrupt you.


Electoral Member
Feb 8, 2010
i am starting for CDNBear , Eanassir and those who wanna listen to me , please just read in patience and tolerance till the end...

First of all, i have to explain the literal meaning of Sheriah in Quran: Sheria is collective of laws and commands of Allah-not any humanbeings , laws (Sheriah) stemed from only Quran .
Those laws are “Fasting for one month( i know Avro,you like to catch the last moment of fasting which ends up with lamb :D ), performing the namaz--five times in a day(rembering God for being away badness), give alms (Zakat) to the poors, forgiving and helping others, respecting family and elders, loving all people, believing only in Allah, keeping away from theft, adultery, deception, lie, envy, gossip, mocking,and being a slave of nobody …”

Are laws(Sheriah) of Quran any bad?-no, of course.

Let’s look into some laws in Sheriah executed(which does have not to do with laws of Quran) only in Saudi Arabia and Iran;

*Painting. Sculpture, Opera, Balet and so on are sin( i don’t remember anything, can some Muslim give me an example in Quran?-by the way ,Allah is the greatest artist-created perfect universe and humanbeings)

*Dressing up like Arabians is good and gown, turban etc. are the sign of devotion ( Is such a universal and great religion interested in Fashion?-no, of course

*That women being able to go to Heaven depends on gaining the assent of husbands ( the one to be my husband will be my slave, lol, then i will command him to send me to Heaven :D)

* the language of Heaven is Arabian (Eanassir, when we could somehow meet in Heaven, i would speak in Turkish to you-have a dictionary :D)

* Mohammed(peace upon him) is Arabian,so it is an obligation to love Arabians,the language and culture of them(doesn’t it sound like a bit jewishy ?)... those rules live on Sheriah which you support against me...

Eanassir, you cannot find any Ayat from Quran but you may put forward HADİTHS for those rubbish-you know a lot of hadiths imputed to Him are not true-or you should accept this one hadith of him if you claim that they are all true ” I am not Arabian but Arabians are all of me(that is,they are just following him-no bound between him and Arabians )”-it is said that Mohammed may be a Turk because he liked Turks very much– it should be just a hearsay , don’t be panic...

We shouldn’t rely upon any sources more than Quran, which isn’t ever changed by no means, (i will explain it in good time)- ‘cause ,Quran is uniqe in terms of its universality , and standing as only one and same in every place ,time, culture. But Hadiths are collected , added, and multplied after death of Prophet Mohammed,of course,We Muslims also should follow sayings of him but how can we be so sure whether some Hadiths belongs to him or not?

My criteria to believe in a Hadith which i may come across is His pernonality and features - He is a holy person, being known with his tolerance , kindness, great and forgiving soul for his followers-So, he cannot support any brutality…

Then, how would it be possible to believe that stonning at a woman because of adultery to death can be approved by an hadith of Prophet Mohammed with those features???
If you make that pitilessness go with him, don’t you seem to mean abusing him???

“İSRÂ – 32. Nor come nigh to adultery: for it is a shameful (deed) and an evil, opening the road (to other evils)”.
There are some Ayats like this -adultery is sin but have you seen any punishment for women in those Ayats as your Shariah commands???
Supporters of Sheriah in Iran and Arabia exploit the Islam and power of Mohammed putting forward the rules considered as a interpretation of Quran and Hadidts…

“Al’ Maidah 5/44.
It was We who revealed the law (to Moses): therein was guidance and light. By its standard have been judged the Jews, by the prophets who bowed (as in Islam) to Allah's will, by the rabbis and the doctors of law: for to them was entrusted the protection of Allah's book, and they were witnesses thereto: therefore fear not men, but fear me, and sell not my signs for a miserable price. If any do fail to judge by (the light of) what Allah hath revealed, they are (no better than) Unbelievers.”(that Ayat for those supporters!)…

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Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
Some of these points are true and others are not; and I should come to them point by point to explain the truth according to the Quran.


Electoral Member
Feb 8, 2010
Some of these points are true and others are not; and I should come to them point by point to explain the truth according to the Quran.

i really wonder which points are true and others not?
in fact,it should have been very easy to explain if you really thought that i am wrong -because i know that you have immediate respond with ayats to every comment -i see some hesitations here- and it is a good beginning for changing your only some wrong views of Islam .
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Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Thank you selin, give me some time to mentally digest that, and I reply with the required respect.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Christians fry each other in electric chairs. Sunny side up or scrambled by stones but I'm sorry Humpty, your done.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Christians fry each other in electric chairs. Sunny side up or scrambled by stones but I'm sorry Humpty, your done.
I think it's the reasons, that I truly take issue with petros.

I'm not a big big fan of the death penalty anymore. Given all the wrongfully sentenced people we've had coming out of the wood in recent years.

So I won't try and justify it in any way, and simply say... No one gets electrified, because they were raped or because they didn't believe Mo's judgment on who owns what.


Time Out
Jul 26, 2007

It is not unlawful, unless to draw some pictures that will be worshipped or glorified like the picture of some imams: Ali and his sons or the companions of the prophet, or imaginary pictures of some prophets like Jesus and Mohammed, which will be hanged on walls in houses and cars to be as protection for man, other than God alone as the Protector and Patron.
The patron saint

Moreover, drawing of some chiefs: political or others will serve the same purpose.
So in my personal opinion I think it is not good at least, while drawing some scenes of nature may not be unlawful.


this unlawful; because engraving idols and statues will lead by time to worshipping such statues.


this is lawful, but increasing the indulgence in music and singing may lead to diverting man from remembering God and may also change man's personality.


of course this is unlawful in God's religion; and may be lawful only according to Satan's religion :D how can Balet be lawful, unless the woman dance for her husband to delight him, and she then may deserve Paradise if she is devoted to God alone :D

*Dressing up like Arabians is good
It is not good to dress like the Arab or Turk or Indians; but the good is to cover the body of the woman from the strangers, and no to show her body but only to her husband, father, father of her husband …etc as described in the Quran.

*That women being able to go to Heaven depends on gaining the assent of husbands
The righteous woman is obedient to her husband, and both the husband and wife respect each other.
If a man is righteous and devoted to God alone and work righteous work for God's sake, and his woman is also righteous like him à then both of them will be admitted to Paradise according to God's grace.
If a man is idolater and his wife is like him à they both will be admitted to Hell.
If one of the husband or wife is righteous and the other is idolater à the righteous will be admitted to Paradise and the idolater and wrong-doer will be admitted to Hell.

* the language of Heaven is Arabian
This is wrong; the Arabic language is one of the languages of people of Paradise, and other people will have their own languages, but I think there may be some learning there more highly than the knowledge and science of this World.

* Mohammed(peace upon him) is Arabian,so it is an obligation to love Arabians,the language and culture of them(doesn’t it sound like a bit jewishy ?)... those rules live on Sheriah which you support against me...

Yes, Mohammed is Arabian, and the Arab is the heart of the Islamic world, and Muslims should love each other.
But a believer who is not an Arab is far better than a disbeliever, atheist or idolater who is an Arab.

Eanassir, you cannot find any Ayat from Quran but you may put forward HADİTHS for those rubbish-you know a lot of hadiths imputed to Him are not true-or you should accept this one hadith of him if you claim that they are all true ” I am not Arabian but Arabians are all of me(that is,they are just following him-no bound between him and Arabians )”-it is said that Mohammed may be a Turk because he liked Turks very much– it should be just a hearsay , don’t be panic...

I think such hadiths or traditions are fabricated.
The othentic one is that the Prophet – salam be to him – said: "No favor (and no preferring) of an Arab over the non-Arab, and no favor( and no preferring) of the non-Arab over the Arab but only according to piety and God fearing."

We shouldn’t rely upon any sources more than Quran, which isn’t ever changed by no means, (i will explain it in good time)- ‘cause ,Quran is uniqe in terms of its universality , and standing as only one and same in every place ,time, culture.
But Hadiths are collected , added, and multplied after death of Prophet Mohammed,of course,We Muslims also should follow sayings of him but how can we be so sure whether some Hadiths belongs to him or not?

The hadith that contradicts the Quran is fabricated, and the hadith that is confirmed by and agree with the Quran is a true one.

My criteria to believe in a Hadith which i may come across is His pernonality and features - He is a holy person, being known with his tolerance , kindness, great and forgiving soul for his followers-So, he cannot support any brutality…


Then, how would it be possible to believe that stonning at a woman because of adultery to death can be approved by an hadith of Prophet Mohammed with those features???

Mohammed submitted himself to God's command whatever such command was as had Prophet Abraham before submitted himself and wanted to slay his only son but then God permitted him to stop, so he stopped doing that, and then He ordered him to leave his son together with his wife the mother of his son in the desert alone, and he obeyed and left them alone. So take the lesson, and know that when God commands all must obey and submit themselves to His command.

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Electoral Member
Feb 8, 2010
It is not unlawful, unless to draw some pictures that will be worshipped or glorified like the picture of some imams: Ali and his sons or the companions of the prophet, or imaginary pictures of some prophets like Jesus and Mohammed, which will be hanged on walls in houses and cars to be as protection for man, other than God alone as the Protector and Patron.
Moreover, drawing of some chiefs: political or others will serve the same purpose.
So in my personal opinion I think it is not good at least, while drawing some scenes of nature may not be unlawful.

this unlawful; because engraving idols and statues will lead by time to worshipping such statues.
some Muslims who would worship by time to any paintings or Sculptures are idiots -Islam needs real and wise believers -not quitter and idiot believers- worshiping to anything rather than God is sin –and God should have some things for them but why should i who likes opera , dancing , painting etc. be deprived of those things because of idiots???

this is lawful, but increasing the indulgence in music and singing may lead to diverting man from remembering God and may also change man's personality.

why should i be forgetting him for just i listening to music?-then, Muslims shouldn’t have sex because i don’t think you should think God when you are in any sex position.

It is not good to dress like the Arab or Turk or Indians; but the good is to cover the body of the woman from the strangers, and no to show her body but only to her husband, father, father of her husband …etc as described in the Quran.

But my boyfriend likes me in modern clothes(that doesn't mean i have no clothes on me :D),not in turban and glown-Should i object to him? But if i objected , i would end up in Hell according to Sheriah , lol :D

Masculine laws=Sheriah, having nothing to do with laws in Quran…

“Mohammed submitted himself to God's command whatever such command was as had Prophet Abraham before submitted himself and wanted to slay his only son but then God permitted him to stop, so he stopped doing that, and then He ordered him to leave his son together with his wife the mother of his son in the desert alone, and he obeyed and left them alone. So take the lesson, and know that when God commands all must obey and submit themselves to His command.”

By this example, do you try to prove rightness of Stonning and any other brutalities that should have been approved by Mohammed - just because of Allah’s command? You mean that Allah himself commands some brutalities and Prophets do???

First of all, God tested ,punished and forgave Abraham himself directly for his –Abraham’s actions –not commanded him do brutality.

Eanassir , you also cannot approve of Sheriah totally but you try to find wisedom in it, don’t you?

Wisedom is in Quran not that rubbish :D
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Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
If you believe in the bible, then how do you interpret, "Judge not lest ye be judged"? It is god's/allah's job to pass judgement, not man's. You judge all those who do not accept your version of god or your belief in the Quran as being atheists and adulators but that is not your job. You judgments just make you look like a fanatic fundamentalist. I think Selin's version of the Muslim faith is far more palatable than yours because she is tolerant and forgiving, whereas you would condemn all to an eternity of torment because they don't agree with you. It is you, eanassir, who is condemning yourself with your intollerance.
Pretty much. You quoted wrongly, though, Ciffy: it is "judge not lest ye not be judged".